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Network Name Topic Users
EFnet #infowars \\ 36
DALnet #vancouver »»--(¯`Welcome to ´¯)--> # Vancouver<--(¯`- Trivia in channel #quiz - Channel speaker bot running online we will also announce time when channel games will be running sorry for inconvenience ´¯)--1« 36
DALnet #sverige Välkommen, välkommen hit. Vem du än är, var du än är 36
Libera.Chat #godmode9 Discussion about everything related to GodMode9. Usage questions are okay, but you should at least have read or searched the Readme for your answer before asking here. | This channel is bridged to Discord and Matrix. | Linux 3DS --> #3ds-linux | off-topic --> #GodMode9-offtopic 36
DALnet #e-sir https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/p6cTPNLD/v09044g40000csug43vog65hq5jr1c70.mov .. FUCK YOU e-SiR 36
DALnet #jamaah Welcome to #Jamaah irc.dal.net - DuckHunt ON | Commands: .uno .start .libra <rat,snake etc> ?imdb <movie name> ?yt <name> ?google <youtube> ?w <city/coutry> ?geo <city/show location longitude> ?tv ?tr en ar <words> ?soccer <list league> 36
EFnet #ircpimps ircpimps. 36
IRC4Fun #trivia this is where trivia is 36
DALnet #music-addicted 🤩Welcome to #music-addicted 🤩on DALnet | 🦆 !bang the ducks 🦆 | This channel is relayed to all my channels | Play !uno or !scrabble or !kaos or !tivia | Enjoy your stay 😎 36
DALnet #civil_debate https://nypost.com/2025/02/15/us-news/trans-migrant-arrested-for-raping-boy-in-nyc-park-bathroom/ so much for those lawbideing illegal aliens! 36
Libera.Chat #crawl-dev Crawl Development | https://github.com/crawl/crawl | Logs: http://s-z.org/crawl-dev/, temporarily http://crawl.akrasiac.org/logs/cheibriados/ | People with +v have commit access, devs on bridged discord as well | General Crawl-related chat to #crawl | Long stuff to a pastebin service, please 35
IRCnet #oldchatters 35
Libera.Chat ##woodworking http://meta.stackexchange.com/help/be-nice (safe for work) | Bench http://bit.ly/1wThukf | http://lumberjocks.com | http://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=woodworking | also ##metalworking 35
Libera.Chat #botters Botters (http://botters.org) - Friendly, abuse free, IRC bot development and discussion channel | NO BOTNETS OR ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES ARE PERMITTED HERE. | Have a bot? Put it on our wiki: http://botters.org/bots/start | Everyone: If you have a bot in channel, please add it the botlist. | For excessive/floody testing please use #botters-test 35
Libera.Chat #poke http://www.jemarch.net/poke | Pokology - http://www.pokology.org | GNU poke 4.2 released - http://www.jemarch.net/poke-4.2-relnotes.html | poke-elf 1.0 released - https://www.jemarch.net/poke-elf-1.0-relnotes.html 35
Undernet #debian Welcome to #Debian ! Please visit - https://www.debian.org 35
Undernet #lamer 35
Libera.Chat #lysator Datorföreningen Lysator | https://www.lysator.liu.se | https://datorhandbok.lysator.liu.se 35
Libera.Chat #mailman https://www.list.org and https://wiki.list.org || GSoC: https://wiki.list.org/x/17892040 || Feel free to ask questions, just remember to say which MM version you're using. If we're not in when you ask, be patient and stay a while. :) || Stable versions are 2.1.34 and https://wiki.list.org/Mailman3 35
Undernet #kiev Bud laska motherfukers :) ( Ro/Ua/Uk/It/69 language only allowed ! ) 35
OFTC #debian-edu https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Status/Bookworm and …/Bullseye and …/Buster and …/Stretch | please help with http://i18n.debian.org/l10n-pkg-status/d/debian-edu-doc.html 35
Undernet #london (L0ckR) Happy Birthday Englishrose and cuddz 35
IRCnet #top-host 35
DALnet #lovechatpk ,%%`,%%`,%%`,% Welcome To #LovechatPk = Feel Free Stay With Us and Enjoy Chat %,`%%,`%%,`%%,' 35
Undernet #haxor KEEP CALM i'm a PENETRATION TESTING ( Build and ship software on a single, collaborative platform - https://www.gitHUB.com/ ) 35
Libera.Chat #gentoo-mozilla Gentoo Mozilla Project - https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Mozilla - 115 won't be bumped in Gentoo anymore, as it's prolonged due to Windows 7 35
Libera.Chat #freenet https://www.hyphanet.org/freenet-renamed-to-hyphanet.html – Hyphanet support channel. For information see https://www.hyphanet.org/ — no discussion of content within hyphanet aside from technical support of tools and such 35
Libera.Chat #gentoo-fr "Salon Officiel Gentoo Linux francophone" 35
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-checkuser Welcome to the Wikimedia CheckUser channel. Wikimedia CheckUsers can use this channel to discuss cases and co-ordinate crosswiki matters | Channel is secure - private data allowed | https://checkuser.wikimedia.org | CheckUser bugs: https://w.wiki/QfL 35
Libera.Chat #minix Welcome to the MINIX 3 community channel | For MINIX 3 development talk, please join #minix-dev | This is the MINIX3 community/offtopic channel | Stable: 3.3.0 | https://www.minix3.org | https://groups.google.com/group/minix3 | https://wiki.minix3.org 35
Undernet #filelist La multi ani, Filelist! 17 ani ( https://filelist.io/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=126174 ) 35
Libera.Chat #linux.conf.au EverythingOpen Gladstone April 16-18 2024 | join #everythingopen for more | 2024.everythingopen.au 35
EFnet #pi 35
EFnet #diagolon \\ 35
Libera.Chat #c-lightning Code: https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning Mailing List: https://lists.ozlabs.org/listinfo/c-lightning Current Version: https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/releases/tag/v22.11rc2 Logging: https://gnusha.org/c-lightning/ 35
IRCnet #ircmasters 35
Undernet #nudism 35
Undernet #santiago BIENVENIDOS #Santiago @UnderNet 35
OFTC #iwd https://iwd.wiki.kernel.org/start 35
EFnet #malsec hi there 35
QuakeNet #nax need znc? /join #dotbnc :: Friends: #1337 #cs2 #de_nuke #dennis #dotBNC #DWbots #england #enker #fizi #nnm #salvaje #sauk #scarface #zabrina #|hax| #/ 35
IRCnet #newyork 35
Libera.Chat ##polyamory A channel for discussion of open, honest, and responsible non-monogamy | whiteboard: https://docs.google.com/document/d/148cppLOqVpUsQ_rZVM0RMkBLqbmZlgKkgCyO7LvQYr4/edit 35
IRCnet #programatori 35
Libera.Chat #x264dev Open source video encoder development. - https://code.videolan.org/videolan/x264 - Getting paid work: http://bit.ly/hQVBh0 35
OFTC #aosp-developers AOSP developer collaboration 35
Libera.Chat #octoprint Welcome to the official OctoPrint IRC channel! Feel free to ask for help but stick around if you want an answer. | Bridged to Discord: https://discord.octoprint.org | Web: https://octoprint.org | Forum: https://community.octoprint.org | FAQ: https://faq.octoprint.org 35
freenode #perl General Perl Help | Latest Release: 5.38.0 | *Still* no pasting, for 3 or more lines, use http://paste.c-net.org/ | We ARE here, please be patient! 35
Undernet #bgc 35
Libera.Chat #librespeech https://libreboot.at/ 35