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  • Users: 6,427
  • Channels: 2,100 indexed
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    #jakarta (446)
  • Last Indexed: 3 hours ago
  • Started in 1994 as an alternative to the overburdened networks of the time, DALnet has grown into a vibrant community and is widely regarded as the most "friendly" of the major IRC networks.
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
OFTC #bitcoin-core-dev Bitcoin Core Development on OFTC 2
OFTC #temmii 2
Rizon #warez-distro 2
Rizon #/a/montreal 2
Rizon #blackops 2
Rizon #growmies 2
Rizon #thematrixhasyou Be in your own World. Be in Control. Be You. Be the One. Escape from the crummy world you were in. Enter a better world. The Matrix Has You .. but watch out for Deja Vu 😾 | You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. - Morpheus 2
OFTC #fonet-ops fonet-ops | Web Site: https://fonet.im | It's only possible for fonet Ops to be in here, use '/msg ChanServ invite #fonet-ops' if you are one. 2
freenode #wxwidgets 2
Rizon #r4l-social 2
freenode #opensim-dev 2
Rizon #malthusiancatastrophe 2
freenode #cyanogenmod-touchpad 2
Rizon #ittybittykittycommittee 2
Rizon #mooradio [Moo Radio is Online | Current DJ: Moo Radio] !request !find 2
OFTC #thehappy.de Supportchannel von thehappy.de 2
Rizon #aymen 2
Rizon #slissafacts 2
Rizon #hydraglyph 2
Rizon #animetorrent 2
OFTC #chiglug Discussing GNU/Linux usage/technologies/politics in the Chicagoland area. 2
Rizon #tinychat 2
Rizon #slissa 2
OFTC #christianity ATTN: Bible chat resumes ~11p CST! | 4Q and CSTR? | http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=19d8ac11627107892b66 <-- True inspiration brothers! 2
Rizon #free.politics Welcome to #free.politics! Speaker's Corner. No Mutes, No Bans. With Katia Simulated Cyborg Companion 2
Rizon #formulasub 2
Rizon #moonmanmoonmancantyousee 2
Rizon #hanayuka 2
Rizon #testroom 2
Rizon #sov 2
Rizon #tma-notices TMA Filter notices | Audit log about what the crew is doing atm | Bridged with Discord 2
Rizon #avs-plus 2
Rizon #poridgeclub Чатик для приятного общения | Файлообменник - https://gemini.quietplace.xyz/~8nl/ 2
Rizon #cryptobot 2
Rizon #katia2 2
Rizon #anarchism 2
Rizon #purgatory 2
Rizon #lolz Welcome to #lolz – Where serious bizness meets infinite jest, Mondays are Opposite Days, and /away means ‘probably napping’ 2
Rizon #loko 2
Rizon ##xmrigger-bot-test 2
Rizon #netst 2
freenode #zentyal 2
Rizon #pzten 2
OFTC #uuuurg 2
Rizon #pomflare 2
Rizon #clammet 2
Rizon #poenas 2
freenode #firebase 2
freenode #alpine-infra 2
Rizon #nightline Welcome to #nightline - we lurk dead imageboards. | Masamune Shirow worship -> https://wapchan.org/cel/res/2980.html#2981 2