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Rizon #vegapunk Vegapunk Fansubs / Vegapunk Fansubs is officially shut down! There will be no more releases of any kind from Vegapunk Fansubs, nor will the website return./ For more information visit http://apforums.net/showthread.php?t=27666&highlight=vegapunk.com 2
OFTC #lua 2
Rizon #snusandannus 2
OFTC #mantrailing 2
Rizon #eggdrops #eggdrops - park you eggdrops here - Eggdrop 1.9.2 - http://www.eggheads.org 2
Rizon #xxxmovies 2
IRCnet #mp3.hu 2
IRCnet #kwo 2
OFTC #ircbridge_test 2
IRCnet #whitehole 2
OFTC #/dev/null Has #/dev/null become a core dump? Yes. 2
Rizon #fafnirden Still alive and kicking 2
Rizon #rat 2
OFTC #usa Any chatter related to the United States of America is welcome here. 2
IRCnet #vpk 2
OFTC #nurds-offtopic 2
OFTC #adazangemann 2
OFTC #nurds-nsfw anything goes (en andere plaatsen) 2
Rizon #stepmaniaparadise 2
Rizon #db.est 2
IRCnet #sekopäät 2
IRCnet #$b?b;n$nit20(b 2
OFTC #hymo 2
IRCnet #brokeback-mountain 2
IRCnet #croatia 2
OFTC ##gnu/cracked 2
Rizon #testing Testing more stuff 2
OFTC #lesderid 2
DALnet #abc 2
IRCnet #cp2020 2
IRCnet #wintermute 2
IRCnet #neuromancer 2
OFTC #cyberology Discussing the Church of Cyberology 2
OFTC #_oftc_#debian-mentors 2
OFTC #newsbin Welcome! Currently serving: Slashdot, LinuxSec, LinuxToday, Phoronix, XKCD & ArsTechnica feeds -- History: http://news.mpxc.net/ 2
Rizon #tscc 2
OFTC #prometheus 2
IRCnet #nix 2
IRCnet #< 2
OFTC #y2k.cs Make sure to visit our website: https://y2kcs.neocities.org/ 2
OFTC ##schwertfried 2
OFTC #_oftc_#debconf-fosdem 2
OFTC #stderr alias sudo="echo make it yourself #" 2
Rizon #wellisubs All positions for Ao no Exorcist have been filled except timer. A base script is already done for some episodes, but actual work will have to wait until TLC. This "group" is only going to be a raws group from now on, subs will be under [Harunatsu] 2
OFTC #shells EFN Free Shells https://efn.lt \o/ 2
OFTC #overseers 2
OFTC #stinl #ranheim | Ikkje kline, stine! 2
Rizon #booru 2
OFTC #shebang 2
OFTC #brasil 2