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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Rizon #fitness 2
Rizon #maroc Morocco Loco l__*___,0 2
Rizon #gto 2
EFnet #norpa 2
EFnet #area51 2
EFnet #svenskmud 2
Rizon #yukisubs 2
EFnet #kdf 2
Rizon #anime_lounge ... 2
EFnet #italopassion 2
Rizon #anime-eternal 2
Rizon #taxi 2
EFnet #philosophical https://shithole.neocities.org/way 2
Rizon #cgi-staff 2
EFnet #lisp 2
EFnet #rollespill 2
EFnet #agnosis-staff 2
Rizon #spirit-clan 2
Rizon #ayuda Para recibir soporte en castellano acude al canal oficial de Rizon #help.es (doble click) o escribe el comando /join #help.es 2
Rizon #azerbaycan 2
Rizon #wednesday 2
EFnet #mathy 2
EFnet #sharewarez 2
EFnet #alta 2
Rizon #shibuyabashi 2
EFnet #livredd 2
EFnet #interview 2
Rizon #bakabt-status 2
Rizon #su-madagascar 2
EFnet #wardriving 2
Rizon #raided The only channel on Rizon without feds. 2
EFnet #itpro 2
EFnet #befl 2
Rizon #adevaborderline Resources and latest version: http://tinyurl.com/AdEvaBorderline | CURRENT VERSION: 1.3 BLOOD TYPE BLUE | Have suggestions, comments, or things you think need fixing in 1.3? Put them here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YZk-GN9hWu_-R9AB6CKPb77kLK_UOVWKrKlqHbgpxbc/edit instability/new dfs/fixed zerk added to resources 2
EFnet #cw-spam 2
Rizon #raifus Raifu appreciation channel | https://www.gflcorner.com/ | special voodoo https://waa.ai/Xtgu | timers https://gftimers.netlify.com/ | recki https://waa.ai/Xm4q | t-doll analysis https://waa.ai/ObH2 | eq calc https://gfequip.github.io | http://brainlets.moe/gf/sim/ | tetris https://waa.ai/ObHB 2
Rizon #hangout timo meier sucks 2
Rizon #xchat XChat/HexChat help channel - ask your question once and wait || Latest: 2.8.9 windows-shareware, 2.8.8 source/fedora, 2.10.0 hexchat || Bugfix for non-BMP UTF-8 crash: http://is.gd/KifcHd 2
EFnet #tronix 2
EFnet #horse 2
EFnet #knas 2
EFnet #bangka 2
Rizon #music_lounge welcome to music! 2
Rizon #everydaymagicalgirls 2
EFnet #ftabins 2
EFnet #retronorth 2
EFnet #pfsense 2
Rizon #white_base #White_Base has merged with #Gray_Phantom | http://anidb.net/g3939 2
Rizon #iloveninigeo2 2
IRCnet #t2e88e269 2