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Rizon #/fanfic/ 2
Rizon #wtw Welcome to WtW on IRC. Join us in the WtW Discord at https://discord.gg/VvWUfHq Starmon DANCES! 2
Rizon #fots-tls 2
Rizon #hachiko 2
DALnet #langkawi Welcome to #Langkawi 2
Rizon #yukarin 2
EFnet #m0m0 2
EFnet #ocb 2
DALnet #starchannel 2
Rizon #yukisubs 2
Rizon #taxi 2
DALnet #germany-ops MISSING: Sven -- Welcome back Hollow0n3! 2
Rizon #subline Subline - Submarines as social incubators crossing the oceans | etherpad.opendev.org/subline | etherpad.opendev.org/subline-meetings Sun,Aug22,2021.13:01UTC | 8x8.vc/subline (Video Chat Jitsi) | etherpad.opendev.org/subline-podcast (0x0.st/-j9U.mp3 May15,2021) | etherpad.opendev.org/subline-conference Thu,Mar17,2022 | netsplit.de/channels/?chat=subline | imgur.com/xo9mPlp | etherpad.open 2
DALnet #male-survivors A Healing Place for Male Abuse Survivors 2
Rizon #raifus Raifu appreciation channel | https://www.gflcorner.com/ | special voodoo https://waa.ai/Xtgu | timers https://gftimers.netlify.com/ | recki https://waa.ai/Xm4q | t-doll analysis https://waa.ai/ObH2 | eq calc https://gfequip.github.io | http://brainlets.moe/gf/sim/ | tetris https://waa.ai/ObHB 2
Rizon #everydaymagicalgirls 2
Rizon #/m/radio No idea why this is still around tbh w | Kappa http://superscience.sytes.net:8000 This is now my dump for links /smug http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_usWJZixTto&feature=player_embedded 2
DALnet #texas 2
DALnet #metallica Welcome to the ORIGINAL Dalnet Metallica Channel! - New Metallica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhBHL3v4d3I 2
DALnet #amboi W E L C O M E - T O - A M B O I http://acescripters.blogspot.com .. https://files.fm/u/zkkx7yyz <-- sc mangkuk 2
DALnet #arabs 2
DALnet #downunder %,`%%,`%%,`%%, Welcome to #downunder aussie chat channel `%%,`%%,`%`% %, 2
Rizon #mau5chan 2
DALnet #cocks Happy WhatEVER! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dwi9yiq6mv0p3rjdc43s9/It-s-not-about-peen.jpg?rlkey=5bef0tsag1y8j9y4c8f8yu1b3&st=uiowgy1p&dl=0 2
DALnet #themonk 2
DALnet #sampit 2
DALnet #femsubdenial Female teasing and denial 2
Rizon #thug-clanchat 2
DALnet #internet explore. 2
EFnet #dmx 2
Rizon #aurora-rs Hi what should we do with this channel - Something constructive? Maybe..not 2
EFnet #sat-benelux 2
Rizon #ethosdistro Freenode Sucks! | ethOS Support Channel | Knowledge Base: http://ethosdistro.com/kb | Support policy: http://ethosdistro.com/s | To get support: run "gethelp" first and paste the link. | Kickable offenses: Spamming / PMs without asking / Requesting support without gethelp. 2
DALnet #toiletsex Welcome to #ToiletSex - the place for messplay involving watersports, scat & vomit. 18+, no pedo. 2
Rizon #virtualmoney 2
DALnet #rawang Pecah Kaca Pecah Gelas, Sudah Baca Harap Balas 2
DALnet #uno! Welcome to Ben's UNO! game channel. | !unocmds for a list of commands | !uno to start a game | "jo" to join a game that just started. 2
Rizon #strivia Trivia, .trivia <number> to start trivia 2
Rizon #anime-shack (¯`·._.·´¯`·._.-» Anime-Shack «-._.·´¯`·._.·´¯)' The Anime Shack,a shack for erm...Anime!? | see also #anime-haven,which is also dead,BTW how come the topics got cleared? 2
DALnet #jandaduda mIRC32 #JandaDuDa Dalnet “Islam dibangun di atas lima rukun iatu Mentauhidkan Allah, Mendirikan Solat, Menunaikan Zakat, Berpuasa Di Bulan Ramadhan dan Menunaikan Haji' 2
DALnet #pulaupinang Devil Besides Me®~:Teh Tarik Madras Satu..~ 2
Rizon #doujinstyle [#DoujinStyle] BANG TIDY!! 2
DALnet #wagoo Welcome in #Wagoo@DALnet The home of Wagoo groupies! There is only one WAGOO and DW is his prophet . 2
Rizon #xenocidewiki.test 2
DALnet #friendzone 2
KampungChat #war Remote Testing | WarZone 2
EFnet #hiddensoundsystem 2
DALnet #star star 2
DALnet #hamilton WELCOME TO # H A M I L T O N based in Ontario Canada but all are welcome {respect of gtfo} 2
EFnet #animeminarai 2