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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #xem thexem.info [Status:status.thexem.info][Reg:Closed] -- stick around if you ask a question... MODS are also on sonarr discord #xem 30
Undernet #music Welcome to #music! Chat, share, and enjoy good vibes. No illegal filesharing! 30
Libera.Chat #allegro Welcome to Allegro! https://liballeg.org Current version 30
EFnet #test/n 30
Newnet #newnet Newnet IRC Network – Your Voice Matters 📢 | Give us time to respond. | Share your thoughts and help us enhance your experience | Join the conversation! 30
EFnet #ontario Ontario, Canada | https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ontario | https://8x8.vc/ontario | https://netsplit.de/channels/?chat=ontario | https://netsplit.de/channels/?c 30
Libera.Chat #toktok The TokTok project (https://toktok.ltd) / Tox dev discussion | Users -> #tox | Want to use Tox in a project? See https://wiki.tox.chat/developers/client_examples/echo_bot | Implementation: https://github.com/toktok/c-toxcore | Latest version: 0.2.20 | Development discussion has moved to a public Tox group. Join via the ID: 360497da684bce2a500c1af9b3a5ce949bbb9f6fb1f91589806fb04ca039e313 30
IRCnet #kutno Welcome to: #kutno | Topic: ->19:18:59 <darQ> swojego ojca nie masz ze do mojego wypisujesz dałniaku? 30
Libera.Chat #linux-sunxi Allwinner/sunxi development discussion has moved to #linux-sunxi on oftc (irc.oftc.net) 30
Undernet #facebook Welcome to #Facebook ( www.facebook.com ) 30
Libera.Chat #lineageos-unregistered 30
Libera.Chat ##christian-chat-chalice And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28 NKJV) / Channel for all group of Themes. https://is.gd/thatsmyking Our Website: https://christian-chat-chalice.com 30
Libera.Chat #gentoo-chromium https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Chromium | Releases 133 (stable), 134 (beta), 135 (dev) | Skim tarballs now available! | Help wanted: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Chromium/TODO 30
EFnet #rhetoric 30
Undernet #helptrade Nu @ Nu + Nimic Total 29 Helptrade 30
freenode #centos Use https://paste.centos.org for 3+ lines | Only current releases (8.4.2105, 8-stream & 7.9.2009) are supported, run yum update to get current | Backports: http://tinyurl.com/k9738z9 || Infra status: https://status.centos.org 30
Libera.Chat #multirotors Open and free discussion about RC multirotor (tri, quad, hex, octo)copter aircraft! From electronics to structural design, aerobatics to pilotage, and the embedded systems that piece it all together, all discussion is welcome so long as it is friendly and efficient 30
OFTC #gccrust GCC Rust Frontend 30
IRCnet #ircd 30
Libera.Chat #emfhams Electromagnetic Field Amateur Radio Village -- https://wiki.emfcamp.org/wiki/Village:Amateur_Radio 30
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-en-unblock This is the channel for requesting a block review on the English Wikipedia | Appeals are rarely considered if you have access to your talk page.| Type !admin followed by your question |Please state your username or IP address| Discussion logs may be published | UTRS: http://utrs-beta.wmflabs.org | If an admin declines your appeal or you are not here to appeal, please part the channel 30
IRCnet #google 30
IRCnet #szczecin 30
Libera.Chat #gentoo-fosdem 1 & 2 February 2025, Bruxelles - FOSDEM'25! https://fosdem.org/2025/ | Gentoo stand, joint with Flatcar Container Linux | Info & sign-up for dinner, stand, ... ==> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/FOSDEM_2025 <== | Friday: informal meeting for dinner, 20:00, Grand Place in front of the city museum | Saturday: Gentoo (& Flatcar) Dinner: 19:30, Cafe Le Cirio, Rue de la Bourse 30
Undernet #aslpls ❤ ωєℓ¢σмє to #aslpls LOVє is just like pRiNgLєSOnce yOu pOp, yOu can nєvєr stOp! ❤ 30
Libera.Chat #paru Paru support and discussion channel | https://github.com/Morganamilo/paru | Not always around, expect up to a day or two for a reply 30
LibertaCasa #libcasa o/ Welcome to #libcasa | Be conservative in what you send; be liberal in what you accept. | https://sso.casa/ 30
OFTC #ck http://ck-hack.blogspot.com ; LAST -ck: 5.12-ck1 | http://kernel.kolivas.org | lrzip 0.651 http://lrzip.kolivas.org | LAST MuQSS: 0.210 | git repos https://github.com/ckolivas | https://bitbucket.org/ckolivas | Discord: https://discord.gg/5KxnBCb 30
IRCnet #alfabeto Benvenuti in #Alfabeto !! 30
Libera.Chat #openvpn-devel OpenVPN Development | User Support: #openvpn | EasyRSA: #easyrsa | See !git, !snapshots, !meetings | cron2_> mmmh, this openvpn thingie is actually useful | Please PM ecrist for a host cloak. 30
OFTC #debconf-fosdem https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/be/2023/FOSDEM | there are no passengers on this ship, only crew members | not everything in 2020 was bad: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/be/2020/MiniDebCamp 30
Libera.Chat ##debate2016 We're doomed. Remember to turn off the lights on the way out the door. Is it 2028 yet? 30
DALnet #girls \/\\//\\//\\//\/ Welcome to #girls \/\\//\\//\\//\/ 30
Libera.Chat ##buddhism A friendly place for the Buddhist Sangha, the serious practitioners of The Noble Eightfold Path in the Buddha-Dhamma (Dharma), and for those interested in Buddhism, religion, or philosophy. Please join us & be mindful of Right Speech with one another: https://s.42l.fr/buddhistrightspeech 30
EFnet #boxing #boxing on EFnet ; since 1997. Fury-Usyk 2 now DAZN/SKY/TNT Sports 30
UnifiedChat #earthquake <><><><> Welcome To #Earthquake - Earthquake Monitoring Channel <><><><> 30
Libera.Chat #fluxbox current release: fluxbox-1.3.7 http://fluxbox.org/download/ | documentation: http://fluxbox.org/help/ https://github.com/fluxbox-wiki 30
IRCnet #amigapl 30
Libera.Chat #elfutils elfutils hacker chat - http://elfutils.org/ - latest 0.192 "New rules, faster tools" - patches welcome - bug reports https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/ - https://builder.sourceware.org/buildbot/#/builders?tags=elfutils 30
OFTC #alpm Development of Arch Linux Package Management (ALPM) | https://alpm.archlinux.page | https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/alpm/alpm 30
OFTC #alpine-cloud Alpine Linux cloud images https://alpinelinux.org/cloud/ 30
OFTC #bash [B]ourne [A]gain [Sh]ell: http://bit.ly/1kpSKFc | Common mistakes (check here first): http://bit.ly/1CiXyEV | Execute Bash code online? http://bit.ly/1M7KFWa | Linting? https://bit.ly/2zq4xF6 | Tutorials - simple: http://bit.ly/1pQoefT - advanced: http://bit.ly/1j90IIh | Question about Perl, Python, PHP, JS, etc? Check out #scripting 30
Undernet #metrocebu Welcome to #Metrocebu! Ang channel nga mingaw... mingaw na kaayo nimo! :D 30
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-abstract Discussion about the Abstract Wikipedia project | This channel is linked to Telegram at https://t.me/Wikifunctions | Channel is logged: https://wm-bot.wmcloud.org/logs/%23wikipedia-abstract/ 30
Libera.Chat #autotools Autoconf, Automake & libtool self-help channel | Just ask and be prepared to wait. Someone will get back eventually (think hours) | Read: Autobook: https://www.sourceware.org/autobook/ | Mythbuster: https://autotools.io | Book: http://fsmsh.com/2753 30
Undernet #go 30
Libera.Chat #bitcoin-de Willkommen im deutschen Channel zu den Themen Bitcoin, Küchen, Tiere, Elektrogeräte und Pandemien. Setz dich, nimm dir einen Keks. Hab Geduld, wenn du eine gute Frage stellst, wird dir in den nächsten Stunden bestimmt jemand antworten, https://imgur.com/65rWTJd 30
Libera.Chat #c-jeopardy Welcome to C Jeopardy! Candide is your host! Use `!cjeopardy` to get your next question, and answer with `!what is ...?` or `!w ...` See `!help cjeopardy` for more commands. If you're ready, then let's play C Jeopardy! 30
Rizon #nl /// Welkom in #nl - Het stukje Koninkrijk der Nederlanden op Rizon /// Rip schwiieee's IRC nick // https://brakofcorona.nl/ 30
DALnet #ubuntu [ Ubuntu Linux ]: The world's most popular operating system across public clouds and OpenStack clouds › IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | Official flavors; versions 20.04, 22.04, 22.10, 23.04 | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: https://ubottu.com 30