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Network Name Topic Users
EFnet #rebels 2
IRCnet #prklbot 2
OFTC #html HyperText Markup Language | www.w3.org/MarkUp/#html4 | Leave your WYSIWYGs at the door | Tables aren't for layout: www.hotdesign.com/seybold/everything.html , http://allmyfaqs.com/faq.pl?Tableless_layouts | Validate first: http://validator.w3.org/ | W3C ref: say `html element (replace 'element' with 2
OFTC #f0x-appservice-irc 2
OFTC #aptosid-fr bienvenue communauté française #aptosid-fr http://manual.aptosid.com/fr/welcome-fr.htm Forum http://aptosid-fr.org/forum/ coller içi http://pastebin.fr/ 2
EFnet #gateway-3ds 2
EFnet #sketchedout 2
IRCnet #stfuplz 2
IRCnet #wadap 2
EFnet #macos 2
OFTC #taggart 2
freenode #linuxajuda Seja Livre, Use o Sistema Operacional que desejar. Nós Usamos Linux. 2
OFTC #astar #limjunlong & Co. | https://www.limjunlong.com | #CreatingGrowth #EnhancingLives 2
OFTC #limjunlong #limjunlong we love science, engineering and innovation | https://www.limjunlong.science | https://www.limjunlong.com | Sensor | Security | Aerospace | h-index #ASTARverse 2
OFTC #hw22-tangible Tor Hackweek 2022 - Tangible Internet Freedom: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tangible-internet-freedom 2
OFTC #medplay MedPlay: The MedGui Reborn netplay channel 2
EFnet #avcd 2
QuakeNet #thedwarf für +v eine nachricht an Quintus Quintimus Quint 2
freenode #wowace 2
OFTC #cad set "The official channel for Centro de Autonomia Digital" 2
OFTC #sailfishos-meetings 2
OFTC #debian-cn Welcome to #debian-cn 2
freenode #kano.is 2
OFTC #blobot 2
OFTC #u-boot 2
QuakeNet #swiffer 2
EFnet #4dcomm 2
OFTC #gnupg 2
OFTC #debian-se 2
OFTC #sbcl 2
OFTC #a2c 2
OFTC #qt-labs 2
OFTC #nimbus Nim build system | https://nimbus.sysrq.in | This software is considered finished, don't worry about inactivity! 2
OFTC #xrdesktop Moving the Linux desktop to another reality 2
EFnet #nmap 2
OFTC #minecraft Everything minecraft, server: 2
freenode #etnaviv 2
OFTC #postfix /join #postfix 2
EFnet #mp3countryjukebox 2
OFTC #haiku-pl Witamy na kanale systemu operacyjnego Haiku. 2
freenode #perian 1.2.3 | http://www.perian.org/ 2
IRCnet #rubitest 2
OFTC #podcast 2
OFTC #incafeucht 2
OFTC ##imawizard https://i.imgur.com/ommRkoy.gifv 2
IRCnet #edusig-wksmacosx 2
OFTC #gvm 2
OFTC #gvm-devel 2
OFTC #osm-hu OpenStreetMap Hungary - http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Hungary 2
OFTC #xanmod 2