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Network Name Topic Users
Rizon #touka 2
Rizon #isiscon 2
Rizon #sekaiwoooinimoriagerutamenosuzumiyaharuhinodan 2
Rizon #dutchmjgmeetup 2
Rizon #amoogarift Hahahahahah niggers xD 2
Rizon #haraheldebateclub 2
Rizon #mameshiba 2
Rizon #mal-news 2
Rizon #darkfusion 2
Rizon #rhythm 2
Rizon #ravishu Welcome to the chat, say hi and wait a few minutes for those who may be here to have time to answer, the web chat on phone does not show the list of users who are here. Happy new year! Almost all perversions are welcome, only people and characters who are 18+ are allowed to be in here or be discussed or talked about. KB and RU servers are down. Chat remains. 2
Rizon #blade-fansubs 2
SwiftIRC #osrs 2
Rizon #zweiter_prager_kellerfenstersturz 2
Rizon #yaha-subs 2
Rizon #repdoesstuff 2
Rizon #behelit 2
Rizon #voltz 2
Rizon #anacronicofansub 2
Rizon #hoshizora 2
Rizon #hagure 2
Rizon #dokusai 2
Rizon #bakarisubs 2
Rizon #aozora 2
Rizon #kiririn Kiririn ~ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kiririn_TL ~ Mediafire Bucket: http://www.mediafire.com/?1oudfnma86j3q ~ XDCC Bot Online: http://kiririn.me/packlist.txt [LIST] http://kiririn.me/ddl/ [DDL] 2
Rizon #loomis 2
Rizon #arkham/u/ 2
Rizon #bollywood 2
Rizon #bcasualchat 2
Rizon #kadnd 2
Rizon #bat-lounge 2
Rizon #ups 2
Rizon #danaan 2
Rizon #sonnybonds The Hot Potato game channel is disabled. If the potato lands on you, you have 6 seconds to pass it by typing ?toss. Please type ?toss to play. 2
Rizon #-aaa- 2
Rizon #caspian 2
Rizon #epicninja 2
Rizon #tfmhelpdesk Welcome to the Transformice help desk! If you have a problem ask us here ! The leader is Misspika 2
Rizon #christians-fellowship 2
Rizon #psx.rar -=P=S=x=R=A=R=- /\OX ( http://web.archive.org/web/20091219125049/http://psxrar.com/ ) Live in your world, download in ours. !list, !help, !rules | Reg ur nick, guest nicks disallowed. Serve back what u leech, tuts here: http://web.archive.org/web/20060112012614/http://psxrar.ps.funpic.org/ | #psx.rar.chat 2
Rizon #suna_syria 2
Rizon #stuf„‏„‏f 2
Rizon #whynot 2
Rizon #ddl DDL Official Chatroom [Kuroinu: UP | Kuroinu|Anime: UP | Barney: UP | DDL: UP | Calendar: SOON] | DO NOT PM OPs! 2
Rizon #yumeonceagain 2
Rizon #unionfansub Bienvenido a #UnionFansub, la web de rangos raros || ¡NOVEDADES!: http://tinyurl.com/ckhh34c || XDCC: Todos los nicks con rango % || Reglas: http://tinyurl.com/hl3sk6m || Guía general: http://tinyurl.com/n9fjtda || Himno del canal:http://j.mp/2e3esEY 2
Rizon #christians 2
Rizon #refugia.az 2
Rizon #wardensmu Dobrodosli na sluzbeni kanal vojne jedinice Wardens || Avatar: http://i.imgur.com/uWLqVqd.png || Lider: WardenCommander || zapovjednik : SnoperMZ || Drzavni kanal: #hr.secura ; #setrade 2
Rizon #anadolu 2