#yaook |
Yaook! • https://yaook.cloud • https://gitlab.com/yaook/ • https://docs.yaook.cloud/ • CVE-2024-40767: https://yaook.cloud/security-advisories/cve-2024-40767.html Upgrade to the upcoming stable |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#solaris |
Read the welcome message | 11.4 released 28 Aug 2018 | Sun is dead. Long live Sun. |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#dri-devel |
Moved to OFTC: please join #dri-devel on irc.oftc.net |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#vagrant |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#clangbuiltlinux |
29 |
#msm8937-mainline |
Boot Linux on your MSM8917/37/40 and QM215 mobile! | GitHub: https://github.com/msm89x7-mainline | Logs: https://oftc.irclog.whitequark.org/msm8937-mainline | Bridged to #msm8937-mainline:kde.org on Matrix |
29 |
KampungChat |
#veteran |
»º©º« Welcome to Official Veteran At KampungChat IRC Network | Register Nick : https://login.kampungchat.org »º©º« 12 |
29 |
Undernet |
#fuck |
we do what we want, when we want, cause we can! |
29 |
Rizon |
#trivial |
Merry Christmas 1 and all Type !trivia to start n stop trivia - !uno to start uno. Dive into delightful dross, and rise through the ranks with worthless internet points! Buy George-Bean's new book at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1738554112 |
29 |
freenode |
#bitcoin-dev |
Development of Bitcoin; This is for discussion about the Bitcoin network and software directly using it between developers. | https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/ | This channel is logged. | There is no from address | No altcoin or end-user support | Tell us what you're trying to do, not how you're trying to do it. |
29 |
DALnet |
#davao |
Welcome to DALnet’s #davao :> |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#hugo |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#xpra |
xpra 6.2.2 | please try updating to the newest version before reporting bugs |
29 |
DALnet |
#mataram |
Selamat datang di #mataram on Dalnet |
29 |
freenode |
#emacs |
GNU Emacs 29.1 https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ (if someone would like to manage this channel & provide support, please contact Neo) |
29 |
Undernet |
#bini |
'#Bini Official IRC Undernet channel of the Nation's Girl Group. https://bini.abs-cbn.com/ Radio is ON-AIR. ~radio | ~radio help |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#revolutionirc |
Revolution IRC client for Android https://github.com/MCMrARM/revolution-irc |
29 |
Rizon |
#python |
Python Programming | Don't ask to ask, ask | Paste broken code on http://dpaste.com/ | DON'T PASTE YOUR CODE DIRECTLY IN THE CHANNEL | Hssss | Better than #C++! | Official Documentation on http://python.org/doc/ | New to python? Read http://inventwithpython.com/IYOCGwP_book1.pdf | Plugin Collection: http://waa.ai/h06 | How to ask: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#sparkfun |
SparkFun Electronics community | unofficial channel - for official SparkFun support, see https://www.sparkfun.com/support | permanent ownership TBD |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#cutel |
See https://cutel.net for more details. Now bridged to Discord https://discord.gg/UcqTzqh6wH |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#jekyll |
[4.3.4 | 3.10.0 ] Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby - Home: jekyllrb.com - Docs: jekyllrb.com/docs/home - GitHub: github.com/jekyll/jekyll - Help/Talk: talk.jekyllrb.com - Teams: teams.jekyllrb.com - Liquid: https://shopify.github.io/liquid |
29 |
IRCnet |
#paradiso |
29 |
IRCnet |
#purgatorio |
29 |
QuakeNet |
#elektronik |
GOD JUL alles |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#allegro |
Welcome to Allegro! https://liballeg.org Current version | Krampus Hack 2024 on December 1 https://tins.amarillion.org |
29 |
QuakeNet |
#baari |
ᛉ Baari ja tarjoilu 24/7. ᛉ Muista !menu komento #baari kanavalla. ᛉ Tarjolla myös mm. esoteriaa, mysteereitä ja oivalluksia! ᛉ |
29 |
IRCnet |
#saline |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#toktok |
The TokTok project (https://toktok.ltd) / Tox dev discussion | Users -> #tox | Want to use Tox in a project? See https://wiki.tox.chat/developers/client_examples/echo_bot | Implementation: https://github.com/toktok/c-toxcore | Latest version: 0.2.20 | Development discussion has moved to a public Tox group. Join via the ID: 360497da684bce2a500c1af9b3a5ce949bbb9f6fb1f91589806fb04ca039e313 |
29 |
IRCnet |
#si |
29 |
Rizon |
#outer_heaven |
©º°¨¨°º© end the abuse and exploitation of soldiers by the world's governments ©º°¨¨°º© bridged to freenode, libera, #outer_heaven and discord #outer_heaven https://discord.gg/UqJeZcCR5a All Gamers Welcome! |
29 |
IRCnet |
#no |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#calibre |
calibre E-book management (http://calibre-ebook.com). Inofficial user-to-user support channel, no devs here. Don't ask to ask. Just ask and stick around as we might not always be around. PDF conversion sucks? Can't be helped. PDF sucks. Canonical home of this room is #calibre:mailstation.de on Matrix, *not* Libera |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#nutrition |
Dietary and supplemental nutrition and health | Disclaimer: Consult a doctor. No professionals here. Don't abruptly stop meds. | RULES: Identify with nickserv. Stay on topic. No narcotics. No public logging. No long-term idling. | Data: http://j.mp/food-data http://j.mp/MP-HS http://j.mp/WMD-VS http://j.mp/LPI-MIC | Affiliated: #climate-news #compmed #covid-news #exercise |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
##ibmi |
IBM i (AS/400) discussion channel | If you want a public machine, PUB400 is best for now | See also: IBMiOSS Ryver, Midrange ML | Ryver signup: https://ibmioss.ryver.com/application/signup/members/9tJsXDG7_iSSi1Q | Discord (bridged): https://discord.gg/BWQA5nk | No piracy here, please | See also: ##ibmi-oss, ##ibmi-hw, ##ibmi-social (bridged) |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#milkywan |
MilkyWan | AS2027 | https://milkywan.fr | FAI, Transitaire et hébergeur | 64 bytes from helloworld.milkywan.net [2a0b:cbc0::1] : icmp_seq=1 ttl=62 time=0.61 ms | Pour toute demande de support, envoyez nous un mail sur support@milkywan.fr ou un message sur le canal Telegram ‘Abonnés’ |
29 |
Undernet |
#realmadrid |
welcome |
29 |
EFnet |
#zsnes |
ne1 seen da skene?? |
29 |
Undernet |
#bestfriend |
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#java-talk |
:( || This is a tchoo tchoo channel. We talk about things. See #java about Java stuff. || You are being recorded. |
29 |
#wownero |
The HOME of WOWNERO | Don't have enough money? Or, too much money? Wownero can help. | RandomWOW W0W! | https://wownero.org/ | https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3088712 | DUMP HERE: https://tradeogre.com/exchange/BTC-WOW | RADIO!WOW https://radio.wownero.com/wow.ogg |
29 |
Undernet |
#restart |
welcome ( /join #xTrivia ) |
29 |
#debusine |
https://salsa.debian.org/freexian-team/debusine | /join #debusine-notifications if you want GitLab notifications |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#minetest-hub |
Offtopic welcome if brief, otherwise use #minetest-chat | Info/Rules: http://hub.minetest.net/ | Logs: https://irc.minetest.net/minetest-hub/ |
29 |
DALnet |
#jomblo |
<><><>Selamat Datang Di Channel #jomblo @DALnet - NO!: Invite/Spam/Repeat/CAPS/Flood/Adv/BadWord - Register Nick: /ns register <password> <email> - Cegah Spam: /mode <nick kamu> +RC - Have a nice chat & enjoy here! :)<><><> |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#netplan |
Netplan v1.1 | Declarative network configuration for various backends | https://netplan.io | https://github.com/canonical/netplan | https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#opensuse-arm |
https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:ARM | arm@lists.opensuse.org | https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:ARM_distribution_howto |
29 |
Undernet |
#gb |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
#fedora-meeting-2 |
Fedora Meeting channel 2 | Meetings are often logged | See https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/location/fedora-meeting-2%40irc.freenode.net/ for meeting schedule | For support please go to #fedora |
29 |
Libera.Chat |
##tty |
Terminal emulator and application development | channel wiki: https://github.com/poundpoundtty/wiki/wiki | escape sequence support matrix: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19W-lXWS9jYwqCK-LwgYo31GucPPxYVld_hVEcfpNpXg/edit#gid=0 |
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IRCnet |
#lesbo |
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