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Network Name Topic Users
SkyChatz #terengganu <><> Welcome To: <><> #Terengganu <><> | Selamat berpuasa buat semua. Kami mendoakan agar anda semua diberikan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan diri untuk menjalani ibadah berpuasa sehingga ke penghujungnya. 181
SkyChatz #penang <><> Welcome To: <><> #Penang <><> 180
Libera.Chat #ffmpeg-devel Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct 180
Libera.Chat #regex Welcome to #regex. Need help? Please share a https://regex101.com/ link containing your regex and sample data, ask your question, and specify which language/platform you're using. Stay a while, and we'll assist you ASAP. Note: We don't respond to "hello". :) 179
Libera.Chat #clojure Clojure, the language https://clojure.org | Changelog: https://bit.ly/clj-changes | Discussion: https://groups.google.com/group/clojure | Conj talks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZdCLR02grLr4TWUP6qeLxIn4OJLNwKNZ 179
SkyChatz #perlis *||||||* [ P ]-[ E ]-[ R ]-[ L ]-[ I ]-[ S ]Info :: http://mircop.000webhostapp.com/Stats/SkyChatz/Perlis.html 179
Libera.Chat ##cooking http://fn-cooking.github.io/rules/ | March challenge: Named salads 179
EFnet #computers [ck] Welcome to #computers [ck] Deport them all! https://streamable.com/n6vf6u 178
Libera.Chat #devuan Welcome to Devuan Support! https://devuan.org | Releases: https://files.devuan.org (Daedalus 5.0 stable, Chimaera 4.0 old-stable) | Forum https://dev1galaxy.org | Chanlogs http://reisenweber.net/irclogs/libera/_devuan/ | https://pkginfo.devuan.org | Take offtopic chat to #devuan-offtopic 177
Libera.Chat ##defocus DUCKGOOSE's Cake is not a lie!: https://blob.haxed.net/ohnA307ojU.png || https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/ekEQ1Kp4/DuckGooseFerretZyme.jpg || <<Don't touch the keyboard>> || https://vocaroo.com/1nu6DlGswi7A | its pronounced https://vocaroo.com/1gWbHdfsXvUC || https://chatchatgame.netlify.app/ || https://vocaroo.com/13RQlwXELQSX what ferret hurt you bro | SOCIAL (ist) channel 176
EFnet #2600 welcome to #2600 | Under New Management! | if the new management is a problem, feel free to /part 176
Undernet #somebody Bine ati venit! Welcome! Willkommen! Bienvenue! Bienvenido! Isten hozott! Benvenuto! Bem-Vindo! 175
Libera.Chat ##hntop HN Top Stories Live | Bot posts any story the instant it hits the top 30. | Messages sent in this channel can only be seen by operators | Warning: ##hntop on Freenode has been stolen from me and is now controlled by Andrew Lee; do not use it: https://www.devever.net/~hl/freenode_abuse | Discuss HN stories: ##hntop-talk 175
IRCnet #atw Hi everyone, dev.ircnet.ca, dev.ircnet.ne.jp, and spadhausen.irc.it are now all linked and available for SASL users! [ https://ircnet.com/sasl ] 174
KampungChat #lowyat Official KampungChat Lowyat Server: lowyat.kampungchat.org / Sub Website : https://lowyat.kampungchat.org / Free ZNC Request : Coming Soon 174
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-sre 📟 https://icinga.wikimedia.org/alerts 📟 https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/SRE | Channel is logged at https://wm-bot.wmflabs.org/libera_logs/%23wikimedia-sre/ | SREs on call: batphone | SRE Clinic Duty: swfrench-wmf 173
EFnet #irc30 BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH | 1223 days until IRC40 < fuck irc40. irc30 4 life. <-ur mom 173
SkyChatz #sabah \/\/elcome to #Sabah @ SkyChatz.Org - Respect Operators & Users - Join #Help (English) or #Help.Malaysian (Malay) - Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/skychatz - Web Services : http://service.skychatz.org - Enjoy Your Stay , Thanks! 173
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-en English Wikipedia | Status: https://www.wikimediastatus.net/ | Channel guidelines: https://w.wiki/v58 | Need a chanop? Ask in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | PM spam? You can enter '/mode <YourNick> +R' to avoid getting PMs from unregistered users | No off-topic politics 172
DALnet #allnitecafe English only! No religion/politics/ No Advertising! -/- Channel Forum: http://goo.gl/wziCc7 -/- Channel Rules: https://tinyurl.com/nxzhus2 -/- 172
Libera.Chat #qt Latest Qt: 6.8.0, 6.5.7 (LTS), 5.15.18 (LTS) | Bugs: http://bugreports.qt.io | Off-topic: #qt-chat | See also: #qt-creator #qt-quick https://wiki.qt.io/Online_Communities 172
DarkWorld #dwbouncers ( Welcome @ #DWBouncers ZNC: ON :: To request a ZNC Type !request | Check for Admins Type !admins - For web request & Vhosts visit https://bouncers.darkworld.network ) 172
SkyChatz #sarawak <><> Welcome To: <><> #Sarawak <><> 171
EFnet #football 3/29 - DAY 1704 A.C. | NBA & CBB & NHL & MLS TODAY | NO POLITICS! POLITICS=BAN! 171
SkyChatz #brunei 'Selamat Datang Ke @@@ Brunei Darussalam @@@. 171
Libera.Chat ##apple About & for users of Apple products. For everything else, use ##mac-social | Sequoia 15.3.2 (24D81) | Sonoma 14.7.4 (23H420) | Ventura 13.7.3 (22H420) | iOS 16.7.8/17.7.5/18.3.2 | iPadOS 16.7.8/17.7.5/18.3.2 | tvOS 18.3 | watchOS 11.3.1 | visionOS 2.3.2 | Breaking NDA, warez, hackintosh, unsupported VMs = kickban 171
Libera.Chat ##github Welcome to the Github community channel | No official support, see https://support.github.com/request | Just ask your question | https://github.community/ 171
HybridIRC #gayserbia-lesbians 🌈 🏳️‍ ❤️ Dobro došli na novi Gay Serbia chat server (https://www.gayserbia.org) sobu za devojke... Ukoliko koristite webchat klijenta biće vam zanimljivo da možete koristiti i voice-video chat, čak i konferenciju, kao i da svoje slike uploadujete direktno na chat room. Želim Vam prijatan boravak i lepo druženje. 170
Libera.Chat #bitcoin-core-dev Bitcoin Core development discussion and commit log | Feel free to watch, but please take commentary and usage questions to #bitcoin | Channel logs: http://www.erisian.com.au/bitcoin-core-dev/, http://gnusha.org/bitcoin-core-dev/ | Weekly Meeting Thursday @ 16:00 UTC | Meeting topics http://gnusha.org/bitcoin-core-dev/proposedmeetingtopics.txt 170
DALnet #chatdalnet Welcome to #ChatDalnet 169
DALnet #rawalpindi Welcome To #Rawalpindi Ramadan Muabarik! 169
HybridIRC #gayserbia-trans 🌈 🏳️‍ ❤️ Dobro došli na novi Gay Serbia chat server (https://www.gayserbia.org) sobu za devojke... Ukoliko koristite webchat klijenta biće vam zanimljivo da možete koristiti i voice-video chat, čak i konferenciju, kao i da svoje slike uploadujete direktno na chat room. Želim Vam prijatan boravak i lepo druženje. 168
DALnet #sydney Welcome to #Sydney 168
Undernet #offline Welcome to #offline !!! Remember that simplicity as a person, is the greatness of a human being and be polite, respect and you will be respected !!! 167
Rizon #help Rizon Chat Network Help | IRC or Rizon questions? See https://wiki.rizon.net | If that link doesn't help, ask, and then wait for assistance 167
SkyChatz #selangor <><> Welcome To: <><> #Selangor :: Selangor Darul Ehsan :: <><> 167
SkyChatz #thailand Welcome To Channel #Thailand , ËéͧÊÓËÃѺ¤¹ä·Â 166
Libera.Chat #phpc 👋 Welcome to PHP community chat! 🎉 🐘 This is a social chat channel for the PHP community • This is not a help channel. For help, ask in #php. • https://phpcommunity.org 166
Libera.Chat #musicbrainz MusicBrainz Community | See #bookbrainz for BookBrainz and #metabrainz for development and other *Brainz’s | Channel is logged; see https://musicbrainz.org/doc/ChatBrainz for details 165
Rizon #batcave-chat Show help: !help !latest !search.Want Something Not here use !reqhelp To Find Out How!!Look Here & request https://pastebin.com/70Y4kHXJ | https://sunxdcc.com/?sterm=batcave | /join #chatters 165
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-offtopic Welcome to #ubuntu-offtopic, the social/chat channel for the Ubuntu community | For Ubuntu support, please use #ubuntu, not here. This is not a *support* channel, for Ubuntu or other things. | Channel rules: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines | Next release: 24.10, Oracular oerheks 164
Libera.Chat #eggdrop .: The Eggdrop IRC Bot :: Eggdrop 1.10.0 released! :: Visit http://eggheads.org :: https://wiki.eggheads.org :: Pastebin http://paste.tclhelp.net :: Development https://github.com/eggheads/eggdrop and #eggheads :: 3rd party scripts http://tclarchive.org :: Forum https://forum.eggheads.org :. 164
Libera.Chat ##slackware Latest stable release: 15.0 - security updates: [2025-03-23] | Automatic local mirror selection URL for slackpkg: https://mirrors.slackware.com/ | Channel info: http://www.slackware.com/~rworkman/slackware-irc/ | Support Pat: https://paypal.me/volkerdi + https://www.patreon.com/slackwarelinux | Store: is no more :( | Welcome to the unofficial Slackware support channel! 164
Libera.Chat #typescript TypeScript Discussion Channel · Current version: 5.8 · Share code with https://typescriptlang.org/play using the "Link Shortener" plugin (Enable in the "Plugins" tab & reload page) 163
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-releng Wikimedia Release Engineering | Status: Up | Team members (+voiced): https://time.releng.team | Wiki: https://releng.team | Phab: https://phab.releng.team | SAL: https://sal.releng.team | Code of Conduct: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/CoC | This channel is publicly logged: https://wm-bot.wmflabs.org/libera_logs/%23wikimedia-releng/ 163
IRCnet #amici 163
Rizon #/g/technology CANADA OFFICIALLY CHAMPIONS OF HOCKEY FOR ETERNITY (*until annexation) 163
IRCnet #ircnet Welcome to #IRCnet | Speak ONLY English | Live data: https://www.ircnet.info | SASL: https://www.ircnet.com/sasl 161
KampungChat #lepakfm •••• Selamat Datang Ke Official Radio Online LepakFM Layari Website Http://LepakFM.org or Https://Audio.LepakFM.org Webrequest Https://Request.lepakFM.org Have Fun And Enjoy Your Stay! ••••••••••2• 159
DALnet #bitcoin.dal.net Welcome to bitcoin.dal.net, Coiner & Miner Community | This is not official irc.dal.net, for help join #operhelp | No Deposit Required, Mining from Google Chrome https://getcryptotab.com/226460 159