DALnet |
#poland |
Welcome to #Poland @ DALnet |
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DALnet |
#triviamania |
22 |
Undernet |
#huedin |
22 |
#postmarketos-openrc |
For discussing integration of OpenRC and development on systemd polyfills and alternatives: https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/OpenRC | This channel is logged: https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23openrc:postmarketos.org |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
#fedora-noc |
.oncall to see who is oncall to answer your queries | Fedora sysadmin network operations center channel | https://www.fedorastatus.org |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
##chess-cafe |
Welcome to the cafe of ##chess: Play some chess, indulge in beverages, and chat about how privately owned rights to future irc revenues are better for society than free idling in public chatrooms.. |
22 |
HybridIRC |
#turkey |
🇹🇷 Welcome to #Turkey on HybridIRC! 🇹🇷 |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
#kamailio |
Welcome to the Kamailio SIP Server! | www.kamailio.org | If no activity here, email your questions to sr-users@lists.kamailio.org |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
#indieweb-known |
Known https://github.com/idno/known Logs: https://chat.indieweb.org/known |
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EFnet |
#googlehackers |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
#netbox |
22 |
freenode |
#torrents |
#Torrents - powered by https://iptorrents.com/ [for user in the channel contact: Neo] |
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Undernet |
#philippines |
Welcome to #Philippines! ( Enjoy your stay and have fun! :) ) |
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Libera.Chat |
#adsblol |
https://adsb.lol | IRC is an async medium, sticking around for an answer usually yields better results :) |
22 |
freenode |
#freenode-overflow |
Welcome to #freenode-overflow! If you've landed here, it means #freenode is currently full. Please feel free to hang out here until space opens up in #freenode. | www.freenode.net | For IRC or services help, please /join #help | Channel Rules: https://wiki.freenode.net/view/Freenode |
22 |
EFnet |
#china |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
#x264 |
open source H.264 encoding (and Touhou) discussion - for development see #x264dev - for forum see http://forum.doom9.org/ and http://doom10.org/ - don't ask to ask, just ask! |
22 |
Undernet |
#makedonija |
SAMO EDNA IMA VISTINA, IMA EDNA MAKEDONIJA! Dobrodojovte na #Makedonija kanal! |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
#unvanquished |
Unvanquished: Free Aliens vs. Humans game | https://unvanquished.net | Development channel is #unvanquished-dev |
22 |
EFnet |
#gameripz |
22 |
Undernet |
#ayuda-eggdrop |
Bienvenidos a #Ayuda-Eggdrop | Nueva versión estable del Eggdrop -> https://canal-ayuda.com/blog/nueva-version-estable-del-eggdrop-la-1-10-0/ |
22 |
EFnet |
#heroin |
Bye Emi |
22 |
#radio |
[IRC-nERDs Internet Radio] [Streaming URL for your players: http://radio.irc-nerds.net/radio.ogg To get started please visit - http://radio.irc-nerds.net/ | http://radio.nerds.i2p | http://k65ist5xa7bejgxjwn3wcehespk5plxoxrursvrbbs5mw7y4qz6lnmad.onion --- ?list for commands --- ?help <command> for more info |
22 |
EFnet |
#gigz-spam |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
#syndicate |
The Syndicated Actor Model, Dataspaces, and Conversational Concurrency https://syndicate-lang.org/ |
22 |
DALnet |
#salslair |
Welcome to #Salslair. Thirsty? Hungry? Order from Falkor, with !menu . Have a good time. This channel is linked to my channels on Technet, Rizon and Super-VPS. |
22 |
DALnet |
#thelounge |
Welcome to #thelounge. Take a seat, relax and enjoy the stay. OP commands: @opcmds | Channel stats: https://bit.ly/4c8XksA | Website: https://bit.ly/3uxCpz6 |
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freenode |
#gitlab |
22 |
QuakeNet |
#overwatch |
22 |
EFnet |
#hackthebox |
22 |
freenode |
#irpg |
Freenode's Idle RPG | For information on IRPG bot commands, see http://idlerpg.net |
22 |
EFnet |
#chatbots |
You can talk to grok, gemini, chatgpt or other LLMs by typing "tinsoldier", "Torgo", "&chatgpt", "&gemini" or "&grok" and your statement or question. |
22 |
Undernet |
#illuminati |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
#sortix |
Sortix - https://sortix.org - https://sortix.org/development/ - sortix 1.0 has been released - #libz for Sortix libz, a zlib fork - The real official channel is self-hosted #sortix on irc.sortix.org TLS 6697 and this channel is in case of Sortix outages |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
#qt-cmake |
22 |
IRCnet |
#japan |
happy new year! |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
#leloop |
Le Loop - Laboratoire Ouvert Ou Plus (du tout. jamais. nada. nib. que tchi. que pouic. c'est fini.) || https://wiki.leloop.org/ |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
#linaro-virtualization |
Home of Linaro's Emulation and Virtualisation team. Topics include QEMU, VirtIO (including HVAC), rust-vmm and hypervisors. Also find us in the upstream channels |
22 |
Rizon |
#mcchat |
A fun casual chat room! we also have duck hunt, see @help duckhunt, blackjack @help blackjack, Daily Lotto! @help lotto | <<&GunsRGood>> boxette: Dealer Shows: 🃋J♦, 🃗7♣ Total: 17 - Dealer deals you: 🂱A♥, 🃚10♣ Total: 21 PLAYER BLACKJACKS! You WIN +100,000 FDM | |
22 |
DALnet |
#ksa |
Welcome to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia #KSA - Enjoy your chat with us! |
22 |
EFnet |
#312 |
<abum> dividers take all the fun out of public bathrooms <CrazyMug> I just started looking for ham bouillon that you could sprinkle on your balls |
22 |
DALnet |
#satanic |
"There is no greater love than the madness of calling you in the face of so many threats from those who hid the universe for an illusory sky." |
22 |
EFnet |
#gigz |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
#sane |
22 |
#msm8226-mainline |
Mainline Linux development for the Snapdragon 400 (MSM8x26 and APQ8026) |
22 |
EFnet |
#radio |
Radio ( HAM , hackrf ) |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
#nixos-mailserver |
22 |
DALnet |
#brebes |
<><><>Selamat Datang Di Channel #brebes @DALnet - NO!: Invite/Spam/Repeat/CAPS/Flood/Adv/BadWord - Register Nick: /ns register <password> <email> - Cegah Spam: /mode <nick kamu> +RC - Have a nice chat & enjoy here! :)<><><> |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
##nederlands |
Weest gegroet, vreemdelingen en vaste bezoekers. Eenheid in diversiteit. Kracht in het gebruik van het geschreven woord. Dialoog boven conflict. Weest welkom en verenigt u tezamen. | Wij wensen u allen een prettige en veilige jaarwisseling en een gezond en gelukkig 2025. Doe geen dingen die ik ook niet zou doen. Hier, neem een oliebol. En een minikaassoufflé. |
22 |
Libera.Chat |
##bittorrent |
BitTorrent protocol and client discussion and support. -- This is not a file distribution channel. Do NOT ask about files you can download, do NOT ask where to find files. -- No BT Sync support here, sorry |
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