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Network Name Topic Users
DALnet #poland Welcome to #Poland @ DALnet 22
DALnet #triviamania 🧠👩‍💻 Exhibiting Knowledge in Fun Learning. FOSTERING KNOWLEDGE SHARING THE INNOVATIVE AND INTERACTIVE WAY 👨‍💻🧠 22
Undernet #huedin 22
OFTC #postmarketos-openrc For discussing integration of OpenRC and development on systemd polyfills and alternatives: https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/OpenRC | This channel is logged: https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23openrc:postmarketos.org 22
Libera.Chat #fedora-noc .oncall to see who is oncall to answer your queries | Fedora sysadmin network operations center channel | https://www.fedorastatus.org 22
Libera.Chat ##chess-cafe Welcome to the cafe of ##chess: Play some chess, indulge in beverages, and chat about how privately owned rights to future irc revenues are better for society than free idling in public chatrooms.. 22
HybridIRC #turkey 🇹🇷 Welcome to #Turkey on HybridIRC! 🇹🇷 22
Libera.Chat #kamailio Welcome to the Kamailio SIP Server! | www.kamailio.org | If no activity here, email your questions to sr-users@lists.kamailio.org 22
Libera.Chat #indieweb-known Known https://github.com/idno/known Logs: https://chat.indieweb.org/known 22
EFnet #googlehackers 22
Libera.Chat #netbox 22
freenode #torrents #Torrents - powered by https://iptorrents.com/ [for user in the channel contact: Neo] 22
Undernet #philippines Welcome to #Philippines! ( Enjoy your stay and have fun! :) ) 22
Libera.Chat #adsblol https://adsb.lol | IRC is an async medium, sticking around for an answer usually yields better results :) 22
freenode #freenode-overflow Welcome to #freenode-overflow! If you've landed here, it means #freenode is currently full. Please feel free to hang out here until space opens up in #freenode. | www.freenode.net | For IRC or services help, please /join #help | Channel Rules: https://wiki.freenode.net/view/Freenode 22
EFnet #china 22
Libera.Chat #x264 open source H.264 encoding (and Touhou) discussion - for development see #x264dev - for forum see http://forum.doom9.org/ and http://doom10.org/ - don't ask to ask, just ask! 22
Undernet #makedonija SAMO EDNA IMA VISTINA, IMA EDNA MAKEDONIJA! Dobrodojovte na #Makedonija kanal! 22
Libera.Chat #unvanquished Unvanquished: Free Aliens vs. Humans game | https://unvanquished.net | Development channel is #unvanquished-dev 22
EFnet #gameripz 22
Undernet #ayuda-eggdrop Bienvenidos a #Ayuda-Eggdrop | Nueva versión estable del Eggdrop -> https://canal-ayuda.com/blog/nueva-version-estable-del-eggdrop-la-1-10-0/ 22
EFnet #heroin Bye Emi 22
IRC-nERDs #radio [IRC-nERDs Internet Radio] [Streaming URL for your players: http://radio.irc-nerds.net/radio.ogg To get started please visit - http://radio.irc-nerds.net/ | http://radio.nerds.i2p | http://k65ist5xa7bejgxjwn3wcehespk5plxoxrursvrbbs5mw7y4qz6lnmad.onion --- ?list for commands --- ?help <command> for more info 22
EFnet #gigz-spam 22
Libera.Chat #syndicate The Syndicated Actor Model, Dataspaces, and Conversational Concurrency https://syndicate-lang.org/ 22
DALnet #salslair Welcome to #Salslair. Thirsty? Hungry? Order from Falkor, with !menu . Have a good time. This channel is linked to my channels on Technet, Rizon and Super-VPS. 22
DALnet #thelounge Welcome to #thelounge. Take a seat, relax and enjoy the stay. OP commands: @opcmds | Channel stats: https://bit.ly/4c8XksA | Website: https://bit.ly/3uxCpz6 22
freenode #gitlab 22
QuakeNet #overwatch 22
EFnet #hackthebox 22
freenode #irpg Freenode's Idle RPG | For information on IRPG bot commands, see http://idlerpg.net 22
EFnet #chatbots You can talk to grok, gemini, chatgpt or other LLMs by typing "tinsoldier", "Torgo", "&chatgpt", "&gemini" or "&grok" and your statement or question. 22
Undernet #illuminati 22
Libera.Chat #sortix Sortix - https://sortix.org - https://sortix.org/development/ - sortix 1.0 has been released - #libz for Sortix libz, a zlib fork - The real official channel is self-hosted #sortix on irc.sortix.org TLS 6697 and this channel is in case of Sortix outages 22
Libera.Chat #qt-cmake 22
IRCnet #japan happy new year! 22
Libera.Chat #leloop Le Loop - Laboratoire Ouvert Ou Plus (du tout. jamais. nada. nib. que tchi. que pouic. c'est fini.) || https://wiki.leloop.org/ 22
Libera.Chat #linaro-virtualization Home of Linaro's Emulation and Virtualisation team. Topics include QEMU, VirtIO (including HVAC), rust-vmm and hypervisors. Also find us in the upstream channels 22
Rizon #mcchat A fun casual chat room! we also have duck hunt, see @help duckhunt, blackjack @help blackjack, Daily Lotto! @help lotto | <<&GunsRGood>> boxette: Dealer Shows: 🃋J♦, 🃗7♣ Total: 17 - Dealer deals you: 🂱A♥, 🃚10♣ Total: 21 PLAYER BLACKJACKS! ​You WIN +100,000​ FDM | 22
DALnet #ksa Welcome to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia #KSA - Enjoy your chat with us! 22
EFnet #312 <abum> dividers take all the fun out of public bathrooms <CrazyMug> I just started looking for ham bouillon that you could sprinkle on your balls 22
DALnet #satanic "There is no greater love than the madness of calling you in the face of so many threats from those who hid the universe for an illusory sky." 22
EFnet #gigz 22
Libera.Chat #sane 22
OFTC #msm8226-mainline Mainline Linux development for the Snapdragon 400 (MSM8x26 and APQ8026) 22
EFnet #radio Radio ( HAM , hackrf ) 22
Libera.Chat #nixos-mailserver 22
DALnet #brebes <><><>Selamat Datang Di Channel #brebes @DALnet - NO!: Invite/Spam/Repeat/CAPS/Flood/Adv/BadWord - Register Nick: /ns register <password> <email> - Cegah Spam: /mode <nick kamu> +RC - Have a nice chat & enjoy here! :)<><><> 22
Libera.Chat ##nederlands Weest gegroet, vreemdelingen en vaste bezoekers. Eenheid in diversiteit. Kracht in het gebruik van het geschreven woord. Dialoog boven conflict. Weest welkom en verenigt u tezamen. | Wij wensen u allen een prettige en veilige jaarwisseling en een gezond en gelukkig 2025. Doe geen dingen die ik ook niet zou doen. Hier, neem een oliebol. En een minikaassoufflé. 22
Libera.Chat ##bittorrent BitTorrent protocol and client discussion and support. -- This is not a file distribution channel. Do NOT ask about files you can download, do NOT ask where to find files. -- No BT Sync support here, sorry 22