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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat ##worldchat Welcome to ##WorldChat - It is a Social and Offtopic General Chat Channel - Enjoy! 22
Libera.Chat #agi Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) (Strong AI) discussion and feeds | Rules: Identify with nickserv. Stay on topic. No public logging. Discuss narrow AI elsewhere. | Groups: https://j.mp/redditAGI https://j.mp/AGI-group | Affiliated: ##machinelearning #ml-deploy #ml-news 22
HybridIRC #turkey 🇹🇷 Welcome to #Turkey on HybridIRC! 🇹🇷 22
Libera.Chat #mechanicadvice || Get advice - Mechanically || http://www.midpointbearing.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Nachi-Bearing-Failures-Poster.pdf ||https://www.amsoil.com/about/synthetic-versus-conventional/ Oil. || Don't ask to ask, just ask your question - and then stick around || 22
EFnet #france Bienvenue sur le chan #france, prenez un siege, detendez-vous, une hotesse va vous repondre 22
Libera.Chat #puppylinux Puppy Linux Support Chat | PLEASE ask your question and wait PATIENTLY for a response (more than 10 minutes) | Puppy Linux Wiki:| https://wikka.puppylinux.com/HomePage | Puppy Linux Forum: https://forum.puppylinux.com | Old Puppy Forums: https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/ 22
Libera.Chat #blenderchat Welcome to #BlenderChat the place to Chat with fellow Blender users, ask questions, or just have fun 22
Libera.Chat #bsd-social Welcome to #bsd-social | The channel for socially awkward BSD users | Users of all variants of the BSD operating system welcome | Mumble server: mumble.drkk.science | It took ^Gecko^ 369 days to realize their nick was in the topic 22
DALnet #kuwait Welcome to the official channel of Kuwait - Enjoy your stay, and have fun! 22
Libera.Chat #dataflow "∿∿ The Pure Data Chatline ♫ The Diagram is the Program™ ∿∿ Readymade Solutions Require Readymade Problems ; For Everything Else There Is Pure Data.™ ♫ https://puredata.info/https://pastie.iem.at/ ♩♬♫♩♪♩ ∿∿ It might take a while before your question gets answered, so stay tuned ♬ ∿∿" 22
Libera.Chat #gentoo-pms https://projects.gentoo.org/pms/latest/pms.html | "assume a sensible and cooperative reader" | Careful, you're turning into me. -- ciaranm 22
EFnet #googlehackers 22
Libera.Chat ##openweb Discussions sérieuses, trolls sans fin et blagues débiles autour d'openweb (Merci de trouver le bon ratio entre les 3) ★★ Enregistrez vous auprès de Libera pour causer, et réglez votre client en UTF-8 ★★ Ceci n'est pas un chan sur le cyclimse (sauf des fois). 22
Libera.Chat #jcore J-Core open processor | http://j-core.org/ 22
EFnet #heroin Bye Emi 22
DarkWorld #superfly Welcome To #TheRisingSun 22
Libera.Chat #romania 22
Libera.Chat #sortix Sortix - https://sortix.org - https://sortix.org/development/ - sortix 1.0 has been released - #libz for Sortix libz, a zlib fork - The real official channel is self-hosted #sortix on irc.sortix.org TLS 6697 and this channel is in case of Sortix outages 22
DALnet #news [DALnet Global Notice] We're going to be doing some server maintenance, which will involve some brief splits. Apologies for the inconvenience. Thanks for using DALNet :) [No Replies Please] 22
Libera.Chat ##bittorrent BitTorrent protocol and client discussion and support. -- This is not a file distribution channel. Do NOT ask about files you can download, do NOT ask where to find files. -- No BT Sync support here, sorry 22
freenode #torrents #Torrents - powered by https://iptorrents.com/ [for user in the channel contact: Neo] 22
Undernet #philippines Welcome to #Philippines! ( Enjoy your stay and have fun! :) ) 22
EFnet #gigz-spam 22
EFnet #gigz-chat 22
freenode #bitcoin-wizards This channel is for discussing theoretical ideas with regard to cryptocurrencies, not about short-term Bitcoin development | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit https://bitcoin.ninja 22
DALnet #salslair Welcome to #Salslair. Thirsty? Hungry? Order from Falkor, with !menu . Have a good time. This channel is linked to my channels on Technet, Rizon and Super-VPS. 22
Libera.Chat ##learnanylanguage About us: https://gitlab.com/learnanylanguage1/languagelist/raw/master/README.md | Resources: http://fsi-languages.yojik.eu/ https://www.livelingua.com/#resources http://soyouwanttolearnalanguage.googlepages.com http://links4languages.googlepages.com http://www.martindalecenter.com/Language.html 22
Libera.Chat #syndicate The Syndicated Actor Model, Dataspaces, and Conversational Concurrency https://syndicate-lang.org/ 22
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-news The Ubuntu News Channel - You report it, we publish it! Serving the Fridge, Ubuntu Weekly News, and other fine publications. | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewsTeam | Current UWN Prep will be latest issue at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/uwn/124 22
Libera.Chat #gentoo-ci Buildbot code: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/tinderbox-cluster.git Wiki: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Tinderbox-cluster logsfiles= Dash: https://ci.dev.gentoo.org:8010/#/ Gentoo repo: https://gitlab.gentoo.org/zorry/gentoo-ci Settings: https://gitlab.gentoo.org/zorry/gentoo-ci-settings 22
Libera.Chat #xigmanas Welcome to XigmaNAS (https://www.xigmanas.com) | Latest Build: | Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xigmanas/files/XigmaNAS- | The XigmaNAS trademark is due for renewal (USD 1,500), please consider a PayPal donation to the XigmaNAS Project! 22
DALnet #triviamania 🧠👩‍💻 Exhibiting Knowledge in Fun Learning. FOSTERING KNOWLEDGE SHARING THE INNOVATIVE AND INTERACTIVE WAY 👨‍💻🧠 22
IRCnet #php.fi 22
Libera.Chat #swh-devel "Development of www.softwareheritage.org , more info: http://deb.li/swhdev | Try #swh for user discussions | Voices are SWH staffers | Digital objects last forever – or 5 years, whichever comes first http://xkcd.com/1683/" 22
Undernet #forum ⚜ Life! ⚜ Free Speech! ⚜ cbn.com/prayer ⚜ Prayer requests for LionClan & Efex's Mom & Lakitu's Cousin! ⚜ Holidays! ⚜ 22
Libera.Chat #adsblol https://adsb.lol | IRC is an async medium, sticking around for an answer usually yields better results :) 22
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-cloud Ubuntu cloud-images discussion and support | For general (not cloud specific) support, try #ubuntu | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/ 22
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-gs-internal Internal/private channel for Wikimedia global sysops and stewards. | No public logging. | https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/GS | GS Bot commands: https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/toolforge-repos/cabalbot 22
Rizon #akiba http://www.akiba-online.com | sponsor https://filejoker.net/ | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRUDmLP6wlU Akibot: !triggers | status: online 22
IRCnet #inter Lazio 0 - Inter 6 22
Libera.Chat #clearlinux https://clearlinux.org/ - Clear Linux Project for Intel Architecture - Spot an issue? Report it here: github.com/clearlinux/distribution/issues/new/choose - Public Forums: https://community.clearlinux.org/ 22
Undernet #besthost 22
Libera.Chat ##nederlands Weest gegroet, vreemdelingen en vaste bezoekers. Eenheid in diversiteit. Kracht in het gebruik van het geschreven woord. Dialoog boven conflict. Weest welkom en verenigt u tezamen. | Wij wensen u allen een prettige en veilige jaarwisseling en een gezond en gelukkig 2025. Doe geen dingen die ik ook niet zou doen. Hier, neem een oliebol. En een minikaassoufflé. 22
IRCnet #pelit Tervetuloa #pelit-kanavalle! Jutellaan peleistä, vaihdetaan vinkkejä ja nautitaan yhdessäolosta. Iloista pelaamista kaikille! 22
freenode #freenode-overflow Welcome to #freenode-overflow! If you've landed here, it means #freenode is currently full. Please feel free to hang out here until space opens up in #freenode. | www.freenode.net | For IRC or services help, please /join #help | Channel Rules: https://wiki.freenode.net/view/Freenode 22
EFnet #chatbots You can talk to grok, gemini, chatgpt or other LLMs by typing "tinsoldier", "Torgo", "&chatgpt", "&gemini" or "&grok" and your statement or question. 22
Libera.Chat #crossover CodeWeavers CrossOver Community Chat :: Need Official Help? Go to: https://www.codeweavers.com/contact-us 22
Libera.Chat #libregaming-matchmaking libregaming.org | osg - Bot: .help | Play games, not arguments! | Who/When: https://crab.fit/libregaming-matchmaking-787196 | https://git.libregaming.org/LibreGaming/matchmaking-bot | This channel is publicly logged on Matrix 22
Undernet #huedin 22