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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #crossover CodeWeavers CrossOver Community Chat :: Need Official Help? Go to: https://www.codeweavers.com/contact-us 21
DALnet #telegram www.telegram.org 21
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-news The Ubuntu News Channel - You report it, we publish it! Serving the Fridge, Ubuntu Weekly News, and other fine publications. | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewsTeam | Current UWN Prep will be latest issue at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/uwn/124 21
Libera.Chat #jcore J-Core open processor | http://j-core.org/ 21
freenode #openbsd OpenBSD 7.5 https://www.openbsd.org/plus75.html There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. :-) 21
Rizon #cloveros CloverOS GNU/Linux https://cloveros.org/s/CloverOS-x86_64-20200313.iso | https://cloveros.org | Packages: 4747 | Git: https://gitgud.io/cloveros/cloveros | Rsync: rsync://nl.cloveros.org/cloveros | GPG: 78F5 AC55 A120 07F2 2DF9 A28A 78B9 3F76 B8E4 2805 21
QuakeNet #r/leagueoflegends League of Legends | Check out our IRC info & rules: http://goo.gl/oNKElT | This is not a support channel, go to https://goo.gl/DXG3Nm for support. | Channel pick'em https://goo.gl/NAfJdm 21
Libera.Chat #xonotic Rules: https://xonotic.org/rules | Xonotic 0.8.2 released: https://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=7325 | Development Tracker: https://gitlab.com/xonotic | https://beta.xonotic.org/autobuild-bsp/?d | https://beta.xonotic.org/autobuild/?C=N;O=D user xonotic pass g-23 21
Libera.Chat #ctjb There is no Camp | 1.9-4.9.2022 | https://thereisno.camp/en:start 21
Libera.Chat #librecomputer Please check and post on hub.libre.computer for FAQ. IRC channel for developers and technical inquiries. 21
Libera.Chat #netdisco Netdisco: better than chocolate or tacos | http://netdisco.org | https://metacpan.org/pod/App::Netdisco | http://paste.scsys.co.uk/ 21
Libera.Chat #spip Et l'humain dans tout ça ? https://discuter.spip.net/t/mise-en-place-de-ci-continuous-integration/186242/13 21
EFnet #prison 21
Libera.Chat #mythtv This is the MythTV Development Channel, for user assistance please /join #mythtv-users 21
Libera.Chat #libopencm3 Welcome to Free/Libre/Open-Source ARM Cortex-M3 firmware library for STM32, TX03, SAM3U, LPC1000. http://libopencm3.org. 21
Libera.Chat #channel 21
Rizon #cscu `%%,`%%'`%»¶Ó­¼ÓÈëCSCU¼¯Í¼´ó¼ÒÍ¥!Welcome to join the collectors home%`%%,`%%'`%|No mIRC7.x|Required:PhotoServe_v4.16.140820(BETA:01)|PSC_pservecheck4.6.1.8|Asian:20210401 21
DALnet #poland Welcome to #Poland @ DALnet 21
Libera.Chat #solr 21
Libera.Chat #leloop Le Loop - Laboratoire Ouvert Ou Plus (du tout. jamais. nada. nib. que tchi. que pouic. c'est fini.) || https://wiki.leloop.org/ 21
Libera.Chat #supertux https://github.com/SuperTux | Stable: 0.6.3 | Nightlies: https://download.supertux.org/ | You must be registered with NickServ and identified to talk here! | Do not leave early! | Logs: https://logs.evadingreality.org/view_logs?channel=1 21
Libera.Chat #irctokens https://irctokens.hmm.st | tokenisation for everyone 21
Libera.Chat #kamailio Welcome to the Kamailio SIP Server! | www.kamailio.org | If no activity here, email your questions to sr-users@lists.kamailio.org 21
DALnet #satanic "There is no greater love than the madness of calling you in the face of so many threats from those who hid the universe for an illusory sky." 21
freenode #go-nuts 21
DALnet #bontang <><><>DALnet Network Channel #BONTANG NO!: Invite/Spam/Repeat/CAPS/Flood/Adv/BadWord - Register Nick: /msg NickServ@services.dal.net REGISTER <Password> <Email> - Prevent Spam: /mode <Your Nickname> +RC<><><> 21
Libera.Chat #openmoko-cdevel Openmoko Community Developers Channel - discussion on all firmware images, packages and software | SHR: http://shr-project.org | #hackable1 | #openmoko-debian | #qtmoko | #android-on-freerunner | CIA notifications in #freesmartphone.org | Logs: ~logs & http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/livelogs/openmoko-cdevel.txt 21
IRCnet #napoli 21
EFnet #youtube Israel, Iran & Hezbollah Fighting - LIVE Breaking News Coverage 21
Libera.Chat #fimu-pb152 21
Libera.Chat #sandstorm Welcome to #sandstorm: home of all things Sandstorm and Cap'n Proto. Say hi! | Have a question but no one is here? Try asking in the discussion group: https://groups.google.com/group/sandstorm-dev | Channel logs available at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/sandstorm | Note that many community members are on #sandstorm:libera.chat on Matrix, and the bridge is currently disabled. 21
Libera.Chat #python.de http://python.org und http://python.org/doc/ | > 3 zeilen code -> Paste: https://gist.github.com/ | Einsteiger: (DE) http://py-tutorial-de.readthedocs.org/de/python-3.3/ (EN) http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide 21
Libera.Chat ##thinkers "The channel for Elite Human Capital" && for everyone who has a good heart too. We miss you Veggie. 21
DALnet #bench Welcome to #Bench Channel Enjoy your stay here! 21
Libera.Chat #werewolf-unrated Werewolf Gone Wild! 21
freenode #jquery 21
DALnet #eason 21
DALnet #russia Welcome to #Russia. Please understand we do not support wars, we do not support violence, this war does not represent us or other Russian people. May this war on Ukraine end soon. Long live Russia. 21
Libera.Chat #surreylug Welcome to #surreylug - http://surrey.lug.org.uk/ | Curry and Beer at a time to be determined | Please do not touch therobert 21
Undernet #marihuana 21
Rizon #offtopic Welcome to #offtopic - https://weatherwarfare.net/2024/03/was-hurricane-sandy-an-attack-on-the-united-states-of-america-by-iran/ 21
Libera.Chat #syndicate The Syndicated Actor Model, Dataspaces, and Conversational Concurrency https://syndicate-lang.org/ 21
OFTC #vbox-dev Looking for VBox code documentation? Start with 'kmk docs'. VBox development mailing list: http://www.virtualbox.org/mailman/listinfo/vbox-dev 21
IRCnet #uptime 21
freenode #anime Welcome to #anime | Guidelines: http://j.mp/aniguides | https://i.imgur.com/YbaXYAs.jpg | Daily group-watching using syncplay.pl 21
Libera.Chat #jailbreak  jailbreaking iOS devices  https://taurine.apphttps://unc0ver.devhttps://checkra.inhttps://chimera.shhttps://theodyssey.dev  Links https://redd.it/c8e78c 21
EFnet #brasil Welcome to #Brasil - “O cara permanece.” 21
DALnet #saudi Welcome to #Saudi HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!! For FREE bnc /join #FreeBNC Channel 21
Libera.Chat #daladevelop En topic som kan blidka de mest nitiska 21