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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
QuakeNet #casual 20
OFTC #zonedstorage Zoned storage device and software discussion | Website: https://zonedstorage.io/ | Rules: https://github.com/westerndigitalcorporation/zonedstorage.io/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 20
Libera.Chat #whateverable 20
SkyChatz #mamak Welcome To Official Skychatz #Mamak 20
EFnet #♂🚽 Greetings, Starfighters. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armad 20
EFnet #spoof 9/11 was a hoax. :: FREE MELLY 20
Libera.Chat #whipper systemd-cdripd | https://github.com/whipper-team/whipper 20
IRCgo #sweden @}--,`-´,----Welcome to #Sweden | Keep it in Swe or Eng plz. 20
Libera.Chat #oberon Discussions related to the Oberon Operating System(s), Programming Language(s) and Philosophy. -- http://people.inf.ethz.ch/wirth/ 20
Undernet #magyar 20
EFnet #botwars 20
QuakeNet #indoirc IRC.IndoIRC.id || to join a IndoIRC Network || Thanks http://radio.indoirc.uk.to or http://radio.indoirc.uk.to:8000/listen.pls 20
Libera.Chat #signald signald | An API for Signal Private Messenger | https://signald.org | Latest release: https://gitlab.com/signald/signald/-/releases/0.23.2 | registration and linking are both broken, I am working on it: https://gitlab.com/signald/signald/-/merge_requests/163 20
Rizon #lamonae *XMAS release yay: YOUBI MASOCHIST ~ DARK will be out soonish ... -=- https://sukebei.nyaa.si/?q=lamonae -=- Where the perverted incels dwell and talk about hentai -=- Russia will be done any minute now... -=- The one and only autistic hentai channel! -=- http://lamonae.blog.free.fr/ 20
IRCnet #bsd 20
EFnet #coffee 20
Libera.Chat #dnsmasq unofficial dnsmasq channel | https://www.alxu.ca/dnsmasq-channel.html 20
IRCnet #pixel computer #art / #coders , #trax music demos|ask flood #ASCII | #scene #thescene scene.org #pouet.net #bitfellas demoparty.net 20
Undernet #enjoy Statistici Scramble » http://irc.xtrivia.ro/enjoy.php ( Pentru a asculta Radio EnjoyChat => http://radio.enjoychat.net:8024 ) 20
Libera.Chat #zim-wiki Zim Desktop Wiki is a graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of wiki pages. http://zim-wiki.org/ | About this chat room, and FAQ: https://zim.glump.net/irc-chat-room/ | This channel is not about Kiwix. | This is a slow channel. Asking a question and waiting less than 8 hours before disconnecting might not get you an answer. 20
Rizon #asia Welcome to #Asia - Asians are welcome to join the community. mIRC Official Channel @ Rizon. 20
Libera.Chat #futel TALK TO HANDY NOW!!!! 503-HOT-1337 | https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/map/futel-service-map_707873 20
Libera.Chat #libreoffice-qa Welcome to LibreOffice QA! Get started with Bug Triage: https://tdf.io/qagetinvolved User questions #libreoffice, development #libreoffice-dev, documentation #libreoffice-doc || Use Help|Send feedback to file new reports || macOS claiming the aarch64 daily build is damaged? → xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /path/to/LibreOfficeDev.app 20
freenode #letsencrypt 20
OFTC #atropa_logged play amish wealth abjuration w/ us 20
EFnet #elite ☠ 201337 ☠ control the algorithm; control the world 20
Libera.Chat #mechanicadvice || Get advice - Mechanically || http://www.midpointbearing.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Nachi-Bearing-Failures-Poster.pdf ||https://www.amsoil.com/about/synthetic-versus-conventional/ Oil. || Don't ask to ask, just ask your question - and then stick around || 20
Undernet #onesti welcome ( www.onesti.ro ) 20
OFTC #communitydata-casual Informal #communitydata channel for spitballing, chitchat, sharing stuff for fun, anything random 20
EFnet #jewtunnel https://cdn.videy.co/sS89QVuB.mp4 | https://i.imgur.com/LjBq1ir.jpeg | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjBSt8bsfi0 20
Libera.Chat #vapaakoodi Vapaan ohjelman puolesta jo 7.7.2007 lähtien ;) 20
Rizon #chanstat Welcome to #ChanStat! The official channel for the bot ChanStat. For bot information visit http://chanstat.net. Our forums are http://forum.chanstat.net 20
EFnet #microdose 20
EFnet #psilocybin 20
Libera.Chat #linaro-virtualization Home of Linaro's Emulation and Virtualisation team. Topics include QEMU, VirtIO (including HVAC), rust-vmm and hypervisors. Also find us in the upstream channels 20
Libera.Chat #fpc Fpc pascal Developers & Users | Websites -> https://www.freepascal.org/  and  https://www.lazarus-ide.org | Paste bins for code -> https://pastebin.mozilla.org or http://paste.debian.net  | Online FPC -> https://www.onlinegdb.com/online_pascal_compiler or https://ideone.com/ | Shared Whiteboard  -> https://witeboard.com | Pascal book -> http://code.sd/startprog/ 20
KampungChat #ace [ Biarpun dalam Kegelapan Terdalam, Pasti ada Pemberani yang mencari Cahaya.] 20
FreshChat #help Welcome to the official network help channel. Please keep this channel for support only. | '/msg ChanServ help' and '/msg NickServ help' should answer most services based questions. | FAQ: http://freshchat.org/help | Acceptable Use Policy: https://freshchat.org/aup 20
Libera.Chat ##data Data engineering, databases, big data, dataops, data warehouse, data lake, datasets: discussion and feeds | Resource: https://dbdb.io | Rules: Identify with nickserv. Stay on topic. No public logging. | Affiliated: #aws-news #blockchain ##machinelearning #ml-deploy #ml-news #pydata-news 20
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-mobile 20
IRCnet #pearljam Welcome to #PearlJam 20
Libera.Chat #cygwin-developers Discussion of cygwin development. | Not for general questions, bug reports, or package requests. 20
Undernet #ubec |||||||||| Trivia: Time flies so fast you'd swear it's a time machine! (Containing 906416 questions!) 20
Libera.Chat #crux-devel CRUX (https://crux.nu/) development channel | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-devel/ 20
IRCnet #milano [Psotnic]: Born to abuse. 20
Libera.Chat #fedora-cloud Fedora Cloud SIG: https://alt.fedoraproject.org/cloud/ | Issue tracker: https://pagure.io/cloud-sig/ | Meetings: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud#Meetings 20
Libera.Chat #cafeteria Welcome to #cafeteria | English is preferred, all languages are allowed though | Other channels: ##castellano - ##francais | Discord: https://discord.gg/5kmatqaYn9 20
OFTC #osm-fi "OpenStreetMap.org-yhteisön suomenkielinen kanava | http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/WikiProject_Finland | MML:n maastotietokannan tiestöimportti: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Fi:Maastotietokanta/Road_Import_Stage1_Workflow 20
Libera.Chat ##stinkpads 19:54 <@Ingvix> I host my shit | Ingvix (~Ingvix@user/ingvix) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | <@gnar> no thx 20
QuakeNet #starcraft #starcraft created on Mon Mar 13 22:35:50 2000 20