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Network Name Topic Users
EFnet #fuckery no u 18
DALnet #psybnc Welcome to #psyBNC The Official @psyBNC channel Don't msg @/+ | We won't setup your psyBNC for you. | Speak only English psyBNC's available /ms send Khalidxpert !ip <Nick> to check whois 18
QuakeNet #eteinen Pylly vasten pyllyä pum pum 🍑🍑 18
Undernet #buddhism 18
Libera.Chat #sstic SSTIC 2024 du 5 au 7 juin | Planches, articles et vidéos disponibles sur https://www.sstic.org/2024/programme/ 18
Libera.Chat #anaconda The Fedora/RHEL/CentOS installer: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda 18
Libera.Chat #lineageos-offtopic Do Electric Sheep Dream of Memes | You will not find support here. 18
Undernet #carding 18
QuakeNet #dedmen 18
QuakeNet #teamspeak Client: v3.6.2 Server: v3.13.7 | No ads, sponsor talk, spam or /msg-ing ops. Ask a meaningful question and wait for an answer. Check the forum & FAQ on www.teamspeak.com | http://forum.teamspeak.com/ 18
QuakeNet #mmo-champion 18
QuakeNet #tangerang 18
freenode #1337 #1337 Leet (or "1337", also known as eleet or leetspeak) is an alternative alphabet system created primarily for use on the Internet. It uses some characters to be replaced by other characters, playing on the similarity of glyphs through onomatopoeia or similarity. #1337 leet 18
QuakeNet #metal-only.de 18
QuakeNet #olympics 18
Undernet #angelsland Manager has logged back in. Channel unlocked. Please login regularly to avoid channel getting purged 18
OFTC #debian-llvm All things related to LLVM, Clang, Polly, LLDB, etc in the Debian context - See also https://apt.llvm.org/ 18
Libera.Chat #klipper 18
Libera.Chat #2600hz KAZOO: Cloud-Based Telecom for Everyone | https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/ | https://forums.2600hz.com/ | https://docs.2600hz.com/dev/ | Bi-weekly community call at https://parley.2600hz.com/?autocall=mod-community (see forum calendar for dates and time) 18
OFTC #alpine-reproducible Reproducible Alpine Linux - https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/alpine/alpine.html 18
Libera.Chat #dogecoin-beg 18
Libera.Chat #manjaro-arm Welcome to Manjaro ARM. For official support please visit forum.manjaro.org or +manjaro-arm:matrix.org 18
EFnet #vae wheelchair support chan | https://i.imgur.com/QEdeVk9.jpg | irc is my wheelchair 18
EFnet #chat COVID19 2020 EPIDEMIC 18
EFnet #netflix All discussions and news pertaining to content on Netflix. 18
EFnet #efnet.portlane.se Delinked: 2021-05-12 (Linked for 9 years and 138 days) 18
Libera.Chat #fedora-security 18
OFTC #/s/oftach s@ | /s/elf ho/s/ters | IRC - #/s/oftach on irc.oftc.net, XMPP - #\2fs\2foftach@ircgate.dulo.rocks 18
IRCnet #mutanty 18
Libera.Chat #cvn-wp-es Es-Wikipedia countervandalism <https://es.wikipedia.org> | Instrucciones: http://bit.ly/aokS5y | Escribe !staff junto a tu solicitud _en la misma línea_ para solicitar voice o pedir ayuda o entra a #countervandalism | Reporte de filtros #wikipedia-es-abusos | La publicación del registro del canal está prohibida | bot ausente: +v a RyuBot-wp-es (RyuBot-Control: restart RyuBot-wp-es) 18
Libera.Chat #clash https://clash-lang.org | This channel is dead, we recommend https://functionalprogramming.slack.com/archives/CPGMJFF50 instead, you can invite yourself using https://fpslack.com/ 18
Undernet #arges Bine ati venit pe canalul Municipiului Curtea de Arges! ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/curteadearges ) 18
Libera.Chat #graylog Graylog v4.3 -- Full-featured open-source log-management // docs: http://docs.graylog.org - forums: https://community.graylog.org - Please stick around after posting your question! 18
Rizon #whatsapp Welcome to chat irc WhatsApp - http://www.whatsapp.com/ 18
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-nl Welkom op de chat van de Nederlandstalige Wikipedia | Blijf herkenbaar via uw gebruikersnaam op Wikipedia | Publiceren/verspreiden van chatlogs niet toegestaan | *DRINGEND* moderatorhulp nodig? Typ !mod + verzoek 18
Libera.Chat #jesus Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you. Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. 18
DALnet #thelounge Welcome to #thelounge. Take a seat, relax and enjoy the stay. OP commands: @opcmds | Channel stats: https://bit.ly/4c8XksA | Website: https://bit.ly/3uxCpz6 18
Undernet #chatfun (ZStarDust) Welcome to #ChatFun || USA Radio || Stay tuned for more awesome music || DJ: AutoDJ 18
Libera.Chat #janet Welcome to #janet, a community for programming with Janet (https://janet-lang.org/). This channel is bridged to the zulip community. The other bridged channels are #janet-appreciation, #janet-help, #janet-jpm, #janet-spork and #janet-tooling 18
Rizon #games Hey all ; Looking for Trivia, Scramble, Chess, Duck-Game and any other games played on IRC... Please /query zs 18
DALnet #batak ¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦| Welcome to #batak [ HORAS!! ] |¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦ 18
DALnet #oaktree Your Actions Shows how Much You Love 💗 Some One 💕 18
RetroNode #chat For no censorship - #X | Help, vHosts, Bots, Admins - #Help | Free WebHosting + Subdomains available for Retronode users (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal & much more!) Retronode - let's build an awesome community together! 18
RetroNode #russian Добро пожаловать! Канал общения на русском языке. Основные темы: ретро айти и программирование. Без политики! || Welcome! A channel for Russian talks, English is also fine. Default topics: Retro IT and programming. No politics, please. 18
Libera.Chat ##francophonie Ça va être du grand Mendès 18
Undernet #milano \\\\'eLcOmE tO #Milano - www.IRCMilano.org - Since '97 ( Have Fun ) 18
Libera.Chat #makesad make sad dot something || whispers of roses forever 18
DALnet #basilan Welcome to #Basilan, have a nice chat and cool stay. :) 18
Libera.Chat #oslandia-infra 18
Undernet #com 18