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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #lubuntu-offtopic Lubuntu chat | Support: #lubuntu | Development: #lubuntu-devel | Telegram: https://telegram.lubuntu.me/offtopic 18
IRCnet #s 18
Undernet #mysteryland Welcome on #MysteryLand ENG + RO = allowed! Channel: OPEN for chat and fun! ( Now you can join #SoundWave or #TomorrowLand ) 18
IRCnet #l 18
Libera.Chat #linux-exynos Linux Samsung SoC Exynos and Family | https://exynos.wiki.kernel.org | This channel is logged: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/linux-exynos 18
Libera.Chat #lavasoftware 18
DALnet #xxx 18
Libera.Chat #hup.hu Visszatertunk! #hup.hu @ irc.libera.chat | hup.hu/user/$yourIRCnick cloak kerheto | https://hup.hu/faq/irc 18
Rizon #hackernews Welcome to #hackernews - The Hacker News - https://thehackernews.com | New chan owner - Salvaje 18
EFnet #spaceopera All discussions pertaining to properties related to the space opera subgenre of science fiction! 18
Libera.Chat #fosscon FOSSCON 2020 is not. But never fear, FOSSCON lives on in the future! 18
DALnet #barbeque Happy New Year! 18
EFnet #ircart @list textart for commands | textart git - github - bit.ly/3dh6CEZ 18
DALnet #oddprotocol Howdy from Oddprotocol | IRCNow | UPDATE From #Oddprotocol Community! We Stopped the "Free VPS Program" End November 30-11-2023. VPS are then available for "Rental". For more info and personalised "VHOSTS" ask for more info!! https://oddprotocol.org' 18
DALnet #twitter T . W . I . T . T . E . R 18
EFnet #team Friend @ #team - #BR - #Betters - %Server: irc.gigachat.net 18
Libera.Chat #archlinux-conf Arch Linux Conference | https://conf.archlinux.org - Volunteer and help us plan an online conference for 2021! 18
freenode #dovecot 18
Undernet #mures Bun venit pe #mures <<< http://underland.team/radio >>> ( https://www.mures.ro ) 18
Libera.Chat #r.trees <zeamp> aclonedsheep: May be granted 1 wish? In that I may set a new topic here, as the current topic hasn't been updated since Feb '22. CAN WE HAVE A NEW TOPIC PLEASE 18
Libera.Chat ##abgilpqt+ Channel for asexuals/aromantics, bi*, gays, intersex, pan*, queer, trans & other gender, romantic/sensual & sexual minorities ♥ | Not an 18+ channel 18
Libera.Chat #opendarwin Buy your mom an iPhone 18
Libera.Chat #oracle 18
Undernet #pasig Welcome to #pasig Mabuhay Vico Sotto! ( Behave and respect your chatmates. ) 18
EFnet #vae wheelchair support chan | https://i.imgur.com/QEdeVk9.jpg | irc is my wheelchair 18
Libera.Chat #libreoffice-design Welcome to the LibreOffice design/UX channel! Learn more about our mission at https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Design. We have biweekly alternating meetings on Wed/Thu at 6pm/12am (noon) UTC (20:00/14:00 CEST+1) on Jitsi - https://jitsi.documentfoundation.org/design - or catch us on Telegram - https://t.me/LibreOfficeDesign 18
Libera.Chat #gentoo-ruby Ruby on Gentoo Linux | MRI 3.1, 3.2 stable; MRI 3.3, 3.4 testing | Help wanted: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Ruby 18
Libera.Chat #themanaworld-dev TMW Developers Lounge (Bridged; see #themanaworld-irc for unbridged) | https://wiki.themanaworld.org/wiki/How_to_Develop | For player/general discussion, see #themanaworld (Bridged) 18
Libera.Chat #bitcoin-hwi Hardware Wallet Integration | https://github.com/bitcoin-core/HWI 18
Libera.Chat #drbd 18
DALnet #gb 18
Libera.Chat #botters-test If necessary, use '/msg chanserv op #botters-test' to op yourself and set bans, unbans, kicks and quiets as necessary. Please don't abuse this option. Thanks. 18
Undernet #charmed Welcome to #charmed Please speak English, Tagalog, Bisaya only!  Have fun chatting everyone!' 18
DALnet #leet I aR tha l33t'st. 'l33t leet elite eleet 3l33t 1337 el1t3'!! 18
Libera.Chat #matrix-docker-ansible-deploy 18
Undernet #newsgarden 25 things we think will happen in 2025 https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/392241/2025-new-year-predictions-trump-musk-artificial-intelligence 18
freenode #europe Welcome to #europe irc chat channel. For access join #mirchelp thanks 18
Libera.Chat #wasm Welcome to the unofficial WebAssembly (WASM) IRC channel - Feel free to ask and help others! | https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/8123 18
Libera.Chat ##philosophy-off Welcome! Please observe libera.chat ToS: https://libera.chat/policies/ 18
Undernet #physics 18
Libera.Chat #programmeur Salon francophone pour les programmeurs : C, C++, Python, Java, Kotlin, SQL, Go, Rust, etc. // identifiez-vous pour joindre! 18
Undernet #spacex 18
freenode #bitcoin-pricetalk ClowncarTown || Bitcoin somewhat-related and pricing discussion || Guidelines: Be civil, altcoin pumping offtopic || ;;tlast ;;tall : for prices || talk to gribble in private || THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A BTC MARKET CAP 18
EFnet #︻┳テ=一 shoutouts to #phrack 18
Rizon #magick IRC for esoteric mysticism and open spiritual discussion | It may take a few hours to reply, please be patient, we are here :) | For information, see: https://para.wiki | RFC1855, ignored since 1995! 18
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-sp Wikimedia Small Projects in Spanish | https://wikisp.org | Voice: Miembros del grupo y/o Usuarios con algún vhost del movimiento | Este canal está conectado al grupo de WikiSP en telegram, por lo que se espera ser puntual con los mensajes. | Status: https://status.wikisp.org 18
Libera.Chat #ua Вітаємо, Ви в Україні! | В країні війна https://pastebin.com/4Mx6sMSc | Музика війни https://bit.ly/3Ki8o9e | Ukraїner https://ukrainer.net/uk/ | СУМ http://sum.in.ua | СПАЛАХ https://bit.ly/3LEHOar | #ничеготакого 18
DALnet #tchat Bienvenue sur #chat Quitter : Ne perdez pas votre temps dans la colère, les regrets, les inquiétudes et les rancunes. La vie est trop courte pour être malheureux. officiel site https://www.tchat.chat 18
Undernet #winscp welcome ( www.winscp.ro ) 18
Rizon #lililicious http://www.lililicious.net | Triggers: !rules, !releases | Releases: Our Journey to Lesbian Motherhood ch12 and epilogue, Fragment (Fragments of Love extra) | Bot packlist: http://bots.animeneko.net/rosacanina/ 18