QuakeNet |
#flauschthecurve |
16 |
KampungChat |
#chanserv |
WELCOME(2)#ChanServ | Login Services: https://login.kampungchat.org | More Info Command Taip : /Msg ChanServ HELP |
16 |
Undernet |
#chatspace |
16 |
QuakeNet |
#ddnet |
16 |
ChatLounge |
#multirpg |
Multinet IdleRPG | Register: /msg multirpg register <user> <password> <class> | Web: http://multirpg.net | Help/Chat: #multirpg-discuss |
16 |
Libera.Chat |
#t-dose |
T-DOSE - 31 May & 1 June 2025 - CfP is open! - https://t-dose.org/ |
16 |
DALnet |
#thunderirc |
<><><>Welcome to thunderIRC on DALnet - FREE Bouncer type !help and follow the instruction, pls use your valid email - check https://thunderirc.net for informations - email : support@thunderirc.net - webpanel BNC find here https://bnc.thunderirc.net/<><><> |
16 |
Libera.Chat |
#postgezeur |
16 |
freenode |
#emfcamp |
16 |
Libera.Chat |
#hacklabto |
Hacklab.TO official channel. https://hacklab.to/archives/return-of-the-open-houses/ |
16 |
Undernet |
#8 |
16 |
Undernet |
#moalboal |
🇵🇭 It's always fun in M🪼O🐟A🐙L🐳B🐠O🐡A🤿L (https://moalbo.al | https://explore.moalbo.al) |
16 |
DALnet |
#delhi |
Welcome all to #delhi |
16 |
Rizon |
#channel01 |
free speech, invited ppl will never be kicked, no ops policy. make use of ignore. no personal threats, abandoning the channel cancels the invite, no advertising other/this channel, no conspiring against this channel. |
16 |
freenode |
#syncthing |
16 |
freenode |
#archlinux-unregistered |
16 |
Undernet |
#ada |
Ada Kanalýna Hoþgeldiniz Hoþ Sohbetler Dileriz ( https://chat.undernet.org ) |
16 |
Libera.Chat |
#oslandia-3d |
16 |
Undernet |
#dorin |
Bine ati venit pe chanul #Dorin , va uram chat placut !!!! |
16 |
KampungChat |
#op |
[x] Welcome(2)#OP [x] Study Command Service Sebagai Moderator ChanneL [x] OP@KampungChat [x] [p/s: Command : /msg ChanServ Help] |
16 |
Libera.Chat |
#slurm |
Slurm Workload Manager - https://slurm.schedmd.com |
16 |
Libera.Chat |
#mediagoblin |
GNU MediaGoblin: your free, autonomous media hosting software https://mediagoblin.org/ |
16 |
Libera.Chat |
#dfhack |
DFHack is an API and reverse engineering effort for Dwarf Fortress | downloads: https://dfhack.org/builds | forum thread: https://dfhack.org/bay12 | other support channels: https://dfhack.org/support | code: https://github.com/DFHack/dfhack | docs: https://docs.dfhack.org |
16 |
#superd |
superd - the user service supervisor! | https://sr.ht/~craftyguy/superd | Collection of .service files: https://git.sr.ht/~whynothugo/superd-services |
16 |
DALnet |
#ayarsee |
CHOOSE THE GAME TO PLAY: to play SCRABBLE type !scrabble / !scrabble stop - !game to see the letters, TO PLAY KAOS Trivia, type !kaos / !stop Tagalog trivia - !laro / !hinto - Bogus trivia in #trivialand and have fun |
16 |
DALnet |
#system |
The anti-outside room. // 2024 about to leave the floor // HO HO HOES BOATS AND HOES // IT IS FINALLY RAWE CEEK // TACO CAT backwards is TACO CAT |
16 |
DALnet |
#company |
Company @ DALnet |
16 |
Libera.Chat |
#dimsumlabs |
DimSumLabs: Hong Kong's First Hackerspace | web: DimSumLabs.com | virtual space: https://meet.jit.si/DimSumLabs | hack: https://github.com/dimsumlabs |
16 |
Libera.Chat |
#hackvana |
Welcome to #hackvana on libera.chat! Chat with us about electronics, computing, 3d printing, world politics and what's going on around you. Be kind to people. |
16 |
Rizon |
#hf-announce |
Working on it. Coming soon (trademark). Probably never. |
16 |
Libera.Chat |
#jellyfin-troubleshooting |
Jellyfin Troubleshooting chat | Jellyfin Project | https://jellyfin.org |
16 |
Rizon |
#yibis |
'(屮゚ Д゚)屮 Yibis Fansubs http://www.yibis.com ♥ Movie 9/10/Z ♥ Episode 0 ♥ episodo 777 (!777) ♥ http://arutha.info:5000/txt ♥ Torrents: http://tracker.yibis.com/ ♥ http://xdcc.yibis.com/list.txt !NO SPOILERS! Yibis Minecraft & TS3: yibis.com ♫♪♥ щ(゚Д゚щ)' |
16 |
Libera.Chat |
#osboot |
osboot project. site: https://osboot.org/ | osboot is free boot firmware, initializing the hardware in your computer so that software can run. it then starts a bootloader to load your operating system |
16 |
DALnet |
#uno |
**Welcome to UNO!. Please KEEP IT English** | No:Repeating,Flooding,Advertising,Inviting. | Need HELP? Ask an op OR type !unocmds in CHANNEL. (YOU idle for 2 minutes) You'll be removed by OPS. (We're capable to pick the needed Ops) |
16 |
Libera.Chat |
#pypa-dev |
16 |
DALnet |
#openbsd |
Welcome to #OpenBSD@DalNet | https://www.openbsd.org | FAQ: https://www.openbsd.org/faq | This is study channel for OpenBSD | No Abuse/Invite/Notice/Ctcp/Flood. Thank You! |
16 |
Libera.Chat |
#servethehome |
(new!) channel of ServeTheHome.com (http://www.servethehome.com) - Visit the forums http://forums.servethehome.com |
16 |
Libera.Chat |
#noisebridge |
noisebridge.net |
16 |
#redditprivacy |
https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy |
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#debian-meeting |
Go to https://wiki.debian.org/IRC/debian-meeting and book the chan for meetings or sessions! | Next: 100 Paper cuts project kick-off - 2019-06-17 19:00 UTC |
16 |
Libera.Chat |
#launchpad-dev |
https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: <98 | Support and spam reporting: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad |
16 |
DALnet |
#kediri |
<><><><> Welcome to #Kediri ~ Kota Tahu :) ~ Ketik !uno untuk bermain UNO <><><><> |
16 |
Rizon |
#tokyotosho-api |
Tokyo Toshokan :: Bots only - Script and API access :: Go to #tokyotosho for main channel |
16 |
DALnet |
#kabul |
'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%, Welcome to #KABUL '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%% |
16 |
DALnet |
#high-tech |
..::.. #High-Tech ..::.. STaTuS [ WebBOX UP, ShellBOX UP , GameBOX UP ] Admin: Fr4K **BNCFree: #bouncers ** |
16 |
EFnet |
#chatroom |
You're not even good enough to be my fake. |
16 |
#cryptoparty |
The robots are taking over! |
16 |
DALnet |
#besty |
Besty@DALnet For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. More Help Join #BesTeam ! |
16 |
SwiftIRC |
#mircscripting |
Welcome to #mIRCScripting for mIRC help | Guide: https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/mirc | Pastebin: https://pastebin.com | 7.79: https://mirc.com/get.html | Ask on the channel and wait, no query! | https://mircscripts.info |
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#/s/ |
fuck that war and all those soldiers |
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