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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #digitalocean 16
Undernet #channelhelp 16
LibertaCasa #praxis 21+ admittance, entry to this room carries with it an increased risk of death | The early worm gets the late bird. 16
Rizon #depression Welcome to the channel depression. Enjoy your stay and help depressive people to become happier in life! :3 16
Libera.Chat #christian-chat-chalice-german 16
Libera.Chat #rtl83xx 16
Libera.Chat #polska ***** *** 16
Rizon #suicide Welcome to #suicide. (´• ω •`)ノ Sorry you're here. /(>×<)\ Please try to enjoy your stay. 16
Libera.Chat #react 16
Libera.Chat ##america Welcome to ##America //\\ It is an American Chat Channel for Americans //\\ English only please //\\ 16
Libera.Chat #ntpsec Welcome to the NTPsec Project. Our web: https://ntpsec.org Our forge: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec Our blog: https://blog.ntpsec.org 16
Libera.Chat #mixxx Mixxx DJ Software https://mixxx.org/ : Most Mixxx discussion happens on Zulip https://mixxx.zulipchat.com/ or the forums https://mixxx.org/forums/ 16
IRCnet #morte 16
IRC-nERDs #chatfriendly "Converse & Connect : 💬🌐 A Welcoming Space for Thoughtful Chats, Friendly Debates, and Building Lasting Friendships!" 🎉🗣️💬🗣️💬 16
Libera.Chat #haskell-ops [#haskell moderators : http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/IRC_channel/Management - Users are welcome to join for specific discussion but asked not to idle ] 16
Libera.Chat ##shitler Welcome to Secret Hitler - a social deduction game, similar to Mafia or Werewolf | How to play and Rules - https://starcatcher.us/Shitler | Command Prefix is ! now | Leaderboard - https://new.starcatcher.us/leaderboard/ 16
Libera.Chat #elitedangerous < Me-me> First rule of lurking: Don't leave until there's a reason to. 16
Rizon #4taba The unofficial 4taba IRC | 4taba.net | Fully revived, on original url only | Trivia scores before wipe: 1. yotgo 13449; 2. killsushi 2574; 3. cheek 2171; 4. butterscotch 1338; 5. anon6013 940; 6. space_cowboy 912; 7. systwi 875; 8. buttercrotch 683; 9. kiwi_99 185; 10. SLAPP_CO`- 0 | 24/7 trivia! 16
IRCnet #turku3 16
Libera.Chat #utreexo 16
Libera.Chat #ltp Next meeting 13th of November 09:00 UTC at https://meet.google.com/jon-gytf-uei 16
Libera.Chat #drbd 16
Rizon #tulpa.lounge The official Tulpa.info lounge. Talk about stuff, but please follow the Rules: http://bit.ly/16M2iEa | Explicit lewd should be in #tulpa.NSFW | Official tulpa.info discord: https://discord.gg/eDnKaP7 | Other tulpa communities: https://pastebin.com/raw/D9Mdha1L | Feedback on mods: http://goo.gl/Sd9pFK 16
Rizon #tokyotosho-api Tokyo Toshokan :: Bots only - Script and API access :: Go to #tokyotosho for main channel 16
Rizon #anime-destiny www.Anime-Destiny.org :: New Releases: Kingdom S2 Episode 39 (End), Toriko Movie 2 :: BT: http://anime-destiny.edwardk.info :: Releases: KnGB, KnG, Toriko & Movies, Baku I, II 01-13, Kingdom S1, Kingdom S2 :: DL Triggers: !xdcc| News: Toriko Movie 2 Released :: XDCC: Kyubei Recruiting: #Adestiny-Recruit 16
Libera.Chat #sphinx-doc http://sphinx-doc.org - Sphinx - Python Documentation Generator Libera Chat 16
QuakeNet #milliwatti 16
Libera.Chat #slackware.uk Welcome to #slackware.uk - the channel for UK Slackware chatter and help. Feel free to stick around and chat or ask questions - we'll reply as soon as we can, so be patient :) Remember to use your local mirror at: https://slackware.uk/. The last -stable security update was on [2025-02-26] - updating is recommended! 16
Libera.Chat #gentoo-proaudio Discussion on sound production on Gentoo | https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:ProAudio 16
Undernet #ada Ada Kanalýna Hoþgeldiniz Hoþ Sohbetler Dileriz ( https://chat.undernet.org ) 16
Libera.Chat #mageia-sysadm Mageia sysadmin team - https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Category:Sysadmin 16
Libera.Chat #bizhawk register to chat -> https://libera.chat/guides/registration | http://github.com/TASEmulators/BizHawk | Unofficial latest windows interim build: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/zeromus/bizhawk-udexo/build/artifacts | Mono interim builds: https://gitlab.com/TASVideos/BizHawk/pipelines?scope=branches&ref=master | Report an issue: https://github.com/TASEmulators/bizhawk/issues 16
Libera.Chat #anbox Android operating system in a container | https://anbox.io/ | Unofficial channel, official channel is (for now) in #anbox on Freenode or https://t.me/anbox on Telegram 16
EFnet #bmotion https://github.com/jamesoff/bmotion | [nathangl] better to talk to then my girlfriend. 16
Undernet #moalboal 🇵🇭 It's always fun in M🪼O🐟A🐙L🐳B🐠O🐡A🤿L (https://moalbo.al | https://explore.moalbo.al) 16
Libera.Chat #archers We don't ask your approval but require your enthusiasm. ? QOTD: We're not like, cool with fascism. 16
IRCnet #wloclawek 16
Rizon #mlpfim My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic | Beating a dead horse since 2013 16
Libera.Chat #edmproduction 16
Libera.Chat #gentoo-udev eudev has now been deprecated. sys-fs/udev is now supported on glibc *and* musl 16
Libera.Chat #chicago Chicago 16
Libera.Chat #pyqt 16
QuakeNet #ryd 16
Libera.Chat #pydata 16
IRCnet #america 16
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-pt Wikipédia - https://pt.wikipedia.org || Para ajuda: "!admin + seu pedido" 16
Libera.Chat ##nlp Can't speak? Register with NickServ! (HINT: /msg NickServ help) | NLP. A channel for open discussion of Natural Language Processing, related algorithms, and the like. ||| Related channels: #_u-dep #apertium ##machinelearning-general ##linguistics ||| Estimated response time: 2--3 hours, so idle ! :) 16
QuakeNet #chanstat 16
Libera.Chat ##asciiart ASCII Art | bridged to ##asciiart on pissnet | feel free to post any kind of ASCII art if it is not big | for big spam: #hamradio on pissnet 16
Libera.Chat #btrbk https://digint.ch/btrbk | Latest Version: 0.32.6 16