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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #wallstreetbets 15
Libera.Chat #esphome 15
KampungChat #xshellz Welcome(2)#xSheLLz' [ ZNC Automated Build. Contribute to xshellz/xshellz-znc development by creating an account. xShellz provides stable, fast and scalable services on shell or third party servers. ] 15
Undernet #chanfix 15
Libera.Chat #gentoo-media 15
Libera.Chat #hacksoc https://hacksoc.org :: Official channel for HackSoc - A computer science society based at the University of York :: Read the rules: https://www.hacksoc.org/coc.html 15
Libera.Chat #debops DebOps - Your Debian-based data center in a box | https://debops.org/ 15
SkyChatz #skyshells # S K Y S H E L L S . Type !menu untuk mengetahui Psy/Bnc/Egg/IRCD/ZNC. Sila PM nick Vells & F1 Untuk keterangan lanjut. [ Status ] : Online' 15
DALnet #belgium welcome 15
Libera.Chat #savonet https://www.liquidsoap.info - Audio & Video Streaming Language 15
Libera.Chat #haskell-fr [ "Salon dédié au langage de programmation Haskell : https://www.haskell.org/" , "Apprendre Haskell : https://lyah.haskell.fr/" ] 15
DALnet #banten 15
Libera.Chat #redmine https://www.redmine.org 15
DALnet #dsnnet 15
Libera.Chat #mate-dev MATE 1.26 has been released !!! This channel is for MATE development questions *only*, user questions should go to the #mate channel 15
OFTC #licenses license and copyright patterns reusable across copyright inspection tools https://wiki.debian.org/CopyrightReviewTools 15
Libera.Chat #mamak [Libera.chat] #mamak | ° 🇲🇾 ° 15
SkyChatz #sex •••••••••••••••• enjoy your stay. Stay a while, someone could cum along to chat. Happy Sex - YES. Serious Sex - MAYBE 15
freenode ##c++-general 15
Undernet #mp3kiwi Trivia And More All Are Welcome 15
QuakeNet #ryd 15
EFnet #jew 15
Undernet #antivirus 4 ways to bring cybersecurity into your community ( https://tinyurl.com/23aw3oyj ) 15
EvilNET #services Welcome to #services for staff/services help || General help please /join #help || klined? abuse? submit a ticket https://evilnet.org/support/ || For an EvilNET general user cloak type: /hs take evilnet/users/$account or want a custom vhost? /join #vhost 15
EFnet #stalkers 15
OFTC #productiehuis Welcome to Team Productiehuis for WHY2025. https://why2025.org/Team:Productiehuis 15
Libera.Chat #uavp Support Julien Assange, a journalist now free after being jailed illegally by the United Kindom for 10 years! -- The Next Generation Open Source Multicopter - Websites: http://ng.uavp.ch - Forum: http://ng.uavp.ch/forum - HW-0.30, HW-0.30-mini and NGblc (naked & assembled) are available in the UAVP-NG shop 15
Libera.Chat ####music (everyone on ####music: ) I'm alive, you bastards, and I always will be. 15
Rizon #ewg-recruits Hi! Have something to offer? We are looking for rooters / donations / bot owners / coders / dedicated server / servers minimum 100mbit upload - #elitewarez for xdcc <----> #elite-chat for chat ! 15
EFnet #pussy [nM] She call me the referee cause I be so official. My shirt aint got no stripes but I can make that pussy whistle. 15
SkyChatz #jiwang 2 [+ntr] Welcome to #Jiwang. To Connect with us pls use /server MP3.JWGNetwork.Net 6667-7000 (SSL +6670) TQ! Feel free to drop by to Serving or to be Served with all kind of Latest classic/modern/top/popular type of audio or visual file. Links #Jiwang, #mIRC, #JWGShell, #anime, #mp3nova (adik) 15
OFTC #virtualization What's next on virtualization in GNU Series? 15
Undernet #ircop 15
Libera.Chat #illumos-de illumos-Benutzerforum (Web: https://illumos.org/ Mailingliste: https://illumos.topicbox.com/groups/illumos-de) 15
EFnet #doge 15
Libera.Chat #etesync 15
DALnet #ust UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS DALnet! 👩‍💻 FOSTERING KNOWLEDGE SHARING THE INNOVATIVE AND INTERACTIVE WAY 🧠 Homepage: http://ust.triviahub.ml FB: https://facebook.com/USTdalnet.official 15
IRCnet #netnod 15
Libera.Chat #python-fr-off Détente et Python | https://discuss.afpy.org | #afpy | #python-fr | Prochain meetup ce lundi 14 juin : https://discuss.afpy.org/t/en-attendant-la-pyconfr-du-14-juin-2021/303 15
IRCnet #leicester 15
Libera.Chat #aarch64-laptops moved to irc://irc.oftc.net/#aarch64-laptops, nothing to see here 15
freenode #postfix 15
IRCnet #blackmetal.fi The Vornat's sai salaisen riffin 15
Libera.Chat #matterircd https://github.com/42wim/matterircd - Connect to your mattermost or slack using your IRC-client of choice - latest is v0.28.0 15
Libera.Chat #illumos-go A place to discuss golang on illumos based systems. 15
QuakeNet #cewek 15
Undernet #gunit 15
freenode #videogames All gaming discussions on Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo, PC/Linux/Mac/Steam, Mobile and VR for all gamers! | IRC Server: slyktech.irc-nerds.net | Discord: https://discord.gg/NYEN3wVfAy | Steam Community: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/videogames | Website: https://www.slyktech.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.com/slykgames 15
IRCnet #techno Welcome to #techno 15
Rizon #modarchive Discord Bridge: https://discord.gg/KEtvEGMqdZ [ Use !help for a list of commands ] Modarchive.org - A distinctive collection of modules, since 1996 15