If you have a question or feature request. Please post this here.
Bug Reports
Feature Requests
IRC Daemons
An IRCd, short for Internet Relay Chat daemon, is server software that implements the IRC protocol, enabling people to talk to each other via the Internet (exchanging textual messages in real time). |
IRC Services
Internet Relay Chat services (usually called IRC services) is a name for a set of features implemented on many modern Internet Relay Chat networks. Services are automated bots with special status which are generally used to provide users with access with certain privileges and protection. They usually implement some sort of login system so that only people on the access control list can obtain these services. |
Water Cooler
Gather around the water cooler for general yakking that doesn't fit into one of the categories above. |
Everything Goes
You read it right, This forum is unmoderated and you may do whatever you wish here. Rant, Fight, Flame, Curse (Don't blame me if the general censors filter that). |
Total posts: 6352 • Total topics: 45