1 |
#videogames |
[+ntrTPC] All gaming discussions on Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo, PC/Linux/Mac/Steam, Mobile and VR for all gamers! | Discord: https://discord.gg/NYEN3wVfAy | Steam Community: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/videogames | Website: https://www.slyktech.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.com/slykgames |
380 |
3 hours ago |
2 |
#linux |
[+ntrPf] Linux Support - Ask your question and someone will help you when they can. |
212 |
3 hours ago |
3 |
#nerds |
[+ntrPCf] [18+] [Official IRC-nERDs Channel] [ ipv4: irc.irc-nerds.net / ipv6: irc6.irc-nerds.net ] [ WebChat: https://webchat.irc-nerds.net ] [http://comic.shift-insert.com/#nerds] [ Discord: https://discord.gg/AmaKQxdkhq] Ask your question and hope for an answer, invite your friends. We talk shit and nerd. |
187 |
3 hours ago |
4 |
#security |
[+ntrP] Computer and Network Security discussion channel. |
155 |
3 hours ago |
5 |
#cinema |
[+ntrP] [#Cinema - Your home of entertainment.] "Save the clock tower!" Welcome to a place where you can discuss films and tv shows. $imdb <Movie/TV Show> -- To show a movie or tv show description. or... $tv <tv show> - To display information about a tv show, such as last episode, and when the next episode will be. | RIP Matthew Perry |
136 |
3 hours ago |
6 |
#chatgpt |
[+ntrP] You can talk to grok, gemini, chatgpt or other LLMs by typing "tinsoldier", "Torgo", "&chatgpt", "&gemini" or "&grok" and your statement or question. | Zuberlan is capable of Gemini, ChatGPT and Grok, while tinsoldier is multiple LLMs. |
134 |
3 hours ago |
7 |
#thelounge |
[+ntrP] TheLounge IRC Client. Community discussion and support channel. |
124 |
3 hours ago |
8 |
#chat |
[+ntrRPCf] Welcome to #chat | Caution: Valware bites! |
118 |
3 hours ago |
9 |
#hardware |
[+ntrP] #Hardware is For Hardware Chat and Help |
114 |
3 hours ago |
10 |
#archlinux |
[+ntrP] ArchLinux Community Support channel, stay and help others if you can. For ArchLinux and all of its derivative's. Manjaro, Arco, Garuda, RebornOS, etc.. |
107 |
3 hours ago |
11 |
#pirates |
[+ntrMP] ||||||||| Pirates Game! 🕱 Welcome aboard The Devils Plunderer, Season 6, Mod: Pirates Choice! 🕱 Join wit' !Pirates 🕱 Happy Weekend 🕱 Chat = doubloons! 🕱 http://piratesirc.com ||||||||| |
86 |
3 hours ago |
12 |
#prankcallradio |
[+ntrP] Pranks from 1997-2006 | https://archive.org/details/efnet-prankradio-archive | https://www.youtube.com/prankcallradio |SOON LIVE |
70 |
3 hours ago |
13 |
#spacex |
[+ntrP] This is the unofficial channel for SpaceX. | Next Launches: !launches spacex | https://www.spacex.com | https://reddit.com/r/spacex |
68 |
3 hours ago |
14 |
#apple |
[+ntrP] All of those who use Apple products or want Apple news are welcome. | Apple Stock: !$ aapl | Ventura 13.3.1 (22E261) | Monterey 12.6.5 (21G531) | Big Sur 11.7.6 (20G1231) | iOS 15.7.5/16.4.1 | iPadOS 15.7.5/16.4.1 | tvOS 16.4.1 | watchOS 9.4 |
67 |
3 hours ago |
15 |
#comics |
[+ntrP] Welcome to #comics. For lovers of comics, mangas and any other drawn story art. Come on in and join us! |
67 |
3 hours ago |
16 |
#anime |
[+ntrP] |
66 |
3 hours ago |
17 |
#microsoft |
[+ntrP] Microsoft Product Support | https://support.microsoft.com/en-us |
66 |
3 hours ago |
18 |
#casino |
[+ntrP] Welcome to the casino! | Texas Holdem = !holdem | BlackJack = ?blackjack | Uno = !unocmds | Hangman = !hangmanstart | Lotto = !lotto |
65 |
3 hours ago |
19 |
#tesla |
[+ntrP] This is the unofficial channel for Tesla the AI/Tech company. | Tesla Stock: !$ tsla | https://www.tesla.com | https://reddit.com/r/teslamotors |
65 |
3 hours ago |
20 |
#alphabet |
[+ntrP] All of those who use Alphabet products like Google, GMail, Bard or Android and want Alphabet news are welcome. | Alphabet Stock: !$ googl |
65 |
3 hours ago |
21 |
#starwars |
[+ntrMP] Star Wars 1-6 and the Star Wars Legends EU is the only canon here. |
58 |
3 hours ago |
22 |
#node.js |
[+ntrP] |
54 |
3 hours ago |
23 |
#shittalk |
[+ntrP] Open shit talking. anything goes. unless its illegal like planning a coo, in that case imma butt fuck you then report your IP to the feds. No DOXing either. |
52 |
3 hours ago |
24 |
#kde |
[+ntrf] KDE Community Support channel. Additional help/chat available in #nerds. (mostly abandoned - not unfriendly) |
48 |
3 hours ago |
25 |
#politics |
[+ntrP] This channel is for freedom of speech. We will not fact check your opinions like fb. DO NOT organize any kind of violent activies, this channel is for freedom of political SPEECH only. You will NOT be silenced for an opinion here. |
48 |
3 hours ago |
26 |
#gameofthrones |
[+ntrMP] [GOT & House of the Dragon Chat] (Premiere Date Aug 21 2022) Chat anytime. Will be live chat during episodes when aired also. |
45 |
3 hours ago |
27 |
#sportsentertainment |
[+ntrP] All sports chats, including wrestling ( WWE / TNA / AEW etc) |
44 |
3 hours ago |
28 |
#fedora |
[+ntrP] Fedora Community Channel. If no response for help, ask in #linux. |
41 |
3 hours ago |
29 |
#hogwarts |
[+ntrMP] Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchraft and Wizardry. Cartoon Network and TBS will be hosting a harry potter quiz tournament on tv, four week event every sunday starting nov 28th |
41 |
3 hours ago |
30 |
#weechat |
[+ntrPf] Welcome to the weechat community channel. Here for general weechat discussion or for asking for help or giving help to weechat users. One of the best IRC clients ever. Don't be an asshole... Help people out. |
40 |
3 hours ago |
31 |
#saphir |
[+ntrP] Saphir's official Cloudy Bay, Apple-Cinnamon-Mead, Strawberry and Amiga C64 and Atari homebase - welcome :P |
39 |
3 hours ago |
32 |
#marijuana |
[+ntrPf] Idle for legalization :: smoke weed everyday | https://www.marijane.org for quick access1 |
34 |
3 hours ago |
33 |
#plex |
[+ntrP] [https://www.plex.tv] All yer media are belong to us. https://forums.plex.tv/t/howto-use-plex-with-no-internet/383325 |
32 |
3 hours ago |
34 |
#techznc |
[+nt] |
29 |
3 hours ago |
35 |
#radio |
[+ntrMP] [IRC-nERDs Internet Radio] [Streaming URL for your players: http://radio.irc-nerds.net/radio.ogg To get started please visit - http://radio.irc-nerds.net/ | http://radio.nerds.i2p | http://k65ist5xa7bejgxjwn3wcehespk5plxoxrursvrbbs5mw7y4qz6lnmad.onion --- ?list for commands --- ?help <command> for more info |
22 |
3 hours ago |
36 |
#grue |
[+ntrPCf] This channel has been seized by IRC-nERDs administration due to mahjong being a creepy stalker. Keep your wifes and girlfriends away from this guy. Major creep. |
20 |
3 hours ago |
37 |
#irc |
[+ntrRPf] IRCd's, Services, Clients, Bots,... You name it, We talk about it! |
19 |
3 hours ago |
38 |
#unixporn |
[+ntrMP] Links, tips and tricks to customizing your desktop, IRC, and other applications. Share your screenshots! (Use https://www.irc-nerds.net/imgur/ if you need to:)) |
17 |
3 hours ago |
39 |
#help |
[+ntruPl] [https://www.irc-nerds.wiki] General IRC/Network Help. For chat join #nerds or #chat. Ask your question and wait for a response. |
13 |
3 hours ago |
40 |
#idlerpg |
[+ntr] /msg IdleRPG REGISTER <char name> <password> <ability(b, w, p or r)> <char class> Webpage: https://irpgnerds.ddns.net/ |
13 |
3 hours ago |
41 |
#chatfriendly |
[+ntrP] "Converse & Connect : 💬🌐 A Welcoming Space for Thoughtful Chats, Friendly Debates, and Building Lasting Friendships!" 🎉🗣️💬🗣️💬 |
13 |
3 hours ago |
42 |
#computertech |
[+ntrRPlf] Welcome to #computertech | Happy New Year 2023! |
13 |
3 hours ago |
43 |
#normal |
[+nt] #normal is now closed. Thanks for coming. |
13 |
3 hours ago |
44 |
#xtremeprovider |
[+mntrP] [https://xtremeprovider.com] For Affordable and Stable VPS's and Dedicated Servers. *NEW DAILY DEALS RELEASED* [Channel is for deals and general service announcements. Please open a ticket if you need something specific for your server.) |
12 |
3 hours ago |
45 |
#you-wish |
[+nt] |
12 |
3 hours ago |
46 |
#mxlinux |
[+ntrMP] Welcome to the MX Linux Unofficial Channel! | MX Linux Homepage https://mxlinux.org | Forum https://forum.mxlinux.org/ | User Manual(MX21) https://github.com/MX-Linux/mx-docs/raw/master/mxum.pdf | MX 21.3 Released! https://mxlinux.org/blog/mx-21-3-wildflower-released/ |
12 |
3 hours ago |
47 |
#vps |
[+ntrP] [Official Network Sponsors: XtremeProvider (https://xp.irc-nerds.net) & Hostsailor] Looking for a good stable vps provider? Check out some of these VPS companies, be sure to use our links and help fund irc-nerds... https://hosting.irc-nerds.net for a list of VPS providers. |
9 |
3 hours ago |
48 |
#uk |
[+nt] boats and ho's | Today is my last day of using aerosol deodorant. Roll on tomorrow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLLQFLXz6VE |
9 |
3 hours ago |
49 |
#technet |
[+ntTSlLf] Welcome to #technet || Website: https://technet.chat || Forum: https://forum.technet.chat || Wiki: https://wiki.technet.chat || Want somewhere to chat? /join #chat || Need help? /join #help |
9 |
3 hours ago |
50 |
#coders-irc-lounge |
[+ntTS] |§¤*~`~*¤§|§¤*~ -=Â=- [ Welcome to Coders-irc https://www.coders-irc.net/ & https://www.coders-resources.net/ ] -=Â=- ~*¤§|§¤*~`~*¤§| |
9 |
3 hours ago |