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- Rank811
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- Last Indexed4 hours ago
Martin-Löf intuitionistic type theory | https://archive-pml.github.io | https://github.com/dpndnt/library | https://tinyurl.com/sywtltt | <roconnor> I'm amazed anyone does anything cause everything is so hard to do. | <dolio> The 'real number' is not the thing you measure, it's the idealization of the process of making infinitely many, ever more precise measurements.
Topic History (4)
Topic | First Indexed |
Martin-Löf intuitionistic type theory | https://archive-pml.github.io | https://github.com/dpndnt/library | https://tinyurl.com/sywtltt | <roconnor> I'm amazed anyone does anything cause everything is so hard to do. | <dolio> The 'real number' is not the thing you measure, it's the idealization of the process of making infinitely many, ever more precise measurements. | 6 months ago |
Martin-Löf intuitionistic type theory | https://archive-pml.github.io | https://github.com/dpndnt/library | <roconnor> I'm amazed anyone does anything cause everything is so hard to do. | <ncf> `with` isn't real but it *can* hurt you | 8 months, 2 weeks ago |
Martin-Löf intuitionistic type theory | http://archive-pml.github.io | http://github.com/dpndnt/library | <roconnor> I'm amazed anyone does anything cause everything is so hard to do. | <ncf> `with` isn't real but it *can* hurt you | 9 months ago |
Martin-Löf intuitionistic type theory | http://archive-pml.github.io | http://github.com/dpndnt/library | <ncf> `with` isn't real but it *can* hurt you | 9 months ago |