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English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: word-of-mouth n. – when friends/family recommend something, rather than paid advertising
Topic History (76)

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English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: word-of-mouth n. – when friends/family recommend something, rather than paid advertising 15 minutes ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: parenthesis — n. An explanatory clause or brackets 1 day, 10 hours ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: vestigial — n. A degenerate part; adj. Not fully developed 1 day, 18 hours ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: phthisis — n. Atrophy of the body; tuberculosis 3 days, 4 hours ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: peruke — n. A wig, especially for men in the 17th-18th centuries. 5 days, 6 hours ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: aplomb — n. Self-confidence; poise; composure 5 days, 23 hours ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: gavotte — n. A French dance v. To perform it 6 days, 16 hours ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: scrod — n. Any whitefish; v. To shred 1 week ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: chatelaine — n. Mistress of a castle or household 1 week, 1 day ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: goon n. — cheap wine sold in a plastic bladder with an integrated valve 1 week, 1 day ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: feculent — adj. Dirty with faeces or impurities 1 week, 3 days ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: diadem — n. Ornamental headband of royalty; v. To crown 1 week, 4 days ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: ophthalmoscope — n. Misspelling of ophthalmoscope 2 weeks ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: mien — n. Demeanor; facial expression or attitude 2 weeks, 2 days ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: efface — n. Eraser; v. To erase or make disappear 2 weeks, 4 days ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: brain rot — n. (informal) A decline in mental faculties, due to excessive consumption of media 2 weeks, 5 days ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: scotopic — adj. Relating to vision in dim light 3 weeks, 3 days ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: bahuvrihi — n. A type of nominal compound 3 weeks, 4 days ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: bingle — n. A minor collision (Aus.) v. Style hair 3 weeks, 5 days ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: decoction — n. An essence obtained by boiling 3 weeks, 6 days ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: narghile — n. Oriental tobacco pipe filtered by water 4 weeks, 1 day ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: forecourt – n. where British people keep their petrol bowsers 4 weeks, 1 day ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: expiate — v. To atone or make reparation for. 1 month ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: sullen — n. A solitary person; adj. Gloomy, sulky 1 month ago
English language help & discussion. Don't believe ChatGPT - ask a native speaker here! | Please try to spell correctly and provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: loll — v. To recline lazily; hang tongue relaxed 1 month ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: awn n. — a kind of animal hair, or a hairlike part of a plant 3 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: refulgent (adj.) Shining brightly and radiantly; resplendent. Extremely attractive/impressive; dazzling. 4 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: soapbox (noun) An improvised platform from which a speaker delivers an informal speech or political harangue. 4 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: crepuscular (adj.) Of or resembling twilight; dim. (adj, zoology.) Active at or around dusk, dawn or twilight. 4 months, 1 week ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: loquacious (adj.) Characterized by, or showing a tendency to be very talkative; garrulous. 4 months, 2 weeks ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: cogent (adj.) Compelling belief or assent; forcefully convincing; persuasive and well expressed. 4 months, 3 weeks ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: cantankerous (adj) Ill-tempered and quarrelsome; difficult to handle; argumentative. 4 months, 3 weeks ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: protuberance – n. something that protrudes (sticks out), as a nose from a face, or a groyne from a quay 4 months, 4 weeks ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: to requite – vt. to return/repay (a feeling, or borrowed money, an injustice) 4 months, 4 weeks ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: lanai (noun) - A veranda, or roofed/partially enclosed patio, often fully furnished and used as a living room. 5 months, 1 week ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: repertoire (n) The set of skills, abilities, experiences, etc., possessed by a person 5 months, 3 weeks ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: nescient adj. — ignorant, unknowing, uneducated, disbelieving 5 months, 4 weeks ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: Buttload (n). unit of measurement, approximately equal to 108 imperial gallons (130 US gallons, 492 litres). 6 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: Buttload (n). unit of measurement, approximately equal to 108 imperial gallons (130 US gallons). 6 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: ephemeral (adj.) Lasting a very short time; short-lived; brief or transitory. Having a short lifespan. 6 months, 1 week ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: operand (noun-Mathematics) - a quantity or function upon which a mathematical or logical operation is performed. 7 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: dilettante (adj) - Showing frivolous or superficial interest; amateurish / (noun) - A lover of the fine arts. 8 months, 3 weeks ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: dook n. – the noise a ferret makes 9 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: "to drink the Kool-Aid" v. — (idiomatic) to adopt belief, especially a dubious one. Refers to a fatal mass poisoning incident in Guyana. 10 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: flounder v.i. — to attempt (with difficulty) to maintain a position (either literal or metaphorical) 10 months, 3 weeks ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: to micturate vi. — to urinate, to do a wee 11 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: obsolete (adj.) Out of use or practice; out of date - often in favor of something newer; not current. 11 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: ineluctable adj. — inescapable, unavoidable, irresistible 11 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: to hit the sack (v.i., idiom) — to go to sleep, to go to bed (see also "hit the hay") 11 months, 2 weeks ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: awry — Adjective: 1. Turned or twisted toward one side; crooked, distorted, out of place; wry., e.g. theartist's mind was awry. 11 months, 4 weeks ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: kittle vi. – to birth kittens (or similar) 1 year ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: precarious (adj.) 1. Dangerously lacking in security or stability, 2. Based on uncertain, unwarranted, or unproved premises. 1 year ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: stertorous — the sound you make when you snore 1 year ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: to fiddlefuck about v. — to engage in a task that convoluted, time-consuming, or needless (often all three) 1 year ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: scofflaw — Noun: 1. (US) One who habitually violates minor laws or fails to answer trivial court summonses. 1 year, 1 month ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: to bung v.t. – to put/place, e.g. "Groceries? Bung 'em in the fridge." 1 year, 1 month ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: to cut the rug vi. — to dance 1 year, 1 month ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: dross n. — rubbish, muck 1 year, 2 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: sully vt. — to make dirty, to soil (as boots are covered in dirty/mud after a long walk) 1 year, 2 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: dentifrice n. — an old synonym for "toothpaste" 1 year, 2 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: dissonance (noun) - A harsh, inharmonious, and disagreeable combination of sounds; discord; cacophony. 1 year, 2 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: jingoism — Noun: Excessive patriotism or aggressive nationalism, especially with regards to foreign policy. 1 year, 2 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: come a cropper vt. — to be the victim of some misfortune 1 year, 2 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: lacuna n. — when translating, a lexeme with no gloss (e.g. no romance T-V distinction in Modern English) 1 year, 2 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: meniscus n. – the "bulge" of a liquid like water above the edge of a containing vessel, due to surface tension 1 year, 2 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: paraprosdokian (n) - A sentence or expression in which the second part provides an unexpected resolution or contrast to the first part. 1 year, 3 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: mellifluous — Adjective: 1. Flowing like honey., 2. (figurative) Sweet, smooth and musical; pleasant to hear. 1 year, 3 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: antepenultimate (adjective) - Anything that is third from last in a series. 1 year, 3 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: sequester (v) to keep apart from others; segregate, or isolate. 1 year, 4 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: lollygag 1 year, 4 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: to sell down the river v. (idiom) — to betray. Refers to selling someone to slavers on the Mississippi River in America. 1 year, 5 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: mateship n. (Australia) — loyalty to and love for one's comrades, especially in adversity. See also "storge", "philia". 1 year, 5 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: eggcorn: alteration of a phrase through mis-hearing one or more of its elements. 1 year, 5 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: eggcorn: alteration of a phrase through mis-hearing one or more of it's elements. 1 year, 5 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: detent — part of a machine that stops rotation, e.g. on a volume knob, detents stop you turning the volume below 0 or above 100% 1 year, 7 months ago
English language help & discussion | Try to spell and capitalise correctly | Use UTF-8 | Provide context! | Don't overuse the bot | More rules- https://english-chat.github.io/ | ##english-ops to contact ops (tell us about PM spam) | WotD: daft (adjective) Senseless, stupid, silly, or foolish. 1 year, 7 months ago