- Indexed Information
- Rank2,749
- Users10
- Last Indexed46 minutes ago
LearnProgramming Miscellaneous Chat | Remember: Don't ask to ask, skip the pleasantries and just ask your actual question. | Please be mindful of your language here. Swearing is fine, but keep racial slurs and such out. Also, don't be hostile towards others. | The whole channel is a mentor, not just one of us.
Topic History (1)
Topic | First Indexed |
LearnProgramming Miscellaneous Chat | Remember: Don't ask to ask, skip the pleasantries and just ask your actual question. | Please be mindful of your language here. Swearing is fine, but keep racial slurs and such out. Also, don't be hostile towards others. | The whole channel is a mentor, not just one of us. | 1 year, 9 months ago |