951 |
#gluster |
38 |
4 hours ago |
952 |
#overseers |
Sourceware Overseers Open Office Hours every second Friday of the month from 16:00 UTC to 17:00 UTC (but do feel free to ask questions any time) - https://sourceware.org/mission.html#organization |
38 |
4 hours ago |
953 |
#wikimedia-rename |
Global renamers' coordination channel. To request a rename, go to https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:GlobalRenameRequest. | Please check AntiSpoof via API before renaming from queue. | Status: UP | No public logging. |
38 |
4 hours ago |
954 |
#tahoe-lafs |
https://tahoe-lafs.org/ | Open Nuts&Bolts Discussion Tuesdays 1700UTC https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/raw-attachment/wiki/WikiStart/nuts-and-bolts.ics https://meet.jit.si/AccurateFiltersManipulateBefore | v1.19.0 released on 2023-01-19 |
37 |
4 hours ago |
955 |
#swhack |
Swhack! Fake 4K |
37 |
4 hours ago |
956 |
#asm |
37 |
5 hours ago |
957 |
#octave |
37 |
4 hours ago |
958 |
#fedora-releng |
Fedora Release Engineering | .oncall to see who is oncall to answer your queries | Issue tracker: https://pagure.io/releng/ (please file a ticket if no one is around) | Meetings every Tuesday on #fedora-meeting-3 at 17:00 UTC |
37 |
4 hours ago |
959 |
##c++ |
<alkino> untakenstupidnic: change the topic to tell to move to #C++ |
37 |
5 hours ago |
960 |
#monero-pow |
Monero's Proof of Work algorithm (RandomX) and related topics. Use #p2pool-log and #p2pool-mini for P2Pool discussions. Anti-spam active: PM hyc for voice. |
37 |
4 hours ago |
961 |
#jquery |
jQuery Core https://jquery.com/ | jQuery 3.7.1 blog post https://blog.jquery.com/2023/08/28/jquery-3-7-1-released-reliable-table-row-dimensions/ | Code of Conduct https://code-of-conduct.openjsf.org/ |
37 |
4 hours ago |
962 |
#postgis |
PostGIS - Spatial objects for PostgreSQL | http://postgis.net | bridged to https://matrix.to/#/#postgis:osgeo.org (everything you say is logged!) |
37 |
4 hours ago |
963 |
#pleroma-dev |
https://pleroma.social/ - Weekly IRC hour: Sunday 17:00 UTC - Support is in #pleroma this is for development discussion only |
37 |
4 hours ago |
964 |
#vice-dev |
https://sourceforge.net/p/vice-emu/mailman/message/58821944/ | https://vice-emu.pokefinder.org/wiki/3.8.1 | https://vice-emu.pokefinder.org/wiki/Joymappings |
37 |
4 hours ago |
965 |
##notgentoo-idlerpg |
gentoo-idle 2.0 FAQ+Stats Page: https://tinyurl.com/2f6asd3u - Please use a unique password as this is not considered secure. | To register -> /msg noterbot REGISTER <char name> <password> <char class> | To login -> /msg noterbot LOGIN <char name> <password> |
37 |
5 hours ago |
966 |
#r/linux |
30th Year of the Linux desktop! | Don't ask to to ask, just ask (your question) | Please stick around a bit if you want your question answered |
37 |
4 hours ago |
967 |
#tnnt |
Welcome to 'The November NetHack Tournament' :: public irc logs available at https://www.hardfought.org/tnnt/irclog :: https://tnnt.org :: TNNT 2024 has ended - https://redd.it/1h3r0ee :: TNNT 2023 shirts are still available to order! https://hardfought.org/shop |
37 |
4 hours ago |
968 |
#botters |
Botters (http://botters.org) - Friendly, abuse free, IRC bot development and discussion channel | NO BOTNETS OR ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES ARE PERMITTED HERE. | Have a bot? Put it on our wiki: http://botters.org/bots/start | Everyone: If you have a bot in channel, please add it the botlist. | For excessive/floody testing please use #botters-test |
37 |
4 hours ago |
969 |
#wikimedia-perf |
⚡️ Wikimedia Performance | https://performance.wikimedia.org | This channel is publicly logged: https://bots.wmflabs.org/libera_logs/%23wikimedia-perf/ |
37 |
4 hours ago |
970 |
#olimex |
https://olimex.com <> https://github.com/OLIMEX <> https://olimex.wordpress.com |
37 |
4 hours ago |
971 |
#i3 |
freenode/#i3 is moving to OFTC: https://oftc.net/ -- https://www.freelists.org/post/i3-announce/i3-IRC-channel-moving-from-Freenode-to-OFTC -- see you there |
37 |
4 hours ago |
972 |
##allnitecafe |
Welcome to ##AllNiteCafe | Social and Offtopic General Chat Channel | Live comic: https://ws.comic.chat/##AllNiteCafe | DuckHunt commands: !duckcmds | Enjoy! |
37 |
5 hours ago |
973 |
#linuxserver.io |
=[ Welcome to #LinuxServer.io ][ Please No Piracy Talk ][ Website: linuxserver.io | Twitter: linuxserverio ][ News: https://www.linuxserver.io/2017/09/15/linuxserver-io-discord-server/ ]= |
37 |
4 hours ago |
974 |
#silverblue |
37 |
4 hours ago |
975 |
#gopher |
Discussion of the gopher protocol | https://lists.debian.org/gopher-project/ | https://gopher.zone |
37 |
4 hours ago |
976 |
#newpipe |
Official NewPipe IRC channel. https://newpipe.net -- Please read https://workaround.org/getting-help-on-irc/ if you're new to IRC! -- v0.27.2 is out! -- please update, it fixed YouTube playback issues |
37 |
4 hours ago |
977 |
#lnd |
lnd - the Lightning Network Daemon (http://lightning.engineering/) - v0.16.4-beta is the latest release - https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd - Go 1.20.7 is the recommended version - https://docs.lightning.engineering |
37 |
4 hours ago |
978 |
#gentoo-ops |
Discussion of #gentoo issues | Policy: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Ops | Tried to join #gentoo, but ended up here? Discuss it here with an op. EVADING bans will result in further actions | https://www.gentoo.org/get-involved/irc-channels/ | If you want libera staff, use /stats p | We don't support #gentoo-chat, use #gentoo-chat-ops |
37 |
4 hours ago |
979 |
#bible-study-fellowship |
The Bible has answers! Study the Scriptures with free articles, maps, timelines and a wide range of unique Biblical resources. To visit our community join #Christian-Chat-Chalice or look at our website for more details https://www.christian-chat-chalice.com |
37 |
4 hours ago |
980 |
#vuxu |
vuxu.org - home of leahutils: arr extrace fail holes lr mblaze necho notyet nq pds rdd rdumpfs reap redo-c rnl rwc snooze xe - https://git.vuxu.org - https://inbox.vuxu.org |
37 |
4 hours ago |
981 |
#stumpwm |
StumpWM Aphrodite Giant released! Get it at https://github.com/stumpwm/stumpwm/archive/refs/tags/20.11.tar.gz |
37 |
4 hours ago |
982 |
##frontend |
☁ Discuss tech, ui/ux, design, or the letter of the day! We're just chillin' ☁ The seinfeld of support channels ☁ |
37 |
5 hours ago |
983 |
#theholyroger |
Welcome to TheHolyRogerCoin, leading cryptocurrency coin? | RogerReport / RogerRadio @ https://bit.ly/3rNxxQn | 1 ROGER ^= 1 BCH? | DON'T GET SCAMMED! Do not send pizzas/coins to doctors/strangers. | ROGER Scrypt miner: https://bit.ly/2zwLMPj | Crypto chat, bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, blockchain, news, transvestigating Roger Ver, Craig Wright |
37 |
4 hours ago |
984 |
#photography |
📸 This is the channel for discussing photography, and photogeeks for gear |
37 |
4 hours ago |
985 |
#freebsd-riscv |
36 |
4 hours ago |
986 |
#gopherproject |
gopher://gopherproject.org | Join the #gopher-revolution! | #gopher-want-you | gopher://gopher.icu/1/poll?poll=1733079871 | Big Browser is Watching You! | #gopher-world-tour | #gopherspace-story |
36 |
4 hours ago |
987 |
#werewolf-meta |
⛄ Meta discussion about #werewolf 🐺 | For urgent issues, please use #werewolf-ops | https://werewolf.chat/Libera:Rules | 🥔🐴💻 | TRANS RIGHTS | BLACK LIVES MATTER | -lykos- Iciloo's totals | 6969 games |
36 |
4 hours ago |
988 |
#crawl-dev |
Crawl Development | https://github.com/crawl/crawl | Logs: http://s-z.org/crawl-dev/, temporarily http://crawl.akrasiac.org/logs/cheibriados/ | People with +v have commit access, devs on bridged discord as well | General Crawl-related chat to #crawl | Long stuff to a pastebin service, please |
36 |
4 hours ago |
989 |
#gentoo-qt |
Gentoo Qt Project | Project page: https://qt.gentoo.org/ | Bugz: https://tinyurl.com/genqtbugs | FAQ: https://bit.ly/1jz8EhK | Latest Qt Stable: 5.15.14 / 6.7.3 Testing: 6.8.1 | LXQt Stable: 2.0.0 Testing: 2.1.0 | Overlay: qt (and 9999s for All) |
36 |
4 hours ago |
990 |
##aviation |
Discuss all aviation topics where the runway is open for conversations, covering everything from vintage aircraft to the latest technology, and more. Pilots may prefer ##pilots | Please maintain a friendly and positive atmosphere |
36 |
5 hours ago |
991 |
#razmjenavjestina |
🧦🩴 | https://razmjenavjestina.org | matrix: #razmjenavjestina:libera.chat | log: https://irc.softver.org.mk/#/razmjenavjestina |
36 |
4 hours ago |
992 |
#dronebl |
Outage Postmortem: https://dronebl.org/blog/42 | DroneBL on Libera.Chat | Read everything you need to know at https://www.dronebl.org/ |
36 |
4 hours ago |
993 |
#screen |
Welcome to GNU Screen - latest release is 5.0.0 - http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/ | http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/screen/ | Download: https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/screen/ | Mailing List Archive: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/screen-users/ | Wiki: http://aperiodic.net/screen/ | Manual: http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/ |
36 |
4 hours ago |
994 |
#kali |
Welcome to #kali "The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear" + download https://www.kali.org/get-kali/ + install https://www.kali.org/docs/installation/ + irc https://www.kali.org/docs/community/kali-linux-irc-channel/ |
36 |
4 hours ago |
995 |
#octoprint |
Welcome to the official OctoPrint IRC channel! Feel free to ask for help but stick around if you want an answer. | Bridged to Discord: https://discord.octoprint.org | Web: https://octoprint.org | Forum: https://community.octoprint.org | FAQ: https://faq.octoprint.org |
36 |
4 hours ago |
996 |
#tridactyl |
https://github.com/cmcaine/tridactyl | bridged to matrix, but there currently seems to be some loss | use Ctrl-, to reset focus so tridactyl works again |
36 |
4 hours ago |
997 |
#fsociety |
Hello friend. Welcome to the new and improved #fsociety! | Fixing MrNodeBot is a work in progress |
36 |
4 hours ago |
998 |
#openstreetmap |
Join us mapping the planet ... free of charge for everyone | Official OSM channels: #osm and #osm-dev on irc.oftc.net |
36 |
4 hours ago |
999 |
#gentoo-binhost |
Gentoo Binhost project | https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Binhost | Official binary package hosting now available! | https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Binary_package_guide | subscribe to gentoo-binhost-autobuilds@lists.g.o to help monitoring builds | https://gentoo.akhuettel.de/plots/mirrors.php | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromium |
36 |
4 hours ago |
1,000 |
#hswaw-infra |
well there's your problem | how2hscloud: https://hackdoc.hackerspace.pl/doc/codelabs/ | File more issues: https://b.hswaw.net/new | Matrix: #infra:hackerspace.pl , join for redundancy |
36 |
4 hours ago |