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Welcome, type !start to watch the thoroughbreds race. Register /msg IRCHr register password - Login /msg IRCHr login password, IRC dollars are given after registration for betting. Save for a thoroughbred horse and build your stables. Aim to become the Top trainer of the month. Good Luck (https://pastebin.com/7jA60U81, check all horses for sale)
Topic History (14)

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Welcome, type !start to watch the thoroughbreds race. Register /msg IRCHr register password - Login /msg IRCHr login password, IRC dollars are given after registration for betting. Save for a thoroughbred horse and build your stables. Aim to become the Top trainer of the month. Good Luck (https://pastebin.com/7jA60U81, check all horses for sale) 4 weeks ago
Hi, type !start to watch the thoroughbreds race. Register /msg IRCHr register password - Login /msg IRCHr login password, IRC dollars are given after registration for betting. Save for a thoroughbred horse and build your stables. Aim to become the Top trainer of the month. Good Luck (https://pastebin.com/7jA60U81, check all horses for sale) 1 month ago
Hi, type !start and watch the thoroughbreds race. Register /msg IRCHr register password - Login /msg IRCHr login password, IRC dollars are given after registration to bet with. Save for a thoroughbred horse and build your stables. Aim to become the Top trainer of the month. Good Luck (https://pastebin.com/7jA60U81, check all horses for sale) 3 months ago
Welcome! Register /msg IRCHr register password - Login /msg IRCHr login password, IRC dollars are given after registration to bet with. Save for a thoroughbred horse and build your stables. Aim to become the Top trainer of the month. Good Luck (https://pastebin.com/7jA60U81, check all horses for sale) 6 months, 3 weeks ago
Phill please stay and help :) Welcome! Register /msg IRCHr register password - Login /msg IRCHr login password, IRC dollars are given after registration to bet with. Save for a thoroughbred horse and build your stables. Aim to become the Top trainer of the month. Good Luck (https://pastebin.com/7jA60U81, check all horses for sale) 7 months, 1 week ago
Phill please stay and help :) Welcome to racing. Register /msg IRCHr register password - Login /msg IRCHr login password, IRC dollars are given after registration to bet with and save for a thoroughbred horse. Build your own stables and work to become the Top trainer of the month. Good Luck 10 months, 1 week ago
Phill please stay and help me :) Welcome to racing. Register /msg IRCHr register password - Login /msg IRCHr login password, IRC dollars are given after registration to bet with and save for a thoroughbred horse. Build your own stables and try to become the Top trainer each month. Good Luck 10 months, 1 week ago
Welcome to horse racing. Start racing type - !start. Register /msg IRCHr REGISTER Password, IDENTIFY /msg IRCHr login Password. Irc currency is given upon registration. You can own Stables, buy thoroughbreds. Aim to be the Top Trainer. Betting can help or not! Ask mozza for the Betting Guide, this will get you started eg: !bet wp 35000 8. !trifecta 3 5 9 !quinella 35000 3 9 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Welcome to horse racing. Start racing type - !start. Register /msg IRCHr REGISTER Password, IDENTIFY /msg IRCHr login Password. Irc currency is given upon registration. You can own Stables, buy thoroughbreds. Aim to be the Top Trainer. Betting can help or not! Ask mozza for the Betting Guide, this will get you started eg: !bet wp 35000 8. !trifecta 3 5 9 !quinella 35000 3 9 1 year ago
Welcome to horse racing. Start racing type - !start. Register - /msg IRCHr REGISTER Password, IDENTIFY - /msg IRCHr login Password. Irc currency is given upon registration. You can own Stables, buy thoroughbreds. Aim to be the Top Trainer. Betting can help or not! Ask mozza for the betting guide, this will get you started eg: !bet wp 35000 8. !trifecta 3 5 9 !quinella 35000 3 9 1 year, 2 months ago
Welcome to horse racing. Start racing type - !start. Register - /msg IRCHr REGISTER Password, IDENTIFY - /msg IRCHr login Password. Irc currency is given upon registration. You can own Stables, buy thoroughbreds. Aim to be the Top Trainer. Betting can help or not! Ask mozza for the betting guide, this will get you started eg: !bet wp 35000 8. !trifecta 3 5 9 !quinella 35000 3 9 1 year, 2 months ago
Welcome to horse racing. Start racing type - !start. Register - /msg IRCHr REGISTER Password, IDENTIFY - /msg IRCHr login Password. Irc currency is given on registration. You can own Stables, buy thoroughbreds. Aim to be the Top Trainer. Betting can help or not! Ask mozza for the betting guide, this will get you started eg: !bet wp 35000 8. !trifecta 3 5 9 !quinella 35000 3 9 1 year, 3 months ago
Welcome to horse racing. Start racing type !start. Register - /msg IRCHr REGISTER Password, IDENTIFY - /msg IRCHr login Password. Irc currency is given on registration. You can own Stables, buy thoroughbreds. Aim to be the Top Trainer. Betting can help or not! Ask mozza for the betting guide, this will get you started eg: !bet wp 35000 8. !trifecta 3 5 9 !quinella 35000 3 9 1 year, 6 months ago
Welcome to horse racing. Start racing type !start. Register - /msg IRCHr REGISTER Password, IDENTIFY - /msg IRCHr login Password. Irc dollars are given on registration. You can own Stables and thoroughbreds then aim to be the Top Trainer. Betting can help or not!! Good Luck. Enjoy the game and make new friends. 1 year, 7 months ago