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  • Last IndexedAn hour ago
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Channel Topic
* End3r has changed the topic to: Welcome to #computertech | A Day in the Life of ComputerTech: From Cybersecurity to Sheep Security, or lack thereof... | Home Of The Official Sheep Whisperer (not really, just a guy with some sheep) | Lord of the Fleece, King of the Pasture, and Rightful Ruler of the Digital Sheep Pen.

Channel Log for #computertech

* All times are UTC
[01/16/25 01:23:57] * MrMet joined #computertech
[01/16/25 01:03:36] * Wizard joined #computertech
[01/16/25 01:03:36] * [TechNet] set mode +qo Wizard Wizard
[01/16/25 01:03:14] * [TechNet] joined #computertech
[01/16/25 01:03:13] * [TechNet] set mode +ao [TechNet] [TechNet]
[01/15/25 06:40:56] * [TechNet] set mode +ao launchd launchd
[01/15/25 06:40:55] * launchd joined #computertech
[01/15/25 12:24:44] jeff_stacey: pew pew
[01/15/25 06:48:54] DG: beep boop
[01/15/25 05:45:01] ComputerTech: hehe
[01/15/25 05:11:06] Oo: you need some bots in here
[01/15/25 05:11:03] Oo: always so quiet
[01/15/25 05:10:57] Oo: lol
[01/15/25 12:02:56] * Roey joined #computertech
[01/14/25 11:32:35] * Roey joined #computertech
[01/14/25 10:56:11] * Ophidian joined #computertech
[01/14/25 09:28:25] DG: all da luv
[01/14/25 09:11:25] ComputerTech: <333
[01/14/25 06:44:48] Dragon: wb
[01/14/25 06:42:59] TheFatherMind: All this love.
[01/14/25 06:40:16] * TheFatherMind joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:49:54] * Digerati joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:24:07] ComputerTech: <3
[01/14/25 04:22:16] jeff_stacey:
[01/14/25 04:21:44] * [TechNet] set mode +ao jmjl jmjl
[01/14/25 04:21:44] * jmjl joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:21:32] * jeff_stacey joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:21:29] * zebra joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:18:51] * Amiga600 joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:18:51] * launchd joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:18:51] * GTAXL joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:18:51] * daniel joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:18:51] * coderain joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:18:51] * DG joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:18:51] * burnout joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:18:51] * Andrio joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:18:51] * Guest177 joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:18:51] * unknown_unknown joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:18:51] * Icedream joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:18:51] * DarthOreo joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:18:51] * driven.technet.chat set mode +qoaoqoqoaoqo Andrio Andrio launchd launchd DarthOreo DarthOreo Amiga600 Amiga600 Icedream Icedream daniel daniel
[01/14/25 04:18:51] * driven.technet.chat set mode +oaoao coderain GTAXL GTAXL DG DG
[01/14/25 04:18:37] * [TechNet] joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:18:37] * Wizard joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:18:37] * [TechNet] set mode +qo ComputerTech ComputerTech
[01/14/25 04:18:37] * alpha.hub set mode +qoao Wizard Wizard [TechNet] [TechNet]
[01/14/25 04:16:46] * nei joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:16:46] * Roey joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:16:45] * Hotties joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:16:45] * Koragg joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:16:45] * [worm] joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:16:45] * firebugs joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:16:45] * Falkor joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:16:45] * ComputerTech joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:16:45] * DasBrain joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:16:45] * Kitty joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:16:45] * therock247uk joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:16:45] * Suntop joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:16:45] * KaiFire joined #computertech
[01/14/25 04:16:45] * france.hub set mode +qoaoqoqooao Suntop Suntop Koragg Koragg therock247uk therock247uk [worm] [worm] Hotties firebugs firebugs
[01/14/25 03:39:16] * launchd joined #computertech
[01/14/25 03:39:15] * [TechNet] set mode +ao launchd launchd
[01/13/25 09:08:51] * DarthOreo joined #computertech
[01/13/25 09:08:51] * [TechNet] set mode +qo DarthOreo DarthOreo
[01/13/25 02:16:47] login: ComputerTech: Are your parents living with you?
[01/13/25 02:04:15] therock247uk: lol
[01/13/25 02:03:11] ComputerTech: Oo <3
[01/13/25 02:03:05] ComputerTech: :o
[01/13/25 01:09:01] * DarthOreo joined #computertech
[01/13/25 01:09:01] * [TechNet] set mode +qo DarthOreo DarthOreo
[01/12/25 10:53:32] Oo: shhhhhhhh
[01/12/25 04:47:40] * [TechNet] set mode +qo DarthOreo DarthOreo
[01/12/25 04:47:40] * DarthOreo joined #computertech
[01/12/25 07:24:11] * DarthOreo joined #computertech
[01/12/25 07:24:11] * [TechNet] set mode +qo DarthOreo DarthOreo
[01/12/25 03:42:40] * Oo joined #computertech
[01/11/25 10:39:31] * jeff_stacey joined #computertech
[01/11/25 10:25:32] * [TechNet] set mode +o Dunham_Robert
[01/11/25 10:25:32] * Dunham_Robert joined #computertech
[01/11/25 07:33:15] * TheFatherMind joined #computertech
[01/11/25 02:35:18] * Roey joined #computertech
[01/10/25 07:31:23] * [TechNet] set mode +qo Amiga600 Amiga600
[01/10/25 07:31:23] * Amiga600 joined #computertech
[01/10/25 02:10:41] login: I mean 'in excess of the law' not to mean 'in violation of the law', but 'stricter than what the law requires of private entities, which is nothing'
[01/10/25 01:32:53] TheFatherMind: No, it does not.
[01/09/25 11:06:47] login: maybe the phrase 'excess of the law' has two meanings
[01/09/25 09:15:19] * Guest43916 joined #computertech
[01/09/25 09:15:19] * [TechNet] set mode +o Guest43916
[01/09/25 08:46:40] coderain: ComputerTech <3
[01/09/25 08:38:18] TheFatherMind: We love you ComputerTech
[01/09/25 07:18:23] ComputerTech: <3
[01/09/25 07:18:21] ComputerTech: so I'll go on lappie soon and poke around with your suggestions
[01/09/25 07:18:12] ComputerTech: I'm feeling a lil better today
[01/09/25 07:18:06] ComputerTech: Amiga600 ofc
[01/09/25 06:54:14] Amiga600: obv not
[01/09/25 06:53:23] TheFatherMind: 👆
[01/09/25 06:52:36] Amiga600: CT did u consider my suggestions to cut the spam off
[01/09/25 06:37:10] ComputerTech: :o
[01/09/25 06:33:16] TheFatherMind: You completely misread what I said login. my point is that it is *NOT* in excess of the law. I am not going to waste my trying to figure out how to filter it. I am just going to leave.
[01/09/25 04:27:24] login: but that will still be server-side filtering instead of client-side filtering
[01/09/25 04:27:11] login: If an AI can set 'rep' based on the 'spammyness' rating of the messages that fresh new clients send, that could work with unreal's existing mechanisms
[01/09/25 04:26:22] login: That way, borderline spammy or trolly content can also be filtered (by content, not by nick) according to each user's wishes instead of a single standard imposed on all members of the channel
[01/09/25 04:25:40] login: If they come back with new nicknames, can't filtering by content judged by some small AI to be 'spammy' on the client-side be sufficient?
[01/09/25 04:24:53] login: TheFatherMind: Yup, it's not government censorship, but private censorship in excess of the law
[01/08/25 08:46:57] Amiga600: ofc its upto each networks admin to enable such features - unreal has many anti-spam stuff built in
[01/08/25 08:46:22] Amiga600: there are server-side filtering options on unreal which would stop the spammers (since rep is 0 on fresh new clients) - existing clients would have a high rep, so would not be stopped or blocked by such measures :)
[01/08/25 08:00:04] TheFatherMind: * their own Terms of Service
[01/08/25 07:59:27] TheFatherMind: Kicking them and filtering them is not helpful as they come back with new nicknames. I will only tolerate this for so long before I close the channel.
[01/08/25 07:58:20] TheFatherMind: login No.. that is not censorship in the sense of what you are implying. Private entities are 100% allowed to censor anyone within constraints and they are allowed to maintain their on Terms of Service within constraints. It is the government that is not allowed to do that.
[01/08/25 02:39:40] ComputerTech: Amiga600 <3
[01/08/25 02:39:36] ComputerTech: and busy ;-;
[01/08/25 02:39:33] ComputerTech: I'm sick lol
[01/08/25 02:39:29] ComputerTech: no?
[01/08/25 02:39:28] ComputerTech: 01:05:15 <login> ComputerTech is on the side of allowing spammy speech here too
[01/08/25 02:15:21] login: if someone is being kicked on behalf of all other members, then that's censorship, isn't it?
[01/08/25 09:18:16] * Icedream joined #computertech
[01/08/25 09:18:16] * [TechNet] set mode +ao Icedream Icedream
[01/08/25 04:03:55] DasBrain: I just kick them in the channel I have op in. Or leave the channels that are badly maintained ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[01/08/25 12:19:22] Amiga600: depends on the irc client though, not all irc clients have filtering options
[01/08/25 12:05:41] login: Everyone can modify their IRC client to filter messages that look spammy if they wouldn't like to see them
[01/08/25 12:05:16] login: ComputerTech is on the side of allowing spammy speech here too
[01/07/25 11:16:25] Amiga600: he might be away somewhere - give him chance lol
[01/07/25 10:35:52] TheFatherMind: ComputerTech 👆
[01/07/25 10:35:46] TheFatherMind: Well can we please do something??
[01/07/25 09:12:03] Amiga600: I have never had spammers since I set them on 4 ircs where I am ircop
[01/07/25 09:11:44] Amiga600: well dont really need such restrictions if some server-side settings are done - I have mentioned it to CT - if they are set, then spam should be history here completely
[01/07/25 09:08:29] * [TechNet] set mode +ao firebugs firebugs
[01/07/25 09:08:29] * firebugs joined #computertech
[01/07/25 09:03:00] * [TechNet] set mode +ao firebugs firebugs
[01/07/25 09:03:00] * firebugs joined #computertech
[01/07/25 08:52:25] Dragon: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[01/07/25 08:52:19] * Dragon set mode +R
[01/07/25 08:41:23] TheFatherMind: Can we get this channel set to restricted so only verified registered people can join or post to it?
[01/07/25 05:08:27] * DasBrain joined #computertech
[01/07/25 04:43:14] Amiga600: sup
[01/07/25 04:35:15] Dragon: ffs
[01/07/25 02:07:58] Amiga600: ComputerTech please check your PM, Thanks :)
[01/07/25 02:02:05] Amiga600: bloomin eck
[01/07/25 01:09:18] * maepv parted #computertech
[01/07/25 01:09:14] maepv: maepv Amiga600 firebugs \g DarthOreo burnout Roey Guest19500 Guest1906 Guest58058 Guest50997 Guest49223 Guest65280 Guest61926 Ophidian Icedream karui Athena ShadowX- Guest23203 Guest1231 tydel nax_ launchd daniel ascii Salvaje IRCplus End3r TheFatherMind Tcache coderain jmjl DasBrain foxy Hotties nax- Wizard [TechNet] [worm] ^tinman^ Fritzl idriven therock247uk Lord255 unknown_unknown tabb
[01/07/25 01:09:12] maepv: "isn⁠'t​ it​ b⁠eaut⁠i​f​ul?"
[01/07/25 01:09:08] maepv: ɪʀᴄ.ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴇᴛꜱ.ᴏʀɢ #ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀʙᴏᴡʟ
[01/07/25 01:09:06] maepv: ___|  '-'   '    ""    '-'   '-.'    '`  |____
[01/07/25 01:09:04] maepv: |' | |.    |    ||    | |  |  |  ||      |
[01/07/25 01:09:02] maepv: .-'|  _.| |    ||   '-__  |  |  |    ||  |
[01/07/25 01:09:00] maepv: _*   .-'   '-. |  |    .--'|  ||   | _|    |
[01/07/25 01:08:58] maepv: *        __*..* | |     :      |.   |' .---"|
[01/07/25 01:08:56] maepv: '..'  ':::'   * /\ * |'|  .'/.\'.  '._____
[01/07/25 01:08:54] maepv: : /\ : :::::  '*_\/_* | |  -= o⁠ =- /)\    '  *
[01/07/25 01:08:52] maepv: :_\/_:'.:::. /)\*''* .|.* '.\'/.'_\(/_'.':'.'
[01/07/25 01:08:50] maepv: .''.: /\ : _\(/_  ':'* /\ *  : '..'. -=:o:=-
[01/07/25 01:08:48] maepv: :_\/_:   .    .:.*_\/_* : /\ :  .'.:.'.
[01/07/25 01:08:46] maepv: .''.           *''*    :_\/_:     .
[01/07/25 01:08:44] maepv: .''.
[01/07/25 01:08:02] * maepv joined #computertech
[01/07/25 10:32:25] * Amiga600 joined #computertech
[01/07/25 10:32:25] * [TechNet] set mode +qo Amiga600 Amiga600
[01/07/25 10:02:16] * firebugs joined #computertech
[01/07/25 10:02:16] * [TechNet] set mode +ao firebugs firebugs
[01/07/25 06:58:16] login: i don't mean that in a bad way
[01/07/25 06:58:04] login: it's amazing that the channel name doesn't attract more people like ComputerTech
[01/07/25 06:45:07] * Amiga600 joined #computertech
[01/07/25 06:45:07] * [TechNet] set mode +qo Amiga600 Amiga600
[01/07/25 06:24:34] * \g joined #computertech
[01/06/25 10:41:56] tydel: snap
[01/06/25 09:11:52] daniel: and you chose here?
[01/06/25 08:27:52] * minigig parted #computertech
[01/06/25 08:27:24] * minigig joined #computertech
[01/06/25 07:57:21] minigig: Hello , first time here. Coming back to irc after 20 years.
[01/06/25 07:55:22] * minigig joined #computertech
[01/06/25 05:36:39] \g: maybe that's the hard time they're having
[01/06/25 04:34:32] Dragon: if only they would stay connected
[01/06/25 04:34:23] Dragon: yup
[01/06/25 04:33:42] TheFatherMind: Keep misisng them.
[01/06/25 12:02:00] * [TechNet] set mode +qo DarthOreo DarthOreo
[01/06/25 12:02:00] * DarthOreo joined #computertech
[01/06/25 03:23:37] * burnout joined #computertech
[01/05/25 09:24:47] * \g joined #computertech
[01/05/25 07:44:07] * MrHydes joined #computertech
[01/05/25 04:53:14] * MrHydes joined #computertech
[01/05/25 04:11:20] MrHydes: I'm having a hard time configuring my network
[01/05/25 04:10:53] MrHydes: Is there anyone using pfsense?
[01/05/25 04:10:40] MrHydes: Hi there
[01/05/25 02:47:06] * MrHydes joined #computertech
[01/05/25 01:01:44] * MrHydes joined #computertech
[01/04/25 07:19:21] * Roey joined #computertech
[01/04/25 04:57:57] * Haxxlolz joined #computertech
[01/04/25 04:49:49] * shady joined #computertech
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[01/04/25 03:51:26] * FBI joined #computertech
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[01/04/25 03:18:13] * \g joined #computertech
[01/04/25 01:17:35] * \g joined #computertech
[01/04/25 12:03:20] * \g joined #computertech
[01/03/25 11:27:20] login: (the movie)
[01/03/25 11:27:05] login: A Children-of-Men scenario
[01/03/25 11:26:52] login: a real power-law distribution of genes instead of the current natural mixing
[01/03/25 11:26:33] login: a billionaire will have 1000x the clones of a millionaire (just going by linear ratio of net worth