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- Last Indexed3 hours ago
Administrative info about marble.ca.us.xeromem.com The XeroMem Routing Team Join #Routing for more information https://www.xeromem.com/
marble.ca.us.xeromem.com Message of the Day - - 21/11/2024 14:25 - This is the short MOTD. To view the complete MOTD type /motd - - }*§*{ Xeromem IRC Network ©2009-2024 Xeromem IRC Network ©2009-2024 Xeromem IRC Network ©2009-2024 Xeromem IRC Network ©2009-2024 Xeromem IRC Network ©2009-2024 Xeromem IRC Network ©2009-2024 Xeromem IRC Network ©2009-2024 Xeromem IRC Network ©2009-2024 Xeromem IRC Network ©2009-2024 Xeromem IRC Network ©2009-2024 Xeromem IRC Network ©2009-2024 Xeromem IRC Network ©2009-2024 Xeromem IRC Network ©2009-2024 - ??=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=?? - }*§*{ Server Location: Server Location: Server Location: Server Location: Server Location: Planet Earth - }*§*{ Available Standard Ports: Available Standard Ports: Available Standard Ports: Available Standard Ports: Available Standard Ports: Available Standard Ports: Available Standard Ports: 6660-6669, 7000 - }*§*{ Available SSL Ports: Available SSL Ports: Available SSL Ports: Available SSL Ports: Available SSL Ports: Available SSL Ports: Available SSL Ports: +6697, 6699 - ??=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=?? - }*§*{ Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Disclaimer: - }*§*{ Xeromem IRC Network is an UnModerated Medium. Xeromem IRC Network is an UnModerated Medium. Xeromem IRC Network is an UnModerated Medium. Xeromem IRC Network is an UnModerated Medium. Xeromem IRC Network is an UnModerated Medium. Xeromem IRC Network is an UnModerated Medium. Xeromem IRC Network is an UnModerated Medium. Xeromem IRC Network is an UnModerated Medium. - }*§*{ We do NOT log or moderate the traffic which passes through this - }*§*{ Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly Xeromem IRC Network. We take no responsibility, and We Explicitly - }*§*{ Disclaim any legal liability for any content, or of any message(s)s Disclaim any legal liability for any content, or of any message(s)s Disclaim any legal liability for any content, or of any message(s)s - }*§*{ which pass through this Xeromem IRC Network. The Result(s) of which pass through this Xeromem IRC Network. The Result(s) of which pass through this Xeromem IRC Network. The Result(s) of which pass through this Xeromem IRC Network. The Result(s) of which pass through this Xeromem IRC Network. The Result(s) of which pass through this Xeromem IRC Network. The Result(s) of which pass through this Xeromem IRC Network. The Result(s) of which pass through this Xeromem IRC Network. The Result(s) of which pass through this Xeromem IRC Network. The Result(s) of which pass through this Xeromem IRC Network. The Result(s) of which pass through this Xeromem IRC Network. The Result(s) of which pass through this Xeromem IRC Network. The Result(s) of which pass through this Xeromem IRC Network. The Result(s) of which pass through this Xeromem IRC Network. The Result(s) of which pass through this Xeromem IRC Network. The Result(s) of - }*§*{ you running any command you use on this Xeromem IRC Network you running any command you use on this Xeromem IRC Network you running any command you use on this Xeromem IRC Network you running any command you use on this Xeromem IRC Network you running any command you use on this Xeromem IRC Network you running any command you use on this Xeromem IRC Network you running any command you use on this Xeromem IRC Network you running any command you use on this Xeromem IRC Network you running any command you use on this Xeromem IRC Network you running any command you use on this Xeromem IRC Network you running any command you use on this Xeromem IRC Network you running any command you use on this Xeromem IRC Network you running any command you use on this Xeromem IRC Network - }*§*{ is of your own responsibility and undertaking. - ??=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=?? - }*§*{ Network Rules: Network Rules: Network Rules: Network Rules: Network Rules: - }*§*{ Absolutely **NONE* * of the following is allowed NOR permitted! - }*§*{ Absolutely **NO* * Child Pornography Of Any Kind!Child Pornography Of Any Kind!Child Pornography Of Any Kind!Child Pornography Of Any Kind! - }*§*{ Absolutely **NO* * Animal Pornography Of Any Kind!Animal Pornography Of Any Kind!Animal Pornography Of Any Kind!Animal Pornography Of Any Kind! - }*§*{ Absolutely **NO* * Mass Advertising Of Our Users/Clients!Mass Advertising Of Our Users/Clients!Mass Advertising Of Our Users/Clients!Mass Advertising Of Our Users/Clients!Mass Advertising Of Our Users/Clients!Mass Advertising Of Our Users/Clients!Mass Advertising Of Our Users/Clients!Mass Advertising Of Our Users/Clients! - }*§*{ Absolutely **NO* * Mass Spamming Of Our Users/Clients!Mass Spamming Of Our Users/Clients!Mass Spamming Of Our Users/Clients!Mass Spamming Of Our Users/Clients!Mass Spamming Of Our Users/Clients!Mass Spamming Of Our Users/Clients!Mass Spamming Of Our Users/Clients!Mass Spamming Of Our Users/Clients! - }*§*{ Absolutely **NO* * Packeting Of Our Users/Clients!Packeting Of Our Users/Clients!Packeting Of Our Users/Clients!Packeting Of Our Users/Clients!Packeting Of Our Users/Clients!Packeting Of Our Users/Clients! - }*§*{ Absolutely **NO* * Flooding Of Our Users/Clients!Flooding Of Our Users/Clients!Flooding Of Our Users/Clients!Flooding Of Our Users/Clients!Flooding Of Our Users/Clients!Flooding Of Our Users/Clients! - }*§*{ Absolutely **NO* * Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Of Our Users/Clients!Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Of Our Users/Clients!Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Of Our Users/Clients!Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Of Our Users/Clients!Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Of Our Users/Clients!Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Of Our Users/Clients!Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Of Our Users/Clients!Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Of Our Users/Clients!Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Of Our Users/Clients!Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Of Our Users/Clients!Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Of Our Users/Clients!Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Of Our Users/Clients!Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Of Our Users/Clients!Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Of Our Users/Clients! - }*§*{ Absolutely **NO* * War Bot(s) Of Any Kind!War Bot(s) Of Any Kind!War Bot(s) Of Any Kind!War Bot(s) Of Any Kind!War Bot(s) Of Any Kind!War Bot(s) Of Any Kind!War Bot(s) Of Any Kind!War Bot(s) Of Any Kind! - }*§*{ Absolutely **NO* * Bottler Clients Of Any Kind:Bottler Clients Of Any Kind:Bottler Clients Of Any Kind:Bottler Clients Of Any Kind:Bottler Clients Of Any Kind:Bottler Clients Of Any Kind:Bottler Clients Of Any Kind:Bottler Clients Of Any Kind: - }*§*{ That includes That includes ((But Not Limited TooBut Not Limited Too):): Bottler, bLotter, Irc-Ork, Avarice, Xdcc Catchers, AutoXDCC & EasyXdcc - }*§*{ This server is **NOT* * to be used for any Commercial/Illegal Purpose(s) of any format. - ??=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=?? - }*§*{ Non-Abusive Bots are permitted, but are **NOT* * supported in any format. - }*§*{ Contact Channel Owner of the said bot(s) IF you encounter an issue of any kind. - }*§*{ The Xeromem IRC Network has nothing to do with The Xeromem IRC Network has nothing to do with The Xeromem IRC Network has nothing to do with The Xeromem IRC Network has nothing to do with The Xeromem IRC Network has nothing to do with The Xeromem IRC Network has nothing to do with The Xeromem IRC Network has nothing to do with The Xeromem IRC Network has nothing to do with The Xeromem IRC Network has nothing to do with The Xeromem IRC Network has nothing to do with The Xeromem IRC Network has nothing to do with The Xeromem IRC Network has nothing to do with The Xeromem IRC Network has nothing to do with - }*§*{ Non-Abusive Bots brought to the Xeromem IRC Network. Non-Abusive Bots brought to the Xeromem IRC Network. Non-Abusive Bots brought to the Xeromem IRC Network. Non-Abusive Bots brought to the Xeromem IRC Network. Non-Abusive Bots brought to the Xeromem IRC Network. Non-Abusive Bots brought to the Xeromem IRC Network. Non-Abusive Bots brought to the Xeromem IRC Network. Non-Abusive Bots brought to the Xeromem IRC Network. Non-Abusive Bots brought to the Xeromem IRC Network. Non-Abusive Bots brought to the Xeromem IRC Network. Non-Abusive Bots brought to the Xeromem IRC Network. Non-Abusive Bots brought to the Xeromem IRC Network. Non-Abusive Bots brought to the Xeromem IRC Network. - }*§*{ Do **NOT* * harass any of our Users/Clients in any format.harass any of our Users/Clients in any format.harass any of our Users/Clients in any format.harass any of our Users/Clients in any format.harass any of our Users/Clients in any format. - }*§*{ This server is **NOT* * to be used for Commercial/Illegal Purpose(s) of any format. - ??=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=?? - }*§*{ X Xeromem IRC Network Co-Owners of the Xeromem IRC Network ©2009-2019 - }*§*{ XeroMem: Who-m3 (Who-m3 <at> XeroMem.Com) - }*§*{ XeroMem: Ryu (Ryu <at> XeroMem.Com) - ??=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=?? - }*§*{ O Official Network Channels - }*§*{ Official Network Chat: /join #DragonsDen - }*§*{ Official Network Help: /join #Help - }*§*{ Official Network Abuse: /join #Abuse - }*§*{ Official Network vHost: /join #vHost - ??=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=?? - }*§*{ Official Hosting Company Channel: /join #Virt-Host - }*§*{ Official "Vape" Chat Channel: /join #Vapors - }*§*{ Official "Idle" Role Playing Game: /join #IdleRPG - }*§*{ Official HookedOn-Irc's Chat: /join #Net-Chat - ??=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=?? - }*§*{ Open-Access Policy: Open-Access Policy: Open-Access Policy: Open-Access Policy: Open-Access Policy: Open-Access Policy: Open-Access Policy: - }*§*{ (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. (IRC) aka Internet Relay Chat is an Open-Access, UnModerated Medium. - }*§*{ The Xeromem IRC Network welcomes anyone that wants to start their own channel, The Xeromem IRC Network welcomes anyone that wants to start their own channel, The Xeromem IRC Network welcomes anyone that wants to start their own channel, The Xeromem IRC Network welcomes anyone that wants to start their own channel, The Xeromem IRC Network welcomes anyone that wants to start their own channel, The Xeromem IRC Network welcomes anyone that wants to start their own channel, The Xeromem IRC Network welcomes anyone that wants to start their own channel, The Xeromem IRC Network welcomes anyone that wants to start their own channel, The Xeromem IRC Network welcomes anyone that wants to start their own channel, The Xeromem IRC Network welcomes anyone that wants to start their own channel, The Xeromem IRC Network welcomes anyone that wants to start their own channel, The Xeromem IRC Network welcomes anyone that wants to start their own channel, The Xeromem IRC Network welcomes anyone that wants to start their own channel, - }*§*{ or those that have existing channels, either open a "Sister" channel or "Move" their channel to the network. - }*§*{ We Require our Users/Clients to adhere to the Network Rules listed above. We Require our Users/Clients to adhere to the Network Rules listed above. We Require our Users/Clients to adhere to the Network Rules listed above. We Require our Users/Clients to adhere to the Network Rules listed above. We Require our Users/Clients to adhere to the Network Rules listed above. We Require our Users/Clients to adhere to the Network Rules listed above. We Require our Users/Clients to adhere to the Network Rules listed above. We Require our Users/Clients to adhere to the Network Rules listed above. We Require our Users/Clients to adhere to the Network Rules listed above. We Require our Users/Clients to adhere to the Network Rules listed above. We Require our Users/Clients to adhere to the Network Rules listed above. - }*§*{ The Xeromem IRC Network is owned, operated and updated by "Redneck Nerds" The Xeromem IRC Network is owned, operated and updated by "Redneck Nerds" The Xeromem IRC Network is owned, operated and updated by "Redneck Nerds" The Xeromem IRC Network is owned, operated and updated by "Redneck Nerds" The Xeromem IRC Network is owned, operated and updated by "Redneck Nerds" The Xeromem IRC Network is owned, operated and updated by "Redneck Nerds" The Xeromem IRC Network is owned, operated and updated by "Redneck Nerds" The Xeromem IRC Network is owned, operated and updated by "Redneck Nerds" The Xeromem IRC Network is owned, operated and updated by "Redneck Nerds" The Xeromem IRC Network is owned, operated and updated by "Redneck Nerds" The Xeromem IRC Network is owned, operated and updated by "Redneck Nerds" The Xeromem IRC Network is owned, operated and updated by "Redneck Nerds" The Xeromem IRC Network is owned, operated and updated by "Redneck Nerds" - }*§*{ trying to work together to create an atmosphere where all of its' Users/Clients from around the World can feel welcome. trying to work together to create an atmosphere where all of its' Users/Clients from around the World can feel welcome. trying to work together to create an atmosphere where all of its' Users/Clients from around the World can feel welcome. trying to work together to create an atmosphere where all of its' Users/Clients from around the World can feel welcome. trying to work together to create an atmosphere where all of its' Users/Clients from around the World can feel welcome. - ??=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=?? - }*§*{ Network Software Network Software Network Software Network Software Network Software - }*§*{ IRCd: UnrealIRCd v6.1.9.1 IRCd: UnrealIRCd v6.1.9.1 IRCd: UnrealIRCd v6.1.9.1 IRCd: UnrealIRCd v6.1.9.1 IRCd: UnrealIRCd v6.1.9.1 - }*§*{ Services: Anope v2.1.9 Services: Anope v2.1.9 Services: Anope v2.1.9 Services: Anope v2.1.9 Services: Anope v2.1.9 - }*§*{ - }*§*{ Network Website Network Website Network Website Network Website Network Website - }*§*{ https://www.XeroMem.Comhttps://www.XeroMem.Com - }*§*{ - ??=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=????=-=-=??
- Version UnrealIRCd-
- Users 21
- Last Indexed 3 hours ago
account a |
AWAYLEN | 307 |
BOT | B | CASEMAPPING | ascii |
beI fkL lFH cdimnprstzCDGKMNOPQRSTVZ |
* -draft/typing -typing -draft/channel-context -draft/reply |
~ acfjmnpqrtACFGOST |
INVEX | KICKLEN | 307 | |
KNOCK | MAP | ||
b:60 e:60 I:60 |
msgid timestamp |
NETWORK | XeroMem | NICKLEN | 30 |
PREFIX | (qaohv)~&@%+ | QUITLEN | 307 |
unrealircd.org/link-security | unrealircd.org/plaintext-policy | unrealircd.org/history-storage |
away-notify | invite-notify | extended-join |
userhost-in-names | multi-prefix | cap-notify |
sasl | setname | tls |
chghost | account-notify | message-tags |
batch | server-time | account-tag |
echo-message | labeled-response | draft/chathistory |
extended-monitor | standard-replies | draft/no-implicit-names |
unrealircd.org/json-log |