Updating a network's settings
Before you update a networks settings, the following prerequisites are required:
- You are logged into your account
- You have network admin access, if you do not then please check out the guide to gain access
Updating Settings
The first step is to navigate to the network admin page.
- Visit the network's network page.
- Click the Network Admin tab on the menu bar.
- Click the Network Settings tab on the sub menu tabs.
- You will see the network settings form.
- Update the settings you wish to change.
- Submit the form.
The network settings page allows you to update the following options
- Support /LINKS command. The network supports /LINKS command by normal users.
- Support remote commands. The network supports remote commands to index servers that the crawler did not connect to.
- Support SSL (Globally). Supports SSL (usually on port 6697) for client connections on all servers
- /LIST Delay. Allows you to modify the /LIST delay for the indexer to use when crawling a network.