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Channel Log for #computertech

* All times are UTC Filtering by user: h4
[01/16/25 03:49:15] h4: lol
[01/16/25 03:45:42] h4: david all over tiktok
[01/16/25 03:44:15] h4: !reload
[01/16/25 03:42:12] h4: mentally not yet
[01/16/25 03:41:44] h4: this isnt instagram
[01/16/25 03:41:34] h4: and I'm fucking 35
[01/16/25 03:41:32] h4: I'm the youngest of these three
[01/16/25 03:41:27] h4: are you kidding me!?
[01/16/25 03:41:24] h4: what youth?
[01/16/25 03:40:30] h4: lol
[01/16/25 03:40:21] h4: HIT HIM
[01/16/25 03:40:19] h4: MICRO AGGRESSION
[01/16/25 03:40:15] h4: !!
[01/16/25 03:39:55] h4: !BANG
[01/16/25 03:39:53] h4: WHAT'S WITH THE SHOUTING??
[01/16/25 03:39:00] h4: bueno: you're an 31337 h4x0r so we won't tell you that the password is not the one for your e-mail
[01/16/25 03:38:35] h4: really depends on client
[01/16/25 03:38:30] h4: might be /ns
[01/16/25 03:38:28] h4: might be /msg nickserv
[01/16/25 03:36:43] h4: this guy is fun :D
[01/16/25 03:36:36] h4: NO BUENO
[01/16/25 03:27:48] h4: same
[01/16/25 03:27:00] h4: think it was bueno?
[01/16/25 03:26:58] h4: awesome
[01/16/25 03:26:18] h4: their nipples could break twigs
[01/16/25 03:26:02] h4: they had the hardest nipples online
[01/16/25 03:25:58] h4: yes
[01/16/25 03:25:52] h4: 2/4 works great on fat chicks I bet
[01/16/25 03:25:35] h4: Hard tit weather
[01/16/25 03:25:23] h4: somebody should bow down
[01/16/25 03:25:14] h4: oh everybody knows HTW
[01/16/25 03:24:55] h4: sure
[01/16/25 03:24:52] h4: can't make that up
[01/16/25 03:24:49] h4: using mirc
[01/16/25 03:24:47] h4: a nerd
[01/16/25 03:24:45] h4: created a complex network
[01/16/25 03:24:30] h4: unless they are part of a specific group
[01/16/25 03:24:25] h4: nobody gets to disrespect Mikoolo like that
[01/16/25 03:24:18] h4: I take offense to this
[01/16/25 03:24:13] h4: jfc bueno
[01/16/25 03:23:52] h4: Mikoolo: hardly an excuse
[01/16/25 03:23:41] h4: the fuck is wrong with you?
[01/16/25 03:23:37] h4: and can't open https links
[01/16/25 03:23:34] h4: you come into a chatroom
[01/16/25 03:23:28] h4: hackerman
[01/16/25 03:23:25] h4: dude
[01/16/25 03:23:21] h4: stpry
[01/16/25 03:22:57] h4: he should be banned for life
[01/16/25 03:22:54] h4: the first one to rudely interrupt your story with incompetence
[01/16/25 03:22:44] h4: indeed
[01/16/25 03:22:29] h4: ...
[01/16/25 03:22:27] h4: he can't open https links
[01/16/25 03:22:18] h4: lol
[01/16/25 03:22:16] h4: you what?
[01/16/25 03:21:56] h4: that's a hair on the projector
[01/16/25 03:21:06] h4: Mikoolo isn't drooling on himself more than usual :D
[01/16/25 03:21:01] h4: and as far as I can tell
[01/16/25 03:20:46] h4: but humans have two eyes
[01/16/25 03:20:40] h4: bueno: strap yourself in for this one
[01/16/25 03:20:29] h4: bueno: why do you assume all these basement dwellers in here are unemployed?
[01/16/25 03:19:58] h4: you should become a gangsta rapper or become part of a metal band
[01/16/25 03:19:16] h4: D:
[01/16/25 03:19:14] h4: the story!
[01/16/25 03:19:12] h4: whoa
[01/16/25 03:11:19] h4: :D
[01/16/25 03:10:15] h4: what kind of cake?
[01/16/25 03:09:25] h4: hey deac o/
[01/16/25 03:07:31] h4: bueno: ?
[01/16/25 03:04:35] h4: the germans back then were the shit!
[01/16/25 03:04:30] h4: 1838: Friedrich Bessel makes the first accurate measurement of distance to a star.
[01/16/25 03:04:27] h4: whoa Mikoolo
[01/16/25 03:04:05] h4: Frogville sounds nicer than France is :D
[01/16/25 03:03:56] h4: thought the guy from the green party would become chancellor
[01/16/25 03:03:47] h4: seriously surprised me that he became chancellor in the first place
[01/16/25 03:03:24] h4: nobody will vote for Granpa Olaf Scholz again :D
[01/16/25 03:03:05] h4: looking at the conservative christian cunts in particular
[01/16/25 03:02:56] h4: while the established parties just change their politics more to the right to be part of a government
[01/16/25 03:02:44] h4: but they will see it as a protest to the established parties
[01/16/25 03:02:34] h4: they will regret it soon after lol
[01/16/25 03:02:27] h4: wouldn't surprise me if they did vote for the Blue Nazis
[01/16/25 03:02:20] h4: but then again voting for any party feels like making a mistake these days
[01/16/25 03:02:09] h4: you can only hope that these braindead morons don't vote for the blue nazis
[01/16/25 03:01:57] h4: oh it will be farther right
[01/16/25 03:01:44] h4: ysalamiri: hold on, lemme read up :D
[01/16/25 03:01:22] h4: *years
[01/16/25 03:01:20] h4: oh germany ... what has happened to you in the last 150 yeras?
[01/16/25 03:01:12] h4: Cell division is first observed under the microscope by German botanist Hugo von Mohl as he works over green algae Cladophora glomerata.
[01/16/25 03:00:58] h4: thanks for making me look this up Mikoolo :D
[01/16/25 03:00:50] h4: 1835: 7 December – The Bavarian Ludwig Railway opens between Nuremberg and Fürth, with a train hauled by the British-built Der Adler ("The Eagle"), the first railway in Germany.
[01/16/25 03:00:16] h4: 1834: The Zollverein institutes the first regular census in Germany. The population is 23,478,120
[01/16/25 02:59:42] h4: guy was a frenchie however
[01/16/25 02:59:36] h4: 1833: The dawn of biochemistry: The first enzyme, diastase, is discovered by Anselme Payen.
[01/16/25 02:59:08] h4: as in come
[01/16/25 02:59:05] h4: it's an old conjugation of "kommen"
[01/16/25 02:58:42] h4: the 1830s in germany were awesome
[01/16/25 02:58:36] h4: the second band of Faust was published
[01/16/25 02:58:25] h4: Ihr Kinderlein, kommet was also published
[01/16/25 02:58:14] h4: 1832 was the shit for germany
[01/16/25 02:58:10] h4: !!
[01/16/25 02:58:08] h4: Wagner completed the Symphony in C Major
[01/16/25 02:57:49] h4: it's english already :D
[01/16/25 02:57:47] h4: oh nvm
[01/16/25 02:57:41] h4: .t de en The CGS system goes back to a proposal in 1832 by the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss to base a system of absolute units on the three fundamental units of length.
[01/16/25 02:57:31] h4: the basis of the metric system
[01/16/25 02:57:24] h4: meaning length in centimeter, weight in gram and time in seconds
[01/16/25 02:57:12] h4: CGS system
[01/16/25 02:57:05] h4: 15.12.1832
[01/16/25 02:57:01] h4: dude Mikoolo
[01/16/25 02:55:53] h4: this country has declined so much that I am considered particularly smart
[01/16/25 02:55:31] h4: not the fucking warmachine or the consume shit it is now
[01/16/25 02:55:11] h4: that germany was the one of the thinkers and poets
[01/16/25 02:54:57] h4: dude
[01/16/25 02:54:13] h4: https://en.wikipedi…
[01/16/25 02:54:00] h4: Mikoolo: 1830s
[01/16/25 02:53:54] h4: try not to voice your opinion in here
[01/16/25 02:53:49] h4: wb bueno
[01/16/25 02:53:45] h4: hit me
[01/16/25 02:53:27] h4: he just had the wrong opinion again
[01/16/25 02:53:08] h4: your mum is great
[01/16/25 02:52:59] h4: o
[01/16/25 02:52:36] h4: I can try again if you don't mind
[01/16/25 02:52:31] h4: did I do it wrong or something?
[01/16/25 02:52:28] h4: bueno: what happened to the + I gave you earlier?
[01/16/25 02:52:00] h4: Mikoolo: sounds illegal
[01/16/25 02:51:48] h4: hey AHMAD! ALHAMDULILAH SCHÖN DASS DU HIER BIST!
[01/16/25 02:51:40] h4: bueno: what's a "python geek"?
[01/16/25 02:35:48] h4: .unban buenology
[01/16/25 02:35:02] h4: Did I do it right?
[01/16/25 02:34:58] h4: There
[01/16/25 02:34:46] h4: Hold on
[01/16/25 02:34:40] h4: So?
[01/16/25 02:34:38] h4: Right
[01/16/25 02:34:08] h4: Lol MAGIC
[01/15/25 08:14:09] h4: bueno: rookie numbers
[01/15/25 08:14:02] h4: .yt kanye west paranoid
[01/15/25 08:13:56] h4: I'm watching you!
[01/15/25 08:13:52] h4: hmm
[01/15/25 08:13:41] h4: wb
[01/15/25 08:13:28] h4: do it netizen
[01/15/25 08:13:22] h4: you don't know shit
[01/15/25 08:13:05] h4: fuck qemu
[01/15/25 08:12:58] h4: should I?
[01/15/25 08:12:55] h4: netizen: have you kicked him yet?
[01/15/25 08:12:39] h4: to talk about tech
[01/15/25 08:12:36] h4: at least three people show up
[01/15/25 08:12:31] h4: on a channel where for months nothing but duckhunt happened
[01/15/25 08:12:25] h4: that out of nowhere
[01/15/25 08:12:23] h4: it is very weird
[01/15/25 08:12:02] h4: netizen: you kick that bueno cunt then
[01/15/25 08:11:54] h4: I shall not
[01/15/25 08:11:48] h4: kick him
[01/15/25 08:11:46] h4: not anymore
[01/15/25 08:11:35] h4: kick him
[01/15/25 08:11:30] h4: kick netizen
[01/15/25 08:11:08] h4: should I kick you again?
[01/15/25 08:10:58] h4: don't be
[01/15/25 08:10:52] h4: just do it
[01/15/25 08:10:41] h4: do it
[01/15/25 08:10:39] h4: you won'T get banned
[01/15/25 08:10:34] h4: here
[01/15/25 08:10:31] h4: anything like that
[01/15/25 08:10:28] h4: call me a faggot
[01/15/25 08:10:24] h4: do it
[01/15/25 08:10:21] h4: insult me
[01/15/25 08:10:19] h4: try!
[01/15/25 08:10:13] h4: you could not even call me the n-word
[01/15/25 08:10:05] h4: fuck you bueno
[01/15/25 08:10:01] h4: are you guys a fucking AI? :D
[01/15/25 08:09:41] h4: are fucking shady
[01/15/25 08:09:39] h4: these guys coming out of nowhere
[01/15/25 08:09:28] h4: ffs
[01/15/25 06:41:15] h4: did he?
[01/15/25 06:12:27] h4: yeah
[01/15/25 06:09:26] h4: who does that?
[01/15/25 06:09:15] h4: can't you take your fucking wallet with you?
[01/15/25 06:09:10] h4: cam
[01/15/25 06:05:50] h4: leaving all their trash
[01/15/25 06:05:47] h4: kurwa these fucking irish people
[01/15/25 06:05:37] h4: just throw it out!
[01/15/25 06:05:34] h4: what's this shitty paper?
[01/15/25 06:05:31] h4: right
[01/15/25 06:05:11] h4: freewifi: I leave a wallet with cash laying around in my office
[01/15/25 06:04:58] h4: you got money stolen from you AGAIN ComputerTech??
[01/15/25 06:00:22] h4: if in doubt just .k ComputerTech
[01/15/25 06:00:07] h4: I don't make the rules
[01/15/25 06:00:02] h4: wdym why?
[01/15/25 05:59:29] h4: and that's it
[01/15/25 05:59:27] h4: sometimes we !shop
[01/15/25 05:59:24] h4: in here we !bang and !reload
[01/15/25 05:59:20] h4: you clearly did not read the rules
[01/15/25 05:59:00] h4: this is very unlike #computertech
[01/15/25 05:58:56] h4: what's with all the five character nicks popping up all of a sudden being active?
[01/15/25 05:17:23] h4: true linux hackers just spawn qemu-vms on the shell :D
[01/15/25 05:16:58] h4: I'll bring those along
[01/15/25 05:16:55] h4: and some B450 Mainboard
[01/15/25 05:16:49] h4: got a Ryzen 7 3700X in my drawer
[01/15/25 05:16:45] h4: I'll do you one better
[01/15/25 05:16:37] h4: it was running on a qemu host
[01/15/25 05:16:31] h4: wdym LMAO?
[01/15/25 05:16:23] h4: the penguin